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Monday, October 10, 2011

"Why do people work when financially they are set for life...? James "Kimo" Rosen

The real reason many people work is to get them away from their spouses.....

Going to work relaxes many people who otherwise have a stressful life....

Diabetes took it's toll on my father in his later years, three open heart surgeries, ,2 leg amputations and  degenerative eye disease.  With all his medical problems and complications he still wanted to work everyday. He had a desk job in his latter years so he could sit and do mind work.
My father could had opted for the easy way out, he was a veteran, yet never used his veterans insurance, he never had public assistance or any of the many  programs available for seniors and disabled.

I know people on public assistance that get  car insurance, cleaning help, all their doctors and medications paid for, food-stamps (EBT)... My father could had taken the easy way out, he opted work until his dying day.

He worked until his  dying day for one main reason, a nagging wife that made his life miserable, no this was not my mom... He re-married after my mother passed away.

I asked my father why he chose to work, he said, "it relaxed him, got him out of the house and gave him a feeling of self worth..." I know the real reason he chose to work...

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Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;" Douglas wrote: "I am always saddened when I hear of those who hate their jobs and suffer through the significant percentage of their lives spent in the workplace. For those of us fortunate to have careers we love, yes, work can be rewarding, gratifying and enjoying.

My communications career has two dimensions: working with authors to prepare manuscripts for publication as books (and holding their hands through the process of turning that from dream into reality) and interpreting a wide range of situations and subject material in sign language for Deaf people.

In both cases, I work with a wide range of people in a wide range of situations covering a wide range of subject matter that I would never have known existed, or been exposed to, if I had not had the opportunity for this career.

I will never retire as long as I am able to contribute.
Even if I became independently wealthy and never needed another dime, I might be more selective in picking fewer situations, but I would keep doing what I'm doing, even if I offered it for free. And yes, I absolutely understand why some people (known as volunteers) choose to work without formal compensation measured in dollars and cents."

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Doug I am retired but continue doing pro bono work for the Kauai Garden Island news and producing a daily blog which satisfies my publishing needs, since I too published most of my life... Just doing it on a fun level now.

Anonymous said...

via facebook;"You, Douglas Dunn and Debbie Eayrs like this..."