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Monday, October 16, 2017

"Yes Dear, Trump bashing needs to stop..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #211)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka Da Dog!

Publishers note,
This past week was historical when the boy-scouts decided to accept
the girl scouts as members.
It was a politically correct move 
encouraged by woman's groups across the nation,
 not the girl scouts themselves.
Enclosed is dakinetalk's
 favorite meme on this issue

Yes Dear, Trump bashing needs to stop

Blog #1964~Kimo's world #211

What does it do to other nations when our late night talk show hosts are constantly bashing our President?  Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers and Steven Colbert make a living of Trump bashing. These are not fun jokes about the president but rather humiliating, demoralizing rants against Trump.

Many of the Hollywood elite bash our President on a constant basis. It's rogue, it's the cool thing to do.Try and remember we are all on the same side and must create a united front to the enemies, otherwise we are beaten before we even begin.

The recent Emmy's that appeared on CBS are a recent example of a Trump bashing fest by the Hollywood elite.

The TV show "The View" is relentless on Donald Trump. They don't let up, from the way he shakes hands with dignitaries, to the shoes the  first lady wears. 

The ladies are always making fun of his family, even his minor son Baron is not off limits for the woman of "The View." 

 "Real Time" with Bill Maher bashes and hates Trump, however Maher at least has other issues on his agenda. He also bashes Hillary and democrats. Maher is an equal opportunity comedian.

Late night with Steven Colbert is the ring leader and  has one punch line, it's Donald Trump.
His every joke is a slam against  President  Trump. A sad excuse for a comedian. A sad excuse to constantly demean your own President. In other countries one could be jailed for treason for speaking out against your president like this.

Remember the days of the old Tonight show with Jay Leno? Jay could joke in a respectful manner that was not insulting, but funny about both major political parties. Jay was so good at comedy you never knew what party he was affiliated with because his jokes were fun, not filled with hate-- something our late night comedians need to learn and take heed.

Do these modern day comedians not realize that even if they don't like President Trump, even if they hate him as much as they  publicly say they do, it  may not be in their best interest or our country's best interest to admit it and go on these rants and hate fests?   Do they not realize he is the most powerful man in the world and can at the snap of his fingers behind closed doors without you knowing order an IRS audit and so many other unimaginable audits to make your life a living hell?

 Americans bashing our president is not good for our country. Our enemies delight in all this.

My advise to anyone whom doesn't like Donald Trump is to not go public with your hate. You may wind up harming yourself far beyond your wildest dreams. Believe me! Keep your hate to yourself about 45.

If you do not like "The Donald," there will be more elections, stay cool, he won this one. Live with it for Gods sake and in the mean time pretend you like him, it will make your life much more tolerable. 

It's the equivalent for married men saying "Yes dear," even when they don't necessarily agree with their wives, the bennies (sic) far out weigh the repercussions.  
A Must see! Just last week,
late night comedian Seth Meyers gives the President the middle finger on national TV, check it out. Like Trump or not, this kind of behavior must stop!

This says it all about the current national anthem crisis and the NFL!

Hana Hou, (Encore)

More dakinetalk reading on Donald Trump; (Great reading!)
(All Trump related  blogs by James "Kimo" Rosen unless otherwise indicated)
1-Trumped by "The Donald" 'Obama Da Dog' (Special political edition)
2-Trump supporters must come out of the closet! (Kimo's world #118)
3-Trump, the election and the Jewish connection...(Kimo's world #119)
4-Trump-fulling... (Kimo's world #120)
5-A poem about Donald J. Trump...
6- Trumps Failing businesses are his strengths...
7-Extra! Extra! Read All About It!--Trump Hijacks Republican party into Hell
8-Trump and the race for President, a nasty one fueled by the media (Carrie Eckert)
9-Win or Lose, Could Trump Be A Secret Agent For Hillary
10-Raccoon's and Trump~Larry Arruda~(Source)
11-Definition of Trump
12-Hillary and Donald Trump walk into a bakery
13-Kaepernick and Obama, trump this Kool-Aid
14-Hoping one thing will remain after the election
15-Undecided voters
16-Don't be surprised if Mr. Trump is hired
17-Biggest Hail Marry of all time, Obama Da Dog to change name to Ivanka
18-Mazol Tov Mr. Trump!
19-Just Give Trump a Chance
20-Wishing Hillary well and why all the protesting?
21-The election is over (and)Trump is our captain and is on our side..!
22-Trump's Political Chess
23-Who would you rather kiss goodnight, Obama or Ivanka..?
24-Bet you thought I was going to blog about Trump
25-Fake News~It's hard to believe the news these days
26-Heed the words of Michelle Obama
27-Trump era off to shaky start
28-It was a beautiful Inauguration yet I am scared for my country
29-Fasten your seat-belts for the Trump era
30-America's second civil war has begun
31-Immigrant ban and the real definition of civil war
32-TRUMP,The most charismatic man in the world
33-Trump's buyers remorse
34-Never a dull moment with Trump as Potus
35-Trumps vetting good for the dogs, why not the people?
36-I Drank Trump's Kool-Aid
37-Why let politics destroy Friendships
38-EVERYTHING TRUMP, the first 101 days
39-Trump's wall and how it can be financed
40-Where do we draw the line on Political humor?
41-Trump would be wise to resign with dignity
42-I don't care about politics on Memorial day
43-Time to Lower political rhetoric
44-Trump, the man that gave up his billionaire lifestyle to live in a bubble
45-Thank you Donald Trump or should I say WTF Potus
46-OJ vs. "The Donald,"The White House Live
47-John McCain's last hurrah, the worlds going to hell
48-The Kim Vs. The Donald, live from Aloha stadium
49-My Israeli friend wrote,The world is watching
50-The NFL, The Hollywood elite, comedians, all dictating politics


Renee Harden said...

