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James “Kimo” Rosen is a retired professional photographer living in Kapa'a with his best friend Obama Da Dog, Rosen also blogs as a hobby ... This blog also appeared in The Kaua'i Garden Island news on 11-18-13 http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/guest/an-indian-pilgrim-and-a-rabbi/article_fb236f26-4ff3-11e3-85c3-001a4bcf887a.html |
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday since it is not a religious holiday but an American holiday most the time.
This year is different and special for Jewish Americans, Thanksgiving falls on the first day of Chanukah.
Many including the national media are calling it "Thanksgivukkah!" Here on Kaua'i I coined the phrase, "Happy Chanumahaloka." For those not familiar with the Hawai'ian language "Mahalo" means thanks, therefore the combination 'Chanu,' 'Mahalo' and 'Ka,' equals a greeting for a wonderful thankful holiday! Many Jews on Kaua'i just say happy Chanukaua'i.
The Jews follow a lunar calendar. Since the lunar month is approximately 29.5 days, the Jewish month varies, some months are 29 days and some are thirty. This adds up to an average year of 354 days. The fact that the lunar year is eleven days less than the solar year is problematic.
The convergence has only happened once before, in 1888, and won't be seen again until 2070 and again in 2165, according to calculations by Jonathan Mizrahi, a quantum physicist at the Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. After that, the two holidays aren't set to overlap until 76,695.
The Jews and Indians were both being religiously persecuted," "both celebrate overcoming a struggle ... and being thankful." Therefore this Thanksgiving will be the most special Thanksgiving. It will be A day of Thanks and Matzo Balls.
Chanukah is probably one of the best known Jewish holidays, not because of any great religious significance, but because of its proximity to Christmas most years. Many non-Jews think of this holiday as the Jewish Christmas, adopting many of the Christmas customs, such as elaborate gift-giving and lights.
Chanukah,is also know as the Festival of Lights, The orthodox spell this holiday Chanukah, the reform spell it Hanukkah. Either way is acceptable. The orthodox just like the "Ch" sound, it just sounds more Jewish that way.
Chanukah celebrates victory from the Greeks led by the Maccabees in the year 167 B.C. Upon returning to the temple to rededicate the Menorah. The Maccabees found only one small flask of oil, enough to kindle the Menorah for one day. Miraculously, the flask of oil lasted endured eight days, hence the celebration lasts eight days. This is why Chanukah is referred to as the the Festival of Lights. My mother always said, "the world has it wrong and that the Jews are the ones who should have their homes decorated with lights."
This year a deep fried turkey would be the appropriate way to merge two great holidays. Chanukah tradition is to eat deep fried food in memory of the lanterns only having enough oil to burn one day, but lasting eight days. The most traditional food is a deep fried potato pancake known as a latke, doughnuts are also popular.
There is also the custom for the children to play with a dreidel, a four-sided spinning top with a Hebrew letter on each side. It is used during Chanukah to play popular children's games. I am thinking of making a dreidel with illustrations of an Indian, Pilgrim, a Rabbi and a fried turkey in lieu of Hebrew letters. Meanwhile A 9-year-old boy from New York City invented the "Menurkey" a turkey-shaped menorah.
The most wonderfully fun thing about Thanksgiving happening on Chanukah according to comedian Rabbi's is that food has zero calories on this special American-Jewish Holiday. Enjoy this untroubled tranquil day which comes but once in a lifetime, although it would be romantically utopian having Thanksgiving and Chanukah everyday.
I have a picture in my head of The pilgrims, Indians and Jews sitting by the menorah feasting on deep fried turkey and Matzo balls while drinking Mogan David wine wishing everyone L'chayim (to Life)
Happy Chanumahaloka, Happy Thanksgivukkah, Happy Chanukaua'i and instead of Amen, let us all say, "Oy vey!"
"As seen in the hard copied edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island news..."
Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

Very cute!!! Enjoyed it'nn
You will kill them all, "DEEP FRIED TURKEY!"
"impressive! congrats!"
I like!
Mahalo Ms. Majewski. Hope your doing great!
what an awesome article -- John and I attended and were married at a Messianic church where we learned all the Jewish celebrations, their meanings and added them to our schedule.
Oy vey right back at'cha.Sent a cute note to the discussion site. Loved the plug you got. I've got the flu. Drat. Slowly recovering. Don't dare risk a relapse. Nastynastynstuff.
Ya know, at first that sounds like a joke "An Indian, a pilgrim and a rabbi walk into a bar." And now I'm thinking it might make a good chapter heading for my next book (with appropriate story to go with).
