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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

All things being equal, all outcomes different...

All things being equal, all outcomes different

Have you ever wondered what the person in the checkout stand in front or behind you is going to do with the ingredients in their grocery cart? Ten people could have ground beef, eggs, flour, tomatoes, lettuce and vanilla ice cream, but the outcome at the dinner table will be totally different. One might make meat loaf, another curried burgers, another tacos, another sloppy joes, another spaghetti and meatballs. The ice cream could turn into hot fudge, strawberry or butterscotch sundaes, banana splits, cones or pie ala mode.

In the same essence one person can buy a piece of land, buy the same materials for a house as 10 other people and each will have a totally different structure from the other.

one more example, everyone all has access to every letter of the alphabet form A to Z but everyone is not a novelist.

Ten people all eat the same thing; one is fat , one is thin, one gets cancer, one is hyper, one is lazy ...

Ten people read a letter to the editor; one thinks it's great, another thinks it's terrible and another thinks it's Pulitzer Prize material

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