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Saturday, December 7, 2013

"The most enjoyable time of the year..." 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspiration Sunday)

Judith Whitehead has worked in the ophthalmology field of medicine
for almost 35 years. She currently resides  in Amherst N.Y.

The most enjoyable time of the year

 December is one of the most enjoyable times of the year; not because it's my birthday or Chanukah or Christmas or New years, although they all keep the spirits bright but because it is the holiday time of giving...sharing...and celebrating the year that has gone by.

  It's the time to reconnect with family and friends that we haven't seen for a  while, show others that we appreciate them and celebrate with good food and conversation. 

This weekend, as last I will connect with friends, eat and be "merry" - thank all those that have inspired me and shared in my year and remember how  lucky I am to have all those people in my life. Here's to good friends, good company and good food to share and here's to a new year 2014 as being a healthy and happy one for all. 

P.S. Check out this YouTube-Huffingtonpost video on opening a can without a can opener; 

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

1 comment:

KimoRosen said...

Don't know why Judy's photo did not post, it was in the draft? Oh well its on the blog page. http://dakinetalk.blogspot.com/.../the-most-enjoyable...