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Monday, April 30, 2018

"Dennis Rodman and Stormy to help Trump work deal with Kim..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #238)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

Publishers note,
This blog is tongue-n-cheek... time to enjoy
and laugh, although at times truth is stranger than fiction!
James "Kimo" Rosen
Blogger-n-chief, dakinetalk blog

Blog #1991~Kimo's world's #238

Dennis Rodman and Stormy to help Trump  deal with Kim

Talk about "draining the swamp!"  President Trump's catch phrase along with , "Who will pay for the wall."

The President needs to appoint Dennis Rodman the one time all star basketball pro who appeared on his reality show Celebrity Apprentice-season 8, back in 2009 to accompany him to his upcoming talks with N. Korea's leader Kim Jong Un. Rodman also was invited to
visit North Korea representing the US back in 2012, 2014 and 2017 in which Kim was infatuated and loved him. Could Dennis Rodman lead Trump to a nuclear free zone peace deal with North Korea?  The 2017 visit was one where Dennis thought he could help with world peace, however failed miserably.

The Donald is the most unconventional president America has ever known, now is the time to prove all the hoopla of draining the swamp and how Washington doesn't work is true.  I am hoping all the unconditional ways
Many are saying Stormy Daniels
is the new spokes person
for the Democratic party?
of my president pay off. I also wish Trump takes Rodman with him?  Some comedians are saying Kim will give up his nuclear arsenal if Trump arranges  a visit with  adult entertainer, Stormy Daniels?  Talk about unconventional?    Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction?

Watch and see, Trump will broker the largest peace agreement in world history and most likely go onto win the Nobel peace prize!  Just imagine Hollywood speechless? I cannot wait until this meeting when president
Trump finally quiets his critics  and the fake news media will finally  give him the credit he so rightly deserves .

These are the words I hope to say after the President and Dennis meet with Kim,
Dennis Rodman, Stormy Daniels
and friends....
 Thank you Mr. President, you are the greatest, you have weathered the STORM(Y)!
Never a dull moment with "The Donald" as Potus. Stay tuned for more  in the White house edition of "Celebrity apprentice!" 

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Monday, April 23, 2018

"Missing iconic 'Angel' at the bus stop..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen (Kimo's world #237)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

El Aina is now gone, the bench was temporarily
removed and then brought back with a bar
in the middle of it...

Blog #1990~Kimo's world's #237

Missing iconic 'Angel' at the bus stop

It seems empty without El Aina Danine an iconic figure we all came to recognize on a regular basis at the Kapa'a neighborhood center bus stop. Everyone had their opinion of the 'Angel at the bus stop', 'Lady in purple', and other
The Bus stop bench that fronts the
Kapa'a neighborhood center was removed
and brought back after it was
remodeled with a bar in the middle of it....
names that people should be ashamed to speak.  She became like family, many disliked her and yet many sent her love. Just like in the dysfunctional family where family members fight and argue they always miss each other when they are no longer around. I feel the same with El Aina. She has moved on.

I think even those who complained are missing our 'Island Icon' sitting at the bus stop, I know I am?
 Did you know Psychiatrists say it's a sign of recognition to live at places like bus stops?

It's their fifteen minutes of fame, after all why would anyone choose to sleep and take residence
The bench was a present to the community
from 3rd grade students at
Kamehameha schools!
at a bus stop? These are people who are not recognized with their jobs, letters to the editor or a loving family-- on a subconscious level they are looking for love, not a place to sleep. 

Next time you encounter somebody like El Aina  just smile and say hello, you'll be surprised how much that helps both parties involved!  
God bless the 'lady in purple,' 'the angel at the bus stop,' I pray for  her health and hope she's doing better. 

God bless Kaua'i and the victims of the recent floods....

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Monday, April 16, 2018

Zuckerberg, a modern day Einstein..." And a special P.S. on the flooding and weather on Kauai--- James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #236)

Lt. Commander Zuck in court after his plan to study 
humans in greater detail backfires
James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

Blog #1989~Kimo's world's #236

Zuckerberg, a modern day Einstein

Hypocrites, all the
Facebook CEO and Founder Mark Zuckerberg
being drilled by Senators on personal privacy
matters concerning Facebook usage

US senators wanting their sound bites heard while Facebook founder and CEO is drilled by  the self serving narcissist politicians.  
 I find it ironic most every senator drilling Mark Zuckerberg has a Facebook page.
Most ask for donations through their Facebook pages, most these politicians save thousands of dollars in Face-time calls vs. long distance calls, or even airline flights.  Facebook pages are free and usually more valuable than a website.  

