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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Reminiscing about a close call in 2009....

 This happened to me  On Apr 12, 2009, I just wanted it in my blog as a reminder that life is precious and we can't take it for granted. 

I had a close call today(April 12, 2009). Today was the first time in 3 years I went to my favorite beach(Secret Beach), A few reasons I stayed away was , since my spinal surgery I have only swam in the public pool out of fear that my strength was not what it used to be and I get infections easy from the saltwater because of my diabetes if the water is dirty or cut myself on coral, plus I did not own a car until last week and it's hard to get there without a car, it's a hard hike up and down hill and a long walk to get the part I like.

I saw whales and decided to go in the water, I started swimming parallel with the shore but drifted out, I drifted so far out, on a day I should never had gone in the water, rough surf and white caps everywhere. I figured I could body surf in. I was gaining no ground and waves were covering me making it hard to breathe, I swam on my back and tried to relax but kept getting overpowered and drenched with more waves, this went on for over 20 minutes and I was loosing strength and my thought was I was going to die, I was exhausted and could not handle the situation much longer. I said the  Jewish signature prayer called the shema and thought this is it.

I know they say swim parallel with the shore, I tried doing that and wedged in a little at a time, no gain, so I again tried body surfing in, I was getting exhausted and with no lifeguard and only one other person within my eyesight, I thought this was it. I was going to die at my favorite beach.

Miraculously, I gained ground and could feel bottom, but then got sucked out again, finally a large wave rode me in, I managed to walk to shore in exhaustion and fell to the ground thanking the Lord for giving yet another chance at this thing we call life.

Mother nature is a powerful source, and life is short and precious. Just needed to share this with friends for a second time...

G-d Bless & Aloha, JR

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