Well said & I agree! We never saw this level of 💩 when Nixon happened! Ps...I love the memes!

Glenn Mickens-by email said...

The point you keep missing, Kimo is that the mess Trump is in was created by Trump and no one else. Not late night people or Hollywood or any of his other haters gave them this negative state they are in!! No President in history has ever had the nation and the world in this kind of turmoil and if you will be honest you will see this. There is only the continual battle within his inner circle (cabinet) and the congress and senate that we have never seen before.
And, Kimo this is not imagined or made up--his mockery of women, climate change, disabled people, and "fake news" that infuriates the media and the public. Yes, he fights hard to keep his base of the haters in our country but his impeachment is looming more and more and then and only then will his hatred be gone.
When your blogs have always been so middle of the road appealing to the people I cannot understand how you support this psychotic egomaniac but I guess that is why so many of our vets gave their lives so that we can have the right to agree or disagree without being jailed or killed.

KimoRosen said...


The point of mine you keep missing is that Trump is president and all these talk show hosts coming out and shooting the middle finger at Trump publicly isn't the smartest thing for them to do. Trump is the most powerful man in the world and can make their lives miserable if he chooses with the likes of such things as IRS audits.

If you don't like him fine, don't go crazy on national TV is my point. I didn't like many of many teachers growing up but never gave them the middle finger and still pretended to respect them because they were the "authority."

Your pal,

Melinda Kontos said...

Great blog!!! So true. People are so hateful nowadays. So sad.

Tommy LaVenture said...

Better ease back on the medication Kimo.

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

Bravo to Kimo & Glenn :

You two have great mind & uncle C appreciate being your pal & respect your politics & religion, America is not perfect but we can correct them with the desire of the voters. the world can be a dull place to exist if we all think alike,so make peace & raise a glass of Manischewitz wine & say ALOHA BRA or BROTHER...:-)

Puerto Rice now needed help after Hurricane Maria,Donald Trump cuts off their FEMA help !!! ,Donnie tossed a roll of paper to the needies & said,it's your own fault to invite Maria to your door step now eat your roll paper like like Maria Antoinette of France to the poor "Let them eat cake".

Your Pal always,
UNC,Now incarcerated in Donald Trump's dumpster for objecting to his juvenile tweeting & utterings ,

Renee Harden said...

@ Glenn Mickens, The psychotic egomaniac didn't win! (I KNOW one of the women who Mrs Bill Clinton ruined after she was sexually assaulted by Mr. Bill & she wasn't one who made the public eye.) As news of ol' Harv has come to light, it's not a stretch to believe that "the swamp" creatures are out to ruin someone who may not have been without sin, but seems to be doing right for the country, Glenn Mickens! The state of the US & the World was at the brink before Trump was elected. To blame him for the world's pain tells me about you. It's apparent who the power brokers wanted in office & while many of us may have not chosen the current president as 1st choice, he's a better choice than another round of the Clintons.

Fred Levinthol said...

Renee, you are spot on! and also a 100% correct, Glen, who is a person that l respect is dead wrong here. He just can't get over the elections as the main stream media and those disgusting talk show hosts!!!

Fred Levinthol said...

stay off the booze Tom!

Tommy LaVenture said...

I sure will Fred, whoever you are.

Renee Harden said...

Re: UNC's comment: Good grief! The country has had 3 major hurricanes in 4 weeks. Puerto Rico is 1000 MILES off the mainland & the storm was in the path of the relief support! Having lived thru Harvey, I ache for PR. Supplies got there as fast as possible, & that happened without the Executive Office. PR was suffering long before the storm. Supplies couldn't be delivered because the truck drivers didn't come to help. Trump didn't cut FEMA off, he said that they couldn't stay forever! Big difference! I don't believe HRC would've gotten her pantsuit sweaty by even showing up in any of the storms! She (nor Obama) bothered to show up in Louisiana after their flood last year. Who did? Trump did, & donated $1 mil for supplies.

Fred Levinthol said...

Kimo you are a 100% correct!!!

Fred Levinthol said...

again Renee, spot on!

Fred Levinthol said...

very welcome!

Fred Levinthol said...

Thank you Tom, I'm just a 63 yr. old local boy born here in 1954, son of a Vet. who served our country in WW 2 and lost my eldest brother in Vietnam [1968]. I consider myself a very patriotic American as I know you do. I just think we should respect everyones opinions and be friends and not get get influenced by what I feel is a very unfair and unbalanced main-stream media and late show host that does not give our president a chance! Aloha Freddy Levinthol.

KimoRosen said...

Proud to call you my friend, Fred!

Tommy LaVenture said...

I was in the service too. My idea of patriotism is not flag worship or blind cheer-leading of war or the platitudes of elected officials. The mainstream media you speak of is cable news. Turn off cable news and you won't absorb that hate that sent the nation into tribal factions who are no longer capable of discussion but are now only able to see through the eyes of party agendas.

Fred Levinthol said...

like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC! I guess the flag to you is just a piece of cloth. Do you stand for it? By the way, thank you for your service !

Tommy LaVenture said...

I don't put the side show on the front page.

Ami Thea said...

1) to remain silent in the face of tyrrany is to be complicit and to allow history to repeat itself.
2) I agree that it is not below 45 to seek revenge against anyone who disagrees. However, fear of retribution is not a good enough reason to stand silently in the face of injustice and dictatorship.
3) if we can't laugh about the insanity that is our current leadership, we'll be crying for the next 3 years.

Janie Quigley-Westerhout said...

I agree, the snowflakes are trying to run the country still, I’m laughing at them too!

Annie Sims said...


Kit Ellison said...

Trump bashing will stop when he and his family learn to keep their big mouths shut. If they are quiet there would be nothing to bash them over.
