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Monday, December 2, 2019

"The real whistleblower, the witch hunt and Trump..." 'James "Kimo' Rosen- (Kimo's world #295)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

Sunrise  photos November 2019
(These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
Photos courtesy,
James "Kimo" Rosen

Blog #2048~Kimo's world #295
The real whistleblower, the witch hunt and Trump

This blog was published as a political opinion editorial in the Garden Island newspaper this same day, 12-03-19!

  What is a whistleblower?
A whistleblower to a child is someone blowing a whistle. It could be a clown, a policeman, a referee,
or a lifeguard doing their jobs.
 While Bill Clinton might consider Monica Lewinsky a Whistleblower. The Rest of society refers to a whistleblower as a narc, a rat or somebody who tattletales. 

I was walking my dog on the beach the other day and out of nowhere somebody I don't even know comes up to me and recognized me as a frequent opinion writer in the Garden  Island news. They wanted
to talk politics and usually, when I am walking I am not in the mood. This person wanted to know who I thought the whistleblower was in the Trump/Ukraine phone call controversy that leads to the current impeachment proceedings.

I pointed to the lifeguard tower and sure enough, the whistle hanging on the string was in seconds on the lips of the lifeguard, the person who gets paid to save lives.
I said that person is a whistleblower.  

Every talk show, every comedian, almost every major conversation amongst adults is about Donald J. Trump.

The Mueller report and Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels and  Michael Cohen all tried to bring down the president. 

The witch hunt is now carrying on with the impeachment witch trial hearings of  2019 where Republicans shall not call any witnesses, shall not speak without saying, 'pretty please with sugar on top,' and no restroom breaks. (I was being sarcastic to make a point) The irony is,
who really is at fault about Ukraine, Joe Biden and his son Hunter, or Donald Trump? Should Trump be impeached since he did not ask Ukraine to "dig up dirt," but rather asked the Ukraine to investigate a crime Biden admitted to on video, quid pro quo or witch hunt?

Trump, Trump, Trump, everywhere, good bad or ugly, it all means votes!  I believe the impeachment witch-hunt in a subliminal way will make Trump even more popular than he is now! 

 I agree with the President when he calls himself a stable genius, who else but Donald Trump could make impeachment proceedings lead to more votes
and a second term. I believe he's not only a stable genius and 10 chess moves ahead of everybody. Someday society will wonder why this president was given such a hard time from day 1 in office and history will recognize Donald Trump as one of the greatest Presidents ever.

This blog was published as a political opinion editorial in the Garden Island newspaper this same day, 12-03-19!

Hana Hou,(Encore)


Steven said...

Ha.... I cannot think of one example of a whistle blower, where they start blowing, because of second hand news.. Imagine a lifeguard talking on the phone with someone who is telling them that they had to blow there whistle the other day, and then swam out and saved a life. Then upon hearing about this the lifeguard on the phone, starts to frantically blow his whistle.. About then we would question if the guy had enough common sense to make a good lifeguard. They might even take his whistle away from him. When your whistle blower is only repeating what other told him they heard, is it really a valid blow.. ha... I say not.

Pat Martin said...

Whistle blower does not matter when they had all those people who were in on the phone calls ! wake up people

Joe Brennan said...

I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend that he’s been messing around. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Nicki P. said...

A child with a whistle! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Nicki P. said...

Expect anarchy if this impeachment nonsense goes further !

KimoRosen said...

That’s for sure- stay tuned. I don’t think it’s going anywhere. First Democratic primaries in February. They’ll have to move fast. BERNIE, Liz and other Senators running want to be on the campaign trail. Not working in Senate chambers.

Nicki P. said...

Ya think? They really don’t have any strong candidates. It’s going to be interesting

KimoRosen said...

Yea, nobody is strong. Many are saying Michelle O. Is going to come out and run even though she has sworn up and down she won’t run. I read an article that this is the primary reason President Obama hasn’t endorsed his former VP Joe Biden. Michelle can fill sports arenas just like Trump. No other Dem can come close. Watch and see somebody will come of the closet whose not currently in the race. However bottom line, The Donald still wins!

Nicki P. said...

I sure hope he wins. It’s frightening what our country has come to. New York is another liberal state. It’s scary!

Garden Island news comments said...

