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Monday, March 9, 2020

Covid-19 not the only serious health issue in our community..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen (Kimo's world #299)

The biochemical water truck disinfects the area
fronting the Kapaa neighborhood center
James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things
lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

Sunrise/weather  photos March 2020
(These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
Photos courtesy,
James "Kimo" Rosen

This blog also appeared as an op-ed guest column
in the 03-12-20 edition of the Garden Island news!

Covid-19 not the only serious health issue in our community
    Blog #2052~Kimo's world #299

  The world, the state, and our island are worried about the possible spread of Covid-19,
Last Wednesday-03-04-20.
The scene at the Kapaa

neighborhood center after
 the Lady in Purple was

 once again taken away in an ambulance.
Photo courtesy, Jojo Bear Breck
commonly known as the coronavirus. The media has many in a frenzy over what I believe will soon pass. Our elected officials on Kauai have other health concerns that need as much attention as the coronavirus and can be just as dangerous to the general public.

Human excreta and the lack of adequate personal and domestic hygiene have been
Levi, a cashier at Lihue Costco
dons a protective mask  against
the possibility of catching the

Photo courtesy.
James "Kimo" Rosen
implicated in the transmission of many infectious diseases including cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, polio, cryptosporidiosis, ascariasis, and schistosomiasis and yet 'the Angel at the bus stop,' or as
The Kapaa neighborhood center bus stop was taped off
for over 6 hours after being disinfected from human feces and urine.
 some refer to her, 'the lady in purple,' has been living fronting the Kapa'a neighborhood center the last 3-plus years.  She cannot walk. Therefore she relieves
herself of bodily fluids and wastes within 5 ft.  of the bus stop.  How she gets rid of her urine and fecal waste is the problem.  It accumulates and begins to reek.  

Eventually, the county will get the biochemical water truck down there to disinfect every time she is taking away in an ambulance or arrested.  She was again taken away by paramedics again last week.

She is always released from the mental wards and jails and returns to the same spot, like her
own personal 'Groundhog day'.  
Why are these shrinks releasing her? How is someone who defecates, urinates and showers in front of the public and oncoming traffic sane? How is
someone who lives at bus top 24-7 sane when she's been offered free housing by many in the community--- including a pastor I personally know.
All these medical professionals who say she is fine, need to get their heads examined and should have their medical licenses revoked.
El Aina in 2017, when she was in much better shape...
Photo courtesy;
James "Kimo" Rosen

El Aina Danine, the lady in purple is a health threat to the community,  along with myself, 2 terms of mayors and county council have driven by her the last 3 years on a daily basis
El Aina in 2018 sat very close to traffic
Photo courtesy;
James "Kimo" Rosen
, plus 2 different chiefs of police.  When she is arrested our judges release her without prejudice and she is back creating a health risk within inches of a county bus stop.

Folks, not only is this a health crisis, however, what happens should she die on county or state property?
Her family could easily sue
for wrongful death.  All they would need to do is find a good defense attorney like Micheal Green, the best defense attorney in the state and presto, easy payday.

I have had this discussion with many of our elected officials.  I tell them, we live in a sue-happy society and that Kauai county always rolls over and plays dead when they are sued and settles for an easy 6 figure payout. 

The coronavirus is not the only serious health issue facing our community. There is truly a health

crisis that can be prevented with the proper people in elected office.  Public urination
Bus stop being disinfected
before being taped off
to the public
and defecation within inches of a public bus stop is a huge health risk to the population at large for many infectious diseases.

El  Aina cannot continue to sit out there day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year smothered in sh-t.
What if this was your friend, relative, wife, aunty, or sister? We as a community must do better, not only for her health and our health but for humanity's sake.

Elections are in November. 
 This blog also appeared as an op-ed guest column
in the 03-12-20 edition of the Garden Island news!

John Travolta was hospitalized for suspected COVID-19,
 but doctors now confirm that it was only Saturday Night Fever,
 and they assure everyone that he is Staying Alive.

