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Monday, February 22, 2021

"Trump, the limelight, PT Barnum, and the rest of the story..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen (Kimo's world #313)


James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser,
 Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

               Sunrise/weather/photos February~2021
           (These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
                                   Photos courtesy,
                                  James "Kimo" Rosen
Blog #2067~Kimo's world #313

Trump, the limelight, PT Barnum, and the rest of the story

Donald Trump is always 10 chess moves ahead of everyone.  Now he’s just smiling and thinking how he can make America great again in 2024.   
The old adage by P. T. Barnum about there being no such thing as bad publicity has undergone its most trying test yet with the second impeachment trial of former President Trump being acquitted of all charges as he was in the first impeachment trial.

If the Dems really wanted to do damage, as basic psychology suggests, would be to forget Trump altogether and never mention his name again. 

Instead, they keep him in the media limelight.  Good or bad, publicity is beneficial, Trump knows this, milks it, and realizes beyond a reasonable doubt all this will help in the long hull.

It's ironic that the Democrats still yearn for Donald Trump. He is still the topic of late-night talk shows

and comedy. The network news still reports on him more than any other ex-president.

Love him, hate him, or even love to hate him Donald Trump is the most mesmerizing
and charismatic person to ever hold political office and people feel a need to know what's happening with him, good-bad, comical, or displeasing.

Steven Colbert a late-night talk show host was said to be happy when Joe Biden "won" the election, however, his comedy and talk show is still focused around Trump, talk about being obsessed and having a chronic case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome,) even while he's out of office.

Colbert is not the only left-wing

democrat still utterly obsessed with Trump even though he's no longer President. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and every major network on the airwaves is Jonesing for anything "Donald".

There's is a reason the Democrats don't want him to run in 2024, because they know he

will win, especially with all the attention he's currently getting on a daily basis right now. This is exactly what the lamestream media did prior to the 2016 election and wondered how Trump was elected.  

Note to my Democrat friends;
Should you truly want Donald Trump to never hold office again and disappear,  you must

do what any psychiatrist would advise you to do, quit talking about him and making him the center of attention.  I know this won't happen. Therefore, I would like to thank my far left and democrat friends for keeping Donald Trump's name current and relevant.

 PT Barnum also said,

“I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.” "And now you know — the rest of the story."-Paul Harvey
This blog appeared as an op-ed column in the
03-01-21 edition of the Garden Island news!

That's me and my old English sheepdog, 
"Kamala," back in Santa Barbara-1978.
Somewhat ironic, I had a dog named,' Kamala!' ;-)

Hana Hou, (Encore)