 Mark Zuckerberg
is a modern day Einstein.  There needs to be some give and take.

 If Facebook wants to target my advertising towards things they believe I am interested in, that’s not something we should cry over, that’s good! I’d rather see ads for camera’s than women’s clothing.  

"Politicians (people)
who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
 Please do not re-elect any politician that is busting Zuckerberg’s chops! Let his genius continue and live on.

This blog also appeared as an editorial in the
Honolulu Staradvertiser on Saturday 
April 14, 2018 titled,
"Politicians shouldn’t badger Zuckerberg."
The Star-advertiser has a paywall, so I am
enclosing a photo of the print edition.
The edit is different than this blog,
Star-advertiser's edited version below;
Just discovered,Press-Reader publishes Staradvertiser for free online!  Here’s my letter!   https://www.pressreader.com/usa/honolulu-star-advertiser/20180414/281672550528691

"Politicians shouldn’t badger Zuckerberg"
Hypocrites: all the U.S. senators wanting their sound bites heard while Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is questioned by self-serving, narcissist politicians.
I find it ironic that most every senator drilling Zuckerberg has a Facebook page. Most ask for donations through their Facebook pages. Facebook pages are free and usually more valuable than a website.
Zuckerberg is a modern-day Einstein. There needs to be some give and take. If Facebook wants to target my advertising toward things it believes I am interested in, that’s not something we should cry over; that’s good. I’d rather see ads for cameras than for women’s clothing.
Politicians who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Please do not re-elect any politician who is busting Zuckerberg’s chops. Let his genius continue and live on.
James “Kimo” Rosen Kapaa, Kauai

Mark Zuckerberg is building a home on Kauai (where I live)
and there was a recent article in Hawaii's Civil Beat titled,
"Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Has Few Friends
 On This Hawaiian Island."
There was a follow up letter to the editor arguing the point which I am agreement with,
I would be honored to have Zuckerberg as my neighbor! 
James "Kimo" Rosen
"Mark Zuckerberg Deserves Better From Kauai."

And.... Also appeared in the April 23, 2018 edition 
of the Kaua'i Garden Island News,
Titled, "Politicians comical in Zuckerberg questioning."
My neighbor JoJo Bear took this photo of a SUV in the Ocean
at Anahola beach on Kaua'i  during the flooding
on Kaua'i Sunday April 15,2018...

The Weather
Visitors to Kauai expecting a sunny tropical vacation with snorkeling , surfing and leisure strolls wading through the ocean with their lovers can try again next year. The last 4 months have been anything but perfect Hawaii weather, in fact quite the contrary. It all started a few weeks before Super bowl Sunday. Super Sunday Kauai had major flood conditions. It has not let up since with the exception of an occasion day a week of intermittent sunshine.
Mainland America has had hurricanes, tornadoes floods, snowstorms, fires and earthquakes the last year of the likes of nothing  ever seen in modern times. Many including myself believe the predictions of the end of times in biblical prophecy of the book of Revelations are coming to truism. 
The liberal agenda is calling it climate change. All I know it's not global warming since I wear more clothes than I ever have in Hawaii.  I wear a sweatshirt and a jacket on a typical March and April day, in years past I wore a short sleeve t-shirt.

To anyone planning a nice tropical Hawaiian vacation,all this rain can mean only one thing--- I hope you enjoy binge watching on Netflix?  
Hana Hou, (Encore)

Zuckerberg who stands 5'7" tall used a booster
seat to appear taller during his recent
testimony for the house and senate...

Lt. Commander Zuck in court after his plan to
 study humans in greater detail backfires

Monday, April 9, 2018

"If only Politics was as simple as a morning sunrise..." 'James "kimo" Rosen (Kimo's world #235)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!
All sunrise photos in this blog
Copyright, James "Kimo" Rosen

Blog #1988~Kimo's world's #235

This blog also appeared as an opinion letter in
the April 14, 2018 edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island news!