Hana Hou,(Encore)
    Too soon to joke?

Be creative if the store is out of surgical masks!  ;-)


Andy Degeus said...

Sickening that this is allowed to go on in our cities! You or I would be arrested if we did this!

Sharon Woody Nowak said...

How can this be happening? For the love of God, she needs to be put in a facility so she can get care, clean and nutritious food.

Anonymous said...

What can we do, as Islanders, to help her? You have fantastic research skills, please check the laws and see if she can be admitted to Mahilona or other facility to be cared for. More or less forced there by the law. Maybe force her family to do something. This has to be addressed her her health and safety.

Unwriting Oceania Forum said...

Re the lady in purple: whether she is sane or not is not the issue. She cannot be kept in custody longer than it takes to get her back on meds if she is not a threat to herself or others. You could, possibly, argue that she is a threat to others because she of her hygiene, but I doubt that will fly. The state, either, doesn’t have the money, or, doesn’t find her to be a priority.

Linda Dietrich said...

Who makes the decision to put her back?Who takes her there? If she is not able to walk why is she allowed to continue to be a health hazard. And it must cost quite a bit of money for all that is done for her. I am certainly about helping people but I can’t seem to find anything helpful about how this is being handled. She needs to cared for. Not a health hazard to herself and others!

Joseph Bedortha said...

You guys are not going to like this at all..but to my bi- genetic cross between a buzzard and a cow..I have a cow now that is starting to learn to fly ...😀

Angela Flynn said...

I'm sure you have never been homeless. I have. Typically, if you have no money you have no where to defecate. It is legitimate to be concerned about human waste not being properly disposed. Please do what you can to help with this. Until we have proper care for mentally disabled people and for those who have had dire economic disasters, including the sad reality that many jobs do not pay enough for rent, we need more public bathrooms.. It's such a no brainer.

Janie Quigley-Westerhout said...

And tourists walk by her on the street not knowing they are walking through her waste!

Sharon Woody Nowak said...

Janie Quigley-Westerhout, This is so sad and such a disgusting situation. Like I said she needs put in a facility.

Felicia Alongi Cowden said...

Cell block and prison aren't the right places for her. She is routinely placed in places that are more healthy for her and the public around her. I don't know how she gets back. A big impediment in creating a facility for permanent safety for our growing population of houseless people is no neighborhood seems to want to tolerate their presence

Joanna Wheeler said...

Amen!!! (to anonymous comment)

Mel Garcia said...

Who’s calling her a angel????

Sherrie Kita said...

Yes, I do not understand how any of this is legal.
I have heard that her family has been in Oahu court appealing in her behalf to be “committed.”
The homeless population are wreaking havoc in all public bathroom facilities island wide.
I know certain shops in kapaa are only allowing employees to use the restrooms as the same homeless vagrants who get arrested and released are right back at their shop and destroying the toilets and bathrooms again.
McDonald’s Kapaa have considered making their restrooms only for employees because time and time again, they’ve had to close down their bathrooms for repeated repairs to damages and mess done to their bathrooms by the homeless population.
These homeless population are not from here and obviously live a lifestyle where it’s not conscious of them to keep public bathrooms clean. Many are tragically mentally ill and drug addicted.
This is scary for our young kids and teens who want to work in their own communities.
The vagrants use the public bathrooms like their own bathroom, leaving their toothpaste, and shaving mess everywhere.
My young daughter was afraid to go to work because a homeless man came into their shop and barricaded himself in their bathroom where KPD had to come and arrest the man, yet he comes back again, a month later and damages the bathroom again. This ended public use of their bathroom.
Since they did, I don’t see the countless homeless men just hanging around the shop and Foodland area coz the bathrooms are off limits now.
Her young friend was at that very bus too not long ago and El Aina kept bugging him over and over. When he finally relented and asked her what she wanted, she handed him a brown grocery bag with her feces in it and asked him to throw it away.
This is appalling and disgusting. Our young teens use the bus for travel and to get to work.
The word last year was to create in all inclusive and comprehensive homeless shelter across from the KEO homeless shelter. What happened to this plan?! This is more needed now as the mainland continues to send their “unwanted” westward. WA, CA are in utter chaos because of this.
Back in the day, we had mental institutions for the in-firmed. There was a reason for this so these poor people are not left to rot and die in our streets. Many are a danger to themselves and others.
I am going to have a nice conversation with our new police chief because I need and want answers.
Excellent blog. Excellent read and excellent share.
I thank you!