Ginger Doll December 3, 2019 4:30 am Reply
Reading Kimo’s tirade illuminates how 40% of our nation has gone bonkers.
Trying to persuade readers of Trump’s innocence with total disregard of the facts, or worse yet, using alternate facts (untruths), serves only to debase the conversation.
I encourage readers to read and listen closely to the case against Trump from many sources and judge for yourself. More than a dozen career service diplomats and support staff have blown the whistle on our President’s corrupt behavior.
Biden is not on trial. Monica Lewinsky is not a whistle blower. It was a close friend of hers who hated Clinton and exposed by the Washington Post.
Get your facts right. Restrain yourself from venting with misinformation.
Try reading the Washington Post.

tunataxi December 3, 2019 6:46 am Reply
Kimo is doubling down on the kool aid for Christmas. History will in fact measure trump for what he is. Kauai will remember kimo for his blathering about him.

kauaiboy December 3, 2019 7:29 am Reply
Gag me with a spoon.

Please stop defending this New Yawk shyster con man egotist, this destroyer of our environment and destroyer of our democracy. This hater of blacks, Latinos, women, honest civil servants, and dogs of all stripes.

Get a life and ask the Wizard for some brains to replace the straw stuffed into your skull.

JAMES December 3, 2019 7:30 am Reply
When you made the lifeguard analogy, you hit the nail on the head. A lifeguard blows their whistle as a warning that something bad is happening. Perhaps bad behavior or a life is in danger. The White House whistle-blower acted in a similar manner; warning us of a serious problem. Thanks for the good analogy. The rest of your letter reeks of Fox News drivel.

andy December 3, 2019 8:47 am Reply
I definitely do NOT want what Kimo’s smoking!

LTEreader December 3, 2019 8:48 am Reply
James, go to any search engine and type in > Biden “and” Ukraine fact check. It’s amazing how enlightening that will be for you, and all Trump supporters. Much more informative, and wait for it … factual, than Trumps twitter comments, commercials, and rallies.

Steven McMacken December 3, 2019 8:48 am Reply
Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it is moronic.

I saw a Vampire once December 3, 2019 9:08 am Reply
You’re a strange man. These are the people I meant. Ross Kagawa, Mason Chock, Arthur Brun, Ron Kouchi, Bernard P. Carvalho jr. They all follow each other in the labor market. Not know anything about the job. And bills to pay.

gordon oswald December 3, 2019 10:52 am Reply
Kimo gets the letter of the year award! Thank you Kimo!

George December 3, 2019 12:33 pm Reply
Anything for attention. Whether negative or positive.

Garden Island news comments-2 said...

gordon oswald December 3, 2019 10:52 am Reply
Kimo gets the letter of the year award! Thank you Kimo!

Steven McMacken December 4, 2019 6:43 am Reply
And thank YOU, Gordon, for that beautifully crafted response. The Grand Poobahs have voted unanimously that you should receive the rare — and richly deserved — “Comment of the Year” award. Just stop by the Kekaha Landfill anytime between 1:00 and 3:00 am on the second Sunday of any odd-numbered month beginning with the letter “F” — except during a leap year — and pick it up. Congratulations! You make us all proud.

George December 3, 2019 12:33 pm Reply
Anything for attention. Whether negative or positive.

Alan Maislen December 4, 2019 3:29 am Reply
What’s the exact opposite of a stable genius? I think we have our answer.

Everythingisawesome December 4, 2019 7:49 am Reply
Kimo, you da man! You exercise your freedom of speech and make these thought police pull their hair out. Like rabid dogs they come running when you blow a whistle. Aloha!

Rational Centrist December 4, 2019 9:25 am Reply
What concerns me most about your letter, Mr. Rosen, is your characterization of whistle blowers as narcs or rats. I’ve served in leadership roles in a highly regulated industry where our company relied on a bond of trust with our clients. To protect against fraud and abuse, we had not only protection policies for whistle blowers but also an independent, third-party hotline to allow employees with concerns to report them without having to go to their boss. This is necessary because the boss could be involved in or covering up fraudulent activity. If a private industry, which just touches some parts of some peoples’ lives, should need these protections, we should certainly expect that they exist, and be taken with the utmost seriousness, at the level of the federal government. Any whistle blower may be right or wrong. Verifying their information is up to investigative bodies. The whistle blower’s responsibility is only to report the information they have, not to posses every relevant fact or to investigate themselves. Should we not take them seriously, attempt to out whistle blowers, disparage whistle blowers, or question the motives of the people who investigate complaints, we richly deserve the tyrants we will get. Feel free to dislike or disparage politicians with whom you do not agree, but please do not disparage the protections that were designed to allow brave individuals to report potential abuses of power and the breach of the public trust. Unless, that is, you would be fine living in a fascist state or a kleptocracy.

Garden Island News-Letter to Editor, 12-06-19 said...

