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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"World Peace..." James "Kimo" Rosen

"World peace is often preached but can it be reached..?" check out  The world peace Jersey, modeled by Ron Artest himself at;   http://www.nesn.com/2011/12/metta-world-peace-formerly-ron-artest-sports-jersey-reflecting-name-change-for-first-time-photo.html
World peace will never happen, Republicans and Democrats are at war, husbands and wives divorce 50% of the time and the friends you have today can be enemies tomorrow, therefore we can never have world peace if we cannot even get along with our friends spouses and  politicians, although world peace makes for a great sound bite.

On the contrary world peace does exist, it's live and well in Los Angeles,  Los Angeles Laker's basketball star  Ron Artest recently change his name to Metta   'World Peace,' somewhat of of self serving attention getter, none the less plants the notion of world peace in everyone every-time they say his name. Los Angeles Laker's World Peace jerseys are the number one seller for the Laker's gift shop, all in all world peace was achieved just not to the degree it can make a difference.

I guess the city of Angels finally has world peace but for the rest of us it is near impossible to achieve unless of course we all change our name to World Peace...

Editor's note, Dakinetalk guest bloggers do not necessarily represent the opinions of dakinetalk. Guest bloggers are given space to express their beliefs and or opinions. We feel there are many roads and like to give people space to express their thoughts,after-all that's what dakine is...Aloha, James "Kimo" Rosen, Publisher.


Anonymous said...

Harmony said via facebook;"I used to know a woman named Peace.She & I made a good team!"

KimoRosen said...

Peace and Harmony! Love it! is that reall true?

Anonymous said...

Harmony said via facebook;"It's true that I knew a woman named Peace. I just can't say I liked her all that much."

KimoRosen said...

Maybe I will change my name to 'Love,' and if you, Peace and myself are ever all together, everyone could say there goes Peace, Love and Harmony! ;D)

Anonymous said...

Harmony said via facebook;" Let's also find someone named Joy!"

KimoRosen said...

Let's do it, I'd really enjoy hangin out with Peace, Joy and Harmony, hopefully they'll enjoy hangin out with Love! ;D)