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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Golden Froth..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Classic Wednesday)

Bettejo Dux has lived on Kaua'i for  over 40 years and is a regular columnist  for the worlds greatest
newspaper, (The Kaua'i Garden Island news) Bettejo is pictured above with friends at Costco
Outdoor cafe.
Golden Froth

When the rain comes down and the sky goes gray, it's time a Golden froth to brew.

So healthy, so warm and filling  in the tummy, so easy to digest,  at times like this a  thinning bargain  broth is due. Did you ever stop to think, you can sip soup for breakfast, lunch or dinner?

I'm standing at my end of the barn.The zoo is fed. I've made a warm alfalfa mash for Aristotle, rich with bran, carrots and molasses. He loves it. Duke is munching raisins, peanuts and other parrot goodies, watching water fall from the sky awhile  a finicky red cardinal splashes in a bird bath  instead of a puddle.

Boots, my grown up puppy is eating, as are the ancient cats.

Only I, poor 'ting, am  running on empty. Another lesson my father taught me: always feed the animals first.

My beloved Vitamix, standing tall and silent, beckons.

Be creative my stomach grumbles, you can't write without sustenance. Despite my visitation, I'm not a Breatharian..

I drag out a basket of vegetables. Lots of stuff. Potatoes, onions, garlic, celery, carrots and golden peppers. All allegedly organic. Cold pressed extra virgin  olive oil. Range free chicken bits I've saved in the freezer for such a moment. A  bottle full of homemade chicken broth. Artichoke hearts in olive oil. Salt, pepper, spices.  Brewer's Yeast. Wheat Germ.

And then, a stroke of genius. I find a package of The Laughing Cow light and creamy Swiss cheese. Maybe a little too much fat? Well, it's a cold and a rainy day- hey, hey- I'll chew the fat. Eskimos do. I've lived so long in the tropics, days like this are arctic winter weather to me and 35 calories per wedge sounds good. Besides I love the red laughing cow, with earrings in her ears, on the box. She makes me happy. I love happy cows. Dancing cows in meadows green. Laughing cows in bovine heaven.

A suggestion: never measure. Just toss. Into the microwave goes the potato loving slathered in olive oil. Dump chicken bits, artichoke hearts, onions, garlic, carrots and slices of yellow pepper in a soup bowl to sauté in olive oil in the micro when the potato is done.

As they meld and mellow, cut the plato in half and toss in the Vitamix with some chicken broth and a wedge of the laughing cow. Be generous with the Brewer's Yeast and Wheat Germ. When the vegetables have lovingly combined, dump them in the Vitamix and flick three switches.

Noisy critter. Almost as noisy as Duke. Boots, by this time, is at my feet with a  hungry look in her eye. She loves soup.

This brew turned out  so golden-the cheese and carrot mix, I guess-so frothy, it brightened up the day and contained everything a human needs for nourishment.  Protein. Vitamins. Essential fatty acids. Minerals.  Thin it down with more water for a larger family, or thick it up if it's just for you. 

Enjoy. Enjoy.


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