Sherrie Kita said...

And I must add, one night, my teen son was deriving home from work. He saw a car in front of him swerve so he slowed down and saw El Aina in her wheel chair in the middle of the street.
He came home and told me and I called KPD and dispatch said other people had already called and officers are on their way to get her out of the street.
My god, if she were to get hit and inured or killed, or a driver were to be injured or killed because she is in the middle of Kuhio Hwy at 10:45 at night, LAW SUIT for certain.

KimoRosen said...


Vivien Davenport said...

"Corona virus lives in the air for several hours, and on surfaces up to 3 hours" NY Times

Anonymous said...

A Dean Koontz novel written in 1981, "The Eyes of Darkness," predicted the outbreak of the coronavirus. (meme posted on the Facebook post)

KimoRosen said...

This blog appeared in today's (03-12-20) Garden Island news as an op-ed guest column on the forum page!


Garden Island news comments said...

Charlie Chimknee March 12, 2020 4:41 am Reply
Mr. Rosen, you got it right, this woman, in spite of convincing doctors, who Apparently graduated at the bottom their class, that she is OK, normal, as in it’s normal to live under an umbrella at a bus stop…for 3 years…when in fact she’s nuts, and the authorities are committing abuse by neglect of her true needs which is to not wallow in her own filth, especially sharing her filth with children at the bus stop.

If they can Quarantine Corona virus patients, why not her?

She is a Disease threat to the community, and could be Or is a typhus or cholera threat to the community. Try to stop those diseases…!

Mr. Rosen, you mean a Plaintiff attorney, which you Can hire to get her literally off the street.

WestsideResident March 12, 2020 8:14 am Reply
The establishment has ignored many important issues for decades, here in the islands and across the nation.

Now that an anti-establishment president leads our nation, the establishment is doing its best to keep the status quo. So expect more of the same if the establishment takes back control.

I encourage the author to vote out the establishment party and career politicians here in the Islands to make Kauai great again.

Rev Dr Malama March 12, 2020 9:23 am Reply
Very blunt and to the point but we are a society that has allowed civil and personal rights to supersede common sense and healthcare….. yes, for the most vulnerable!!!
There are other people who need shelter and medical care on our streets, beaches and parks that are being caught up in “lack of jurisdiction” claims of our public officials but make no MISTAKE, this coronavirus is an epidemic that will not discriminate against who is local enough…..

Kauaidoug March 12, 2020 10:56 am Reply

Pete Antonson March 12, 2020 2:24 pm Reply
Check your program Sport! The trump/fox virus mythology Play reversed it’s “This will soon pass” course near the end of Act I.
Try to keep up!

Garden Island news comments-2 said...

Kimo March 13, 2020 9:34 am Reply
Mr. Rosen, Welcome to Liberalism at its finest. Liberal judges, liberal Congressmen/women, liberal County Officials., and on and on. Can you say….. San Francisco, Baltimore, Detroit, New York, Portland, Seattle, etc, etc. What is the common denominator to their civil erosion? Democrats in control. Thank you very much.

Garden Island news comments-3 said...

Roxanne Reed March 14, 2020 10:23 am Reply
Exactly. I’m here in California. Anyone who even thinks of voting Democrat needs to just look at Democrat-controlled areas and decide if that’s really the outcome they want.