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Saturday, February 25, 2023

'Here's to nothing, Hasta la vista baby..."'James Kimo" Rosen'(Kimo's world #346)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
and amongst things is a satirist.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
                                                 with his best friend and spiritual adviser,                                  
                                             Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The bipartisan Dog.
                         Sunrise/Weather Photos, February- 2023
                       These photos appeared on Hawaii News Now
   Blog #2100~Kimo's world #346                                         
Here's to nothing, Hasta la vista baby
  It's hard to find a subject matter to write about

It is hard to write these days and try to find a subject to write about in that society won't

cancel you or editors will publish. Society is holding editors and publishers responsible for the once-free thinkers that graced editorial pages around our great nation.

Many professional comedians

that once considered the American college campus the epitome of free speech and the places they most longed to perform now are frightened by that same venue. Colleges and young people are now the first to want to say my way or the highway and ruin careers and cancel the once free thinkers.

Try having a political view

that's in contrast to the masses. I did. I have had many friends unfriend me on social media and even relatives believe I need an intervention and group therapy. 

I used to really enjoy writing about politics until the comments exploded on my blog, many times in anti-semitic rages

because of my religion, although the blog had nothing to do with religion. The nice thing about the blog is I'm the editor and I can choose to edit and delete those comments, which I always did.  Comment boards on public forums were another story.

The internet warriors comment with anonymous monikers by making comments to you online

that they would never make to our faces, similar to monkeys throwing feces at each other. Writing was once a fun hobby and enjoyable. This is why I need something different to write about besides politics.

I have decided one last thing to write about, no politics, no religion, so what is it?
Nothing!   Similar to the Seinfeld

TV show that was about nothing, this is what my future writing will be about, nothing! Can I get into trouble writing about nothing, probably not. But not near as much trouble as writing about  Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or Kamala.
Here's to nothing! Hasta la vista baby.
Throwback from 2009
Ivanka Obama and James "Kimo" Rosen 45 lbs heavier
Hana Hou!(Encore)


Hank said...

Yes, there is more intolerance nowadays in the media than at any time
I can recall in my life.

Say the wrong thing in someone's opinion, and boom, you are in trouble.

Too bad.

Seems even some of the courts don't respect our rights as Americans to free speech.

Oh, well.


Sally S. said...

Kimo, Are you going to write about shrinkage? I'm not talking about the kind in the washing machine. That was one of my favorite Seinfelds!

Steve McMann said...

Can't wait to see your future blogs about nothing, if they're anything as good as Seinfeld you're going to be a very very wealthy man!

FC said...

Thank you for your free thoughts.

LK said...

They were never your friends to unfriend you over a difference of opinion.

However I also unfriended people I thought were my friends and just later didn’t like them and their hateful, judgement hypocrisy. Good riddance to them.

Did you see that the creator of Dilbert refuses to apologize?
Why is only one race allowed to call out racism while the others are not?

Why are liberal elites sending their own children to private schools but fighting to disallow school choice and school vouchers for the rest of us to choose private and charter schools in favor of unions. Public education has gone down the toilet.

Mental illness now has a platform instead of seeking professional help! Transitioning children and their gender before they can decide for themselves should be a crime
Hypocrisy reigns because someone needs to make a buck.
I’m refusing to apologize and more people feel the same way.