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Monday, December 31, 2018

"Political Correctness and how it's all gone wrong---Boys now have periods, Babies are Theybies and 11 year old Drag Queens are normalized ..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world's #272)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

 Sleeping Giant Sunset
Thursday, 12-06-18
Photo courtesy,
James "Kimo" Rosen
Publishers note;
I am glad I am in my 60's and not a young person in this new politically correct society of 'Me Too' and Tweets where everything you say is scrutinized under a microscope even years after you say it.  In the UK they are teaching the keiki (children) that boys have periods. When is enough, enough?

May you have a great 2019- 
Happy new year!
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!
James "Kimo" Rosen
Publisher/Blogger-n-chief~dakinetalk blog

 Political Correctness and how it's all gone wrong---
Boys now have periods, Babies are Theybies 
and 11 year old Drag Queens are normalized 
      Blog #2025~Kimo's world's #272

I could not believe my eyes when a friend posted on Facebook that  schools in the UK
are now teaching that all kids have periods, including little boys. I had to fact check this and fact check again and again to make sure my friend wasn't mistaken or joking.

Political correctness has gone mad, insane, nutso.(sic) First they freak out and ban the playing of the classic song, "It's cold outside." Then they want Santa to be a woman, St. Nicolai in lieu of St. Nick.

It get's worse, earlier this year some hipsters and far leftists on a Facebook community decided it's only proper for your baby to decide it's own gender. For the first 4 years of a baby's life they all decided a baby should be gender neutral and  at the end of those years let the kid decide if they want to be male or female. Let the child play with both dolls and trucks. Let little Johnny decide if he wants to play with Barbie or play cops and robbers. You probably can't play cops and robbers any more and if you do, I'm sure no gun is allowed because of 'political correctness?'  No longer will parents
have babies instead 'theybies.'  Your newborn child  will now be known as a 'Theyby' in lieu of 'Baby' if the liberal agenda proceeds.
'GMA DAY' Co-hosts Michael Strahan and Sara Haines devoted a whole segment to normalizing and  interviewing an 11 year old drag queen named Desmond Napoles.

This is the same TV show and company that last year fired their anchor, Matt Lauer over pressure from from the 'Me Too' movement for alleged sexual misconduct dating back many years on a "he said, she said basis." Crazy world we now live in.  

Check out the whole interview on Good morning America below; Read some of the comments including;
 "Yet his mom draws the line on caffeine." "Modern day liberalism comes straight from the pits of Hell." Read more;

All I can say, It's not only cold outside, but in my heart. I long for the days were men were men, woman were woman, little boys did not have periods or were they encouraged to be drag queens.

Where a man or woman could compliment the opposite sex on how nice they
looked without fear of being thrown in jail for sexual harassment and where school kids started each school day reciting the 'Pledge of allegiance,' the version with "one nation under God," and where you could go to a sporting event without role model players kneeling during our national anthem.  I live 
in Hawaii, and it's  darn  frickin cold outside.

Check out the  The Conservative Tribunes's article on 
Desmond Napoles, the 11 year old drag queen.
 "NBC Promotes 11-Year-Old Drag Queen Kid
Who Performed at a Gay Bar and collected dollar bills from grown adult men...

Another meltdown by a person with TDS  (Trump Derangement Syndrome) If this wasn't on camera, it's hard to believe people are this nuts. All over a Vape shop employee having a melt-down over a customer wearing a "Trump" T-shirt. Check out this YouTube!
 Hou, (Encore)

...and one more for  you!
Liberal Mom Aghast as Huge Guy
in Lakers Jersey Walks into Ladies’ Room
A self-described “very progressive” mom got a rude awakening that changed her views about the “bathroom debate” and decided to share her story regardless of what the backlash would be.

Kristen Quintrall Lavin runs a blog called, “The Get Real Mom,” in which she exposes the harsh realities of what she calls, “momming.”
However, on a 2017 trip to Disneyland with her young son, Lavin, she was exposed to another harsh reality — the reality of bathroom stalking, which made her question her views on the bathroom debate.

Lavin wrote on her blog that she has seen and supported transgender women — men who identify as women — using women’s public restrooms prior to the incident at Disneyland. “Transgenders who certainly felt comfortable in the women’s room and probably frightened to go into the men’s. At these times, I smiled … I peed … and life went on,” she wrote.

Then, all of that changed when she was at Disneyland
 with her friend, her son and her friend’s son.
Read more;

Last but not least, check out this YouTube video 
of a Transgender customer in a game-store threatening a clerk
over  mis-gendering him,(her)?


Susan Siegal said...

You look like Bernie.

Ann Leighton said...

And your issue with all this?

Allena said...

There’s a lot of confusion about gender.
A. Physical gender is not disputable nor a matter of choice, Those with male genitalia are male. Those with female genitalia are female. To date, we have not found a way for a couple to decide who will bear the babies. So giving a 4-year-old a choice has no particular benefit and may confuse the child.

B. Matters of character and traits are often trainable or learned by example, but aren’t specific to gender. We should teach children of both genders to be kind, to use intelligence, to keep physically fit, and to be leaders. This is unrelated to physical gender, except that custom and examples have led us to believe it is related. I favor decreasing or eliminating those distinctions, but not letting a 4-year-old choose. His parents or whoever is doing the upbringing have the right and privilege to do so.

C. If we use the extremely strict although unspecific criteria for what constitutes harassment, we discourage all forms of male-female communication which may eventually lead to human reproduction. Men & women should certainly strive to limit conversations at work which are unrelated to work. However, a compliment paid during a coffee break should not be construed to be harassment. Requiring non-work duties or actions, as a condition of promotions or continued employment, should certainly be forbidden and the violators prosecuted.

Where has common sense gone?

Anonymous said...

A world degenerating before our eyes...