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Monday, March 22, 2010

UH dining prices...

UH dining prices

Recently I visited the UH Manoa campus. I could not believe the food concessions on campus are more expensive than their coneterparts in the real world. For instance, one of my favorite restaurants has a concession there with the same menu as the same restaurant off campus, only the difference is smaler portions and more money.

The irony is students do not have that much money, when I was a student back in the 1970's food was cheaper on campus, in fact many people came to the university for the good deals. Food service people would practice and sell the food at reasonable costs.

Now coporate America has taken over the concessions at our university's and are ripping the students off.

I cannot understand how food vendors are charging more on campus. I am appalled at the food vendor's at UH Manoa.

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