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Friday, July 2, 2010

The irony is, the sign says, No camping... This actually happened today!

Aloha, this is an actual incident that happened this morning, which had my blood glucose higher than a kite, and stressing to the point, I couldn't eat, and I love to eat.

This morning Friday July 2, 2010, three police officers in three different squad cars are knocking on my door with a video camera filming the delivery of a warning about trespassing on the DLNR property that was recently cleared. They said it was issued by Lt. Contrades. The irony is, the land was cleared because the Department of Land & Natural resources ordered the police department to clear the blockage of brush at the  trail-head I complained about last week and the sign in question says no camping, not no trespassing (photo enclosed)

I felt harassed why do they need three officers and three squad cars and a video camera to deliver a warning to a peaceful senior citizen with many medical problems who relies on using the safe trail that is now certified "no trespassing but in essence is no camping?" They said I would be arrested if I use the trail again.

Three squad cars and three offficers, harassing a senior citizen when they could be out arresting drug dealers and murderer's, to send three squad cars and three officers taking almost an hour of everyone's time was overkill to say the least.

I asked the officers to quit filming me, since I felt harassed, they quit for a minute, then starting filming again, that's when I started filming also.

I am asking permission to please use the trail once every morning and once every evening.

Enclosed are the still; photos of officer Basuel badge #472
officer Murita-badge #470
officer Baumung-badge # 428

I know police chief Perry is an understanding man and an avid bicyclist himself and realizes that Kawaihau Rd, is not safe to bike or walk on.

For safety's sake this trail has been in use for over 30 years and to close it now, makes absolutely no sense, HELP!

I have video's of the whole event , that I will be posting soon.

Please, grant me permission to use the trail for safety alone, not to mention, common use and grandfathered.

James "Kimo" Rosen

p.s. this was sent to the chief of police and a few others...


Debbie from high school said...

I was thinking, "senior citizen?"....oooooooo, he's talking about himself!!...Wait, I guess that means I am one too!!

Difficult to not be stressed out about that for sure..

Hopefully, blogging and sending a letter to Chief of Police about it helps relieve the stress you were feeling.

KimoRosen said...

Thanks Debbie, Would you cut and paste and place on Facebook also? I can keep better track. Every 50 blogs I make a hard copy book of all my blogs and comments! Thanks