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Monday, April 13, 2020

"Could our monetary system be next to collapse..?" 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #301)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things
lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

Sunrise/weather/rainbow photos April 2020
(These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
Photos courtesy,
James "Kimo" Rosen

Blog #2054~Kimo's world #301
Could our monetary system be next to collapse?

Could the monetary system of our cash money be next to collapse? However,
Charish disinfects shopping carts
at Costco for members to avoid
getting Covid-19...
at the same time, we must remember what FDR said during his inaugural speech in 1933.  "Nothing to fear but fear It itself." FDR was telling the American people that their fear was making things worse. By running to the banks and taking their money out they were causing more damage to the economy.  

I have
heard on the news that it is wise to wait at least 3-5 days before handling or opening your Amazon or other packages. While the virus dies off on cardboard in about 24 hours, it lives much longer on other materials. If the warehouse worker who packed the item or delivery person who dropped it off was infected, then there could be a virus present not only on the cardboard or paper of the package, but on any plastic tape, labels, or inside the packaging.

 The virus  can
also live on paper and many of the materials our coin currency is made of. Chinese banks have started essentially washing money to destroy potentially infected cash before it's redistributed back out to society.

Restaurants are functioning on-to-go menus and delivery, while many of us are
People are becoming creative
in the kitchen during quarantine...
practicing social distancing and wearing masks when going grocery shopping or on essential outings. However, we are still exchanging currency with hand to hand contact in many instances. Money itself is dirty. I remember as a child after handling money my mother always asked me to wash my hands. I can still hear her voice say,  "you don't know where that money's been."

Under normal circumstances,
money is dirty, under the current world situation I believe our monetary system is contaminated. Maybe it's best for everyone to start using their debit or credit cards, however, it's also been said, "viruses, in general, tend to survive longer on hard surfaces like credit cards and coins."

When I was young,
I  heard the future would consist of a currency free society.  In the first century when the book of Revelation was written, the idea that you could buy and sell with a number that is attached in some way to your body would have seemed incredible. However with the world situation as it is now this doesn't sound too far fetched. 

 The constant partisan bickering is a cancer to our country and must stop. This is not the time! America must unite!

God bless the universe.  

Hana Hou, (Encore)


Keahi said...

The end of time is near. I agree with the book of Revelations. Mahalo for your wisdom.

Patricia M. said...

Kimo, your blog had some valid yet scary points of view. It's somewhat ironic and bi-polar the way the memes are so polar opposite your writing. I get it though!

Anonymous said...

The jokes are hilarious, you're scaring me about the economy.

Renee Harden said...

You aren't the 1st smart & thoughtful person to bring this up. Regarding the payroll protection loan/grant: we have yet to know ONE small business owner to receive ANY money for their staff! Even applying at 12:01am, the only contact with the bank is an email that says (essentially) "Don't call us, we'll (...get around to...) email you..."(when they feel like it.)
The banks have been sitting on $2Trillion dollars. Do you know anyone who has received these funds? We in Houston don't!

Janie Quigley-Westerhout said...

I have one friend on island that got his. We got a letter from our bank yesterday that said the billions will all be gone by tomorrow.

Renee Harden said...

Ps nice mask!

KimoRosen said...

My friend makes the masks for all in need!😂