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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Politics, skeletons and wrongdoings..."‏ 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

Ann Punaho shows her support for president Obama with a
recent one woman sign waiving  event in Kapa'a town
Politics, especially the presidential race is now about the opposing candidates alleged skeletons and wrong-doings than it is about politicians telling us why they are qualified and what they will do to make this a better country.

Democrats want to see Romney's income tax returns and Republicans want to see Obama's birth-certificate for the 500th time. Obama may have smoked pot in high school and Romney may have bullied a gay kid and tied a kennel with a dog in it to the roof of his car, however what does this have to do with rebuilding America?

I am sure both candidates are good men and both want whats best for America.

What would be best for America is to not vote for either of the major two political parties, vote Independent, vote Green, vote anything but traditional Republican-Democrat, otherwise there will never be change.

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared from Facebook...

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1 comment:

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

via email;"Last paragraph is the Best,ANYTHING BUT...."