If only Politics was as simple as a morning sunrise

Kaua'i people are divided, just this past week we were  given yet another choice of whom to vote for mayor.
There must be some tensions at the county council meetings, 3 out of the
7 members are currently running for the mayoral position.
They are JoAnn Yukimura
center, Mel Rapozo with the red tie behind JoAnn
 and Derek Kawakami second from right.
The 3 major contenders running
Glenn Mickens looks on as
"The Shadow" Jerome Freitas
testifies during a recent Kaua'i
county council meeting...
for Kaua'i mayor are all currently serving on the same county council. There are others running for mayor, however these 3 are the only ones I feel have a true chance. They are Mel Rapozo, Derek Kawakami and JoAnn Yukimura (the newest contender.) There must be some tensions at those meetings?

America is divided as well as our cosmic island by the sea and with so much hate in the
world even in our own backyards I have discovered one thing that unites all political parties, whether Republican, Democrat or Independent. The awesome incredible morning sunrises are without a doubt something everyone of all political genres can agree on. 

Nobody has every unfriended me over any of my many sunrise posts on Facebook,
yet I have been unfriended when people have disagreed with some of my numerous  political blogs and editorials. 

There is something about sunrises that brings out the best in humans, there is something
about politics that tears people apart.

If only politics was as simple and exquisite as a morning sunrise!
Kauai's next Mayor is going to have
some big shoes to fill, somebody told me
Mayor Carvalho has a size 12 foot?  ;-)
Good luck to Mayor Carvalho on his run for Lt. Governor!

This blog also appeared as an opinion letter in
the April 14, 2018 edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island news!


Hana Hou, (Encore)

A subliminal sunrise!   ;-)

Monday, April 2, 2018

"It is a stormy, stormy presidency..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world's #234) (Happy Passover-Happy Easter!)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

Blog #1987~Kimo's world's #234

It is a stormy, stormy presidency

"Ask not what an adult entertainer can do for you, ask what you can do for an adult entertainer!" 
Stephanie Clifford has been on the media circuit telling all about an alleged affair between her and President Trump, in the past the porn star also known as 'Stormy
Daniels' has denied any such affair. The alleged affair winds up was only a one night stand?  Is this a publicity stunt or an honest working member of society,after all a porn star is somebody we can all trust, right?  I’m
Is this all a publicity stunt ? 
The memes have been mean 
from both sides...
 Politics is a nasty game.                  
being facetious, are we really expected to trust a woman who did all kinds of alleged favors for men that needed their fantasies fulfilled.  There’s a street way to say it,  however I won't be crude.

It comes down to he said, she said--- whom do you believe, the leader of the free world, a brilliant billionaire many times over,who also defeated 16 Republicans running in the primary election and defeated the most popular woman in the world for the general election or a has been porn star trying
Cha Ching!
to make any kind of rebound possible to resurrect  her sad career? 
Memes like this are circulating the
internet, the internet is ruthless
from all sides...Politics is
a rough game.
Stormy Daniels' business has skyrocketed since she has made these allocations against the president and that proved to be her best career move, because she's now coming to a dance pole near you.


The media loves the drama, they have not let up since Trump's first second in office. It seems
the media and most people are somewhat addicted and enjoying the drama of the biggest reality show to ever hit the airwaves. 'Potus-45 starring"The Donald," the true 'Teflon Don.'

Everyone one loves Trump, even his haters, everyone talks Trump, he's the
Anderson Cooper of '60 minutes
interviews Stormy  concerning
the alleged affair with 45. This
interview was watched by more than 20
million viewers.
number one conversation piece amongst liberals and conservatives alike. It's just like  homophobes, those who profess to hating gays, in many cases are closest gays themselves.  I too believe that many of Trump haters are closet Trump supporters, go figure?  Everyone loves Trump, although most will never admit it!

What can Potus do next? What's in store for the American people for season 3 and 4? Will Trump and Kim create a nuclear free zone? Will the wall be built?
The main stream media always edits
to make the best drama...
Will Stormy Daniels wind up missing, or in a love triangle with Bill Clinton? Who will Trump fire next?   Are Chris Christie, Rudolph Juliani and Newt Gingrich still in line for cabinet positions after Trump fires more cabinet members? Will Melania leave the Donald? Will Trump be the first president to ever  be divorced while serving the country? 

The media cannot get enough of Mr. Trump, he's the best ever for all media ratings as Twitter and and social media explode on a regular basis with more drama.  It is a stormy stormy presidency. the American people cannot get enough! Stay tuned for more in the upcoming episodes of Potus-45!

Read dakinetalk blog about Trump anmd Kim winning the Nobel Peace prize! 
Trump and Kim just might win a joint noble peace prize

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Happy Passover and Happy Easter!