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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

"Vaccine passports and getting back to normal...” 'James "Kimo" Rosen' ( Kimo's world #317)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser,
 Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!
               Sunrise/weather/photos May~2021
           (These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
                                   Photos courtesy,
                                  James "Kimo" Rosen

Blog #2071~Kimo's world #317

Vaccine passports and getting back to normal

I am finally microchipped

along with millions of others, therefore Bill Gates and  Dr. Anthony Fauci can now track our every move. They will be able to see if I’m communicating with Elvis or hiding JFK in a private Bunker. (LOL)
The old adage to not

discuss politics or religion in public has gone one-tier further to include the COVID vaccine. Everyone has their opinion and it can cause friction. None the less here I am.

The COVID vaccine is

shunned by the anti-vaccine crowd.  They find most of their information and what they believe to be the coronavirus gospel on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

The question remains,

should I trust my doctors who are primarily pro-vaccine or a bunch of conspiracy theorists and social media junkies without medical degrees?

If a business can say no shirt, no shoes, no mask, no enter, why can’t they say, no vaccine, no enter?

There or those who believe your civil liberties would be violated should a vaccine passport

become mandatory? Are your civil liberties violated when you decide to not get a driver's license and drive, or not wear a seatbelt when in a vehicle.?
People must get over their paranoia and realize the government is not planting microchips into them by way of the COVID vaccine. 

 I  feel safer going into an establishment or hopping on public transportation where the employees have been vaccinated. I will not complain if private businesses, schools, airlines, cruise ships, and other travel and tourism-related

enterprises require vaccine passports to enter. 
The Government may not be able to require a vaccine as long as the vaccine is still in the emergency stage, however, once it meets approval by the FDA is another story. 
The passport would have medical and religious exemptions.

Many states, cities, and counties across America are offering incentives for their residents

to get vaccinated.
Ohio is having a million-dollar drawing.  NYC is offering fast food gift certificates and lotto tickets, other states are offering US savings bonds.
Walmart offers employees, $75.00.
Safeway Pharmacy offers
a 10% discount on groceries.
The state of Hawaii could

offer a free round trip all-expense-paid trip to the 9th island of Las Vegas along with a giant spam musubi! All I got was free coffee and pastries.

A lot has changed since the onset of the pandemic. New words like social distancing, distance learning, work at home, curbside pickup and so many more.

The slower lifestyle of

years past was welcomed by many. The beaches, coral reefs, and fish had a chance to rest and replenish. There was reduced traffic. People had a chance to interact with neighbors like it was the1950's again.  

The bad news is many businesses were forced to close, others filed bankruptcy. Many folks could not afford to pay rent, mortgage, utilities, or basic food and transportation expenses. Elective surgeries were postponed, depression and suicide increased and many around the globe died.

Are we ready to mingle in large groups again? Are we ready to shake hands, hug, and give

a peck on the cheek as a common greeting, or have we all been conditioned to be germaphobes like the famous TV detective Adrian Monk?

Are politicians going to be comfortable at rallies shaking the hands of thousands and kissing babies? When someone sneezes or coughs in public, will we rush to the nearest restroom to gargle and wash our hands?

 What is normal?

The joke goes; normal is the setting on the washing machine. Will western society ever get back to shaking hands as it’s a traditional greeting and closure to business deals or will abnormal remain our normal?

 I've been double vaccinated, I feel safe, however, life for me will not be normal until such time that food samples return to Costco. 
This blog appeared as an Op-ed/Guest column
in the 05-31-21 edition of the Garden Island news!
TheOp-ed was the most popular and most read
 article in the newspaper for
that day!

Hana Hou (Encore)

Monday, May 10, 2021

"To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, heads or tails..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #316)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser,
 Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

               Sunrise/weather/photos May~2021
           (These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
                                   Photos courtesy,
                                  James "Kimo" Rosen

Blog #2070~Kimo's world #316

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, heads or tails

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question. 'Whether tis nobler in the body to take a chance, then not.' 

  I don't trust Hollywood

or the politicians promoting the vaccine. I want to be safe, but how can I trust a vaccine that's not approved by the FDA except for emergency usage. One of the vaccines was temporality

suspended due to blood clots then reinstated.  I sought advice from family, friends, community leaders, healthcare workers, and clergy. The verdict was mixed. I flipped a coin, heads I go for my appointment, tails I don't. Heads it was! 

All pharmaceutical drugs have a huge list of warnings enclosed with each purchase. My diabetes medication includes possible renal failure or death and it is approved by the FDA.

"The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19." (From Pfizer)

All prescription drugs and vaccines have side effects whether approved or

under emergency use. These cautions and side effects are written as a way for pharmaceutical companies to cover their okoles (butts) in a sue-happy society.

  I spoke with my doctors. My surgeon, pain doctor, and physical therapist all received the Pfizer vaccine, which must mean something. A group

of nurses walked up to my hale and offered me a Moderna vaccine in place of the suspended J&J, which I graciously declined. I finally settled for Pfizer since I believe that is the best of all the vaccines. It is currently approved for those 12 years and older, plus most healthcare workers I know have received it, though they won't publicly say it's the best, it seems obvious through their actions.

I know many who have had severe reactions to the Moderna vaccine. One friend says

Moderna's second shot was like heroin withdrawal. A close relative had to call 911 in the middle of the night after the second Moderna shot, another friend went to the ER, another friend was sick in bed for 3 days.

A neighbor had a rare reaction.

She felt dizzy and nauseous, her son took her to the ER. They found an embolism in her lower groin and operated immediately. The embolism had nothing to do with the vaccine. The ER visit ironically saved her life. "The Lord works in mysterious ways."

Many on the political right

believe the vaccine is a clinical trial and everyone whose been vaccinated is part of the experiment. Folks on the left believe science cannot be wrong and believe beyond a reasonable doubt in the vaccine.

A doctor friend told me something I haven't heard from anyone else, to avoid harsh reactions

to the vaccine start taking an antihistamine a few days prior to your scheduled shots.  The concept is antihistamines are allergy pills, hence they prevent allergic reactions. it worked for me. Any over-the-counter allergy medication will work. (Take at your own risk.)

 Forget politics and party affiliation;

Now if Joe Biden truly wants to be an uniter as he preaches, and not a divider and get more Americans vaccinated give former President Trump credit for operation WARP speed and getting COVID vaccines to market in a remarkable 9 months.

I am a conspiracy theorist, however, when you see what's happening in India with

makeshift crematoriums on the streets due to the mortuaries not being able to keep up with the mass deaths due to the coronavirus, it's a wake-up call and is what changed my hesitancy to get vaccinated.

Dolly Parton recently wrote a parody song to the tune of her famous song, 'Jolene," that says it all.
"Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, because once you’re dead, then that’s a bit too late.”

Democrats, Republicans, Independents, let's all get on the same team. Do you truly believe

the government, scientists, trusted doctors and Hollywood elite are behind planting chips into the population of the world to track everyone? 

I hate to say it, I believe they are trying to help us!

I have read on a lighter note;
"Have faith in the Pfizer vaccine. Don't forget they make Viagra.
If they can raise the dead, they can most certainly save the living!"

This blog appeared as an Op-ed/Guest column
in the 05-12-21 edition of the Garden Island news!
Hana Hou (Encore)