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Sunday, July 22, 2012

"August Neighborhood Garage sale..." 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspiration Monday)

"Guest-blogger Judith Whitehead lives in Amherst N.Y. and has worked in the ophthalmology field of medicine for over 30 years..." She talks about  her annual neighborhood garage sale and added   jingle in her pockets... ;D) Enjoy...

It’s that time of year again for our joint effort in our neighborhood for the annual garage sale. It’s time to rummage through the basement, closets and drawers to get rid of those items that clutter up our lives; the stuff that we think we needed to hold on to all these years.

This year I have decided to let go of the radio flyer red wagon that weighs about 80 lbs. When the boys were little, we would load them into the wagon and drag it through the neighborhood to playgrounds, pools etc and ask ourselves why this was so heavy. Even empty, it weighs a ton. Since we bought it 30 yrs ago, manufacturers have come out with new and light weight wagons that pull with ease and are much more convenient to care for. Older is not always better we have found.

It will be my mission in the next few weeks to gather the stuff we felt we had to hold on to for many years and turn it into a little jingle in our pockets.

Again, my motto…..less is more, will take over.

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared from Facebook  and http://www.wittitutes.com/

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Editor's note, Dakinetalk guest bloggers do not necessarily represent the opinions of dakinetalk. Guest bloggers are given space to express their beliefs and or opinions. We feel there are many roads and like to give people space to express their thoughts,after-all that's what dakine is...Aloha, James "Kimo" Rosen, Publisher

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