Sorry, Trump is no genius

In reply to Mr. Rosen’s whistleblower letter: Monica Lewinsky was not the whistleblower. She confided in Linda Trapp, who took the information to Lindsay Graham. He then took the hearsay evidence as basis for the Clinton impeachment trial. According to your definition, Lindsay Graham is a whistleblower, “rat and tattletail.” I would call him a hypocrite.

I do not agree that Trump is a genius. The smartest person in the world is the one who doesn’t believe they know everything.

I think for the most part Trump has proven that he can be duped. He chose associates who are now in jail after being indicted by the Mueller report. He believes Putin over the results of an investigation done by professional lawyers and U.S. intelligence personnel that indicted 27 Russians for using social media to spread false information.

He actually thinks he can be friends with ruthless dictators who have their missiles pointed toward us. He accepts the words of Ukrainian despots that there is damning information about the Bidens.

No one needs to “take Trump down.” He is doing a perfectly good job of it himself. He will now be impeached by legal means and substantiated evidence.

Why? Because he refuses to listen to our military experts, he has no grasp of our diplomatic history, he has no understanding of the dynamics of world trade or the complexities of our economics. He has consistently resisted the expertise of the FBI, CIA, state department, legal, economic and political scholars in his attempts to “outsmart” everyone.

In the end, your opinion and mine don’t matter. The House will impeach and whether the Senate removes or not will depend on their ability to be informed by tangible evidence rather than what they see as their “cleverness” in discrediting witnesses, getting around Constitutional procedures, using disinformation and crying foul. It didn’t work for Trump. He is now going to be wearing the banner of impeachment for all the world to see regardless of the Senate vote.

Martha Hodges, Kailua-Kona and former Princeville resident

Cmments to Martha Hodges Letter... said...

Citizen Cane December 6, 2019 2:52 am Reply
Thanks for the informed and articulated rebuttal to Mr Rosen’s 6th grade level gut-spilling of regurgitated Fox talking points, and for elevating the conversation back to a level a bit more befitting the thoughtful community of islanders who reside here. A thoughtful effort, no matter which side you’re on (or which island) advances the conversation. IMHO the only way to explain the about-face and desperate embrace of Trumpism by Graham, McConnell and their entire cohort (and acolytes far and wide, including on a few remote Pacific islands) is to see the plight of a party in retrograde—beset (panicked) by a huge, advancing demographic wave. Hence the hatred for immigrants, an abandonment of the core principles of inclusion envisioned by the Founders, and the need to tilt the table by any and all means in order to preserve a dwindling white (read Republican) majority: thru gerrymandering, voter suppression, stacking the courts, marshalling the vast wealth of corporations and donors such as the Mercers and Kochs, and of course all manner of chicanery from a rogue’s gallery of characters like Giuliani, Stone, Barr, Manafort, Flynn (“all the best people”) and of course Trump himself, the enabler in chief. Any other excuses and explanations on the part of Republicans for their behavior is so much rationalization. The impeachment will likely amount to no more than a statement, albeit a necessary one. The means to right the ship will be available in November. All must get out and vote.

George December 6, 2019 5:58 am Reply
Oh, I say and I say it again. You’ve been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! This is what he does!”

Malcolm X

Steven McMacken December 6, 2019 6:04 am Reply
If Trump is a genius, then so is Alfred E. Neuman. The fact that many Trump supporters, like Rosen, have been duped by a charlatan is no surprise. Trump is today’s version of P. T. Barnum, who at least acknowledged that he was “. . . a showman by profession” and wanted nothing mote than to put money into his own pockets. Of course Trump’s narcissism and super-inflated ego prevent him from admitting this, but the proof is out there for everyone to see — all one has to do is pull his head out of the sand. Barnum supposedly said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Trump knows this and is merely capitalizing on it to convince the ignorati of this country to do his bidding.

rk669 December 6, 2019 6:58 am Reply
Johnathon Turley gets it Right! And he isn’t a Trump Supporter!
The leftist have left the Truth,in favor of HATe.

Garden Island News- Letters to Editor-12-15-19 said...

Human-rights abuses happening under Trump

I would like to thank Martha Hodges for her eloquent response to Mr. Rosen’s recent ramblings (TGI, Forum, Dec. 3). It is certainly more diplomatic than the letter I was composing.

I would only like to add all of the human-rights abuses that are being carried out daily, in our name, on our own borders and others. Children are still being locked in cages while their parents are held elsewhere or deported, with no end in sight. This is kidnapping and human trafficking being carried out on our border, in our country, in our name, today.

Elsewhere, I have yet to see or hear a death toll of Ukrainians killed while our “executive” cartel was holding back Senate-approved funds.

As Nancy Pelosi said last year, “I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in jail.”

Allan B White, Hanapepe