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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"Sarah and Trump and Chattel..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Vintage Bettejo)

Bettejo Dux has lived on the cosmic Garden
 Island of Kaua'i for over 40 years.
Bettejo is a regular opinion writer in the Garden Island news
 and is the author of the famed novella, "The Scam." 
 Her latest fiction"Children of extinction"
 is now  released and available on Amazon!
Bettejo has a gift of mingling
 the present, the past, and the future. 

Sarah and Trump and Chattel

Chattel. What a word. it does not roll trippingly off the tongue. There's a darkness about it. It means possession of something. Cars, cattle, women...

Today is a wonderful time for Western women. I wouldn't care to be a Muslim woman in a long black veil--in which she can vote with a green thumb--if she can see through the slits. Sharia law?  Her hair must be covered and you shouldn't see her feet. Allah commands. What's the guy got against feet and hair?

In America women are speaking out. Seems to me they're more concerned about the future--the children, the environment, the health of the planet--than men.

Women on Kauai are vocal in complaining about GMO's, air-born toxins, over-crowded, wrongly sited milk factories, more cars, more highways, more suburban sprawl, tourist, global warming, CO2.

I love articulate, intelligent, out-spoken women. I love their involvement in the goings-on. "The world crisis came about without women having anything to do with it. If the women of the world had not been excluded from affairs, things today might have been different." That's Alice Paul before the passage of the 18th Amendment. I suggest you find the film, Iron Jawed Angels. Watch it. Share it. We owe so much to this courageous young woman. We need more like her. If you must identify with a female figure, identify with Alice.

Today, of course, women often play an important role in politics and law. Think of Sarah Palin. An example of female evangelism gone sick.  Tried her hand in politics. Darling of the religious right. Well, she's baaacckk. Slithered in with Trump. What a pair. Hope you watched her exorcism on YouTube. Bishop Thomas Muthee, Word of Faith Churches in Kenya. It's an insult to human intelligence.

Which brings us back to chattel

Biblical quotes work here. Ecclesiastics 15:18, 19 & 33. "And a man will choose--any wickedness but the wickedness of a woman...Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must die."

The history of women as chattel is woven into many legal codes and cultures. In the Old and the New Testament as well as the Quran. Women are property. There's a world-wide dominion over women. In fundamental patriarchal religious societies, that live by the word, women are valued as objects. A husband owns his wife...

...so she better shut up and do as told.

A quote from Augustine Aquinas is enlightening. In Summa Theologica he wrote, "As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active power of the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex, while the production of a woman comes from the defect in the active power..."

Augustine is a Catholic Saint so I assume he resides in a Catholic heaven. As a devout non believer, who does not believe in heaven or hell, I pen a brief note.

"Dear Auggie, to spend all eternity with you would be hell."

What do you think?
Bettejo breaking bread and
 discussing life with her friend
and mentor, Richard Dawkins.

Bettejo endorses Steve Saylor for President, Check out his Youtube videos'.
Mr. Saylor lives on Kaua'i 6 months of the year....
Video #1;
Video #2;
Video #3;
Newest video-#4

Bettejo's new priceless possession is Richard Dawkins' "Brief  Candle in the Dark."

Editor's note, Dakinetalk guest bloggers do not necessarily represent the opinions of dakinetalk. Guest bloggers are given space to express their beliefs and or opinions. We feel there are many roads and like to give people space to express their thoughts,after-all that's what dakine is...
Aloha, James "Kimo" Rosen---Blogger-n-chief, dakinetalk blog---

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...