Yes Mike, i was thinking it was a fun intro for a joke myself. Please use it! Mahalo Laurie, I too have participated in many messianic gatherings. Ironically, I find my Christian friends are more into Judaism than my Jewish friends. I actually coined the phrase; "Christians make the best Jews, and Jews make the best Christians." ;D) ...and Bettejo feel better!
I've fallen in love with the Forum. It just gets better and better. So Kauai. Isn't that what it's supposed to be?I think so.
Kimo's new column adds a whole new dimension. Humor at home. Such a relief. Hope you visit him at www.dakinetalk.blogspot.com. It's refreshing, fun and worth the read. Everyday.
Then we have generous helpful Glenn Mickens with his baseball essay. Really loved his feature.
Thank you Bill Buley. I think your new features are a wonderful addition to the paper. Once again, another dimension.We're all getting to know each other. So much homegrown talent.
"Oy vey and a very Happy Chanukaua'i back at'cha all."
Bettejo Dux
"Kimo FYI "Indians" are from the country of India and had nothing to do with Thanksgiving. American Native or Native American is the appropriate and PC way of referring to people of my heritage...."
Loved this!
James Kimo Rosen
Works at Publisher and Editor in Chief
Close FriendFriends
Harmony Bentosino
Massage Therapist at Self-Employed
Close FriendFriends
Douglas Dunn
Owner-Operator at Word Wizards Communications
Emerald Pixie
Escondido, California
Davis D. Danizier
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Deborah Morel
EFL Kindergarten Teacher at Phonics 1st
Jason Gross
Development Associate at Center for Inquiry
Rema Murphy
Works at Austin ISD
Cheryl A. Kiernan
Works at Alonzos resturant @ the mililani golf club
A native American friend once told me; " Its a good thing they didn't think they had discovered Turkey, or we would be called turkeys." lol.
I actuallty had a comment in the paper, that Indians are from India, and the proper name is native Americans. I guess i haven out of circulation, native american it is!
No Kimo, YOU ARE RIGHT, and the comment in the paper is out of line.
I have worked closely with several tribes here in Southern California.
At one time, the preferred term was "Native American." Today, among the descendants of the indigenous natives, the preferred term is "American Indians."
well.. the ones I hang out with prefer "native American" or "First nations".
Doug, can you add that comment to the comments in paper? Either way thanks!
2 minutes ago · Like
Via Chabad's Facebook page,"eply
Phil Paquette "I understand that the Pilgrims originally celebrated Thanksgiving in October close to Sukkot for several days. I also understand that a similar holiday called Harvest Home was celebrated in England. Examining history might turn up some unexpected nuggets. May your Chanurkey be succulent!" Shalom!
I have submitted my comment, edited to be appropriate to the original comment.
Doug, I really appreciate it! Mahalo Nui! They have a new managing editor and hopefully he will post it within the day!
great article...
I walk with Steven....never heard American Indian by anyone, sounds just as bad as American Islander.....neither is correct.
Kimo, your's was a nostalgic, historical reference and therefore quite correct. The "PC way" your critic refers to needs to stay in high school where being snooty and passive aggressive actually elevates your social standing!
Right on Pete!
"Your story was a joy to read...I was blessed to live in a time where in public schools would acknowledge the stories of all relious holidays...(granted, in the 50-60's, we had a smaller gruop of celebration (granted we didn't have the cross-section in life back in the 50-60's."
Ahhh, it's a photo of ObamaGirl when she was a baby!
ObamaGirl is still my baby! ;D)
Blessings on your thanksgivingkah...(g) with Aloha from Texas.
Mahalo Renee
Happy Chanukah and a very Blessed Thanksgiving to you and Little Obama! Love you both.
Thanks Karen and Happy Thanksgivekkah back to you!
2 minutes ago · Like
Happy,healthy thanksgiving and chanukah
James, very cool article! I love getting a yearly guilt-free (SO important for Jews;) pass on fried foods we normally avoid for health reasons. We usually do latkes of course but also deep fried halibut, home fried chicken, doughnuts (natch) & even fried bread! Happy Chanumahalokah!
Still waiting to hear that joke about the Indian, the Pilgrim & the rabbi. Do they walk into a bar.
I have a picture in my head of the pilgrims, Indians and Jews sitting by the menorah feasting on deep fried turkey and matzo balls while drinking Mogan David wine wishing everyone L’chayim (to Life). L'cjayim my firend!
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