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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"National Prayer Day and counting..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Vintage Bettejo)

Bettejo Dux has lived on the cosmic Garden
 Island of Kaua'i for over 40 years.

Bettejo is a regular opinion writer in the Garden Island news
 and is the author of the famed novella, "The Scam." 
 Her latest fiction"Children of extinction"
 is now  released and available on Amazon!
Bettejo at 84 years young taking time
 out of her busy day for one of many
scheduled book signings.
National Prayer Day and counting

Bettejo at the Martin Luther King Jr.
festivities at Kukui Grove back in 2013

National Prayer Day and counting.

 This could go on forever. I would suggest those interested in this never-ending debacle, find and watch the Christopher Hitchens and Tony Blair 90 minute debate in Toronto, November 2010. Look for Christopher Hitchens and Tony Blair, BBC News and Munk Debate, "Be it resolved religion is a force for good in the world." If you know the Hitch, you'll know what side he's on. I won't give the winner of the debate away. 
Check it out on YouTube

Kimo, those that prey together, stay together. Don'cha get it? I don't think us non believers do the wish trip. Anyway, I don't bow my head or shut my eyes. I commune with others in the flock. 

Also interested in Arthur Hernandez statement, "I heard many people who elevated themselves in a very high level in the tree of knowledge..." Isn't that a slap in the face? According to the Garden of Eden story, the head honcho forbid Adam and Eve from eating thereof. The tree of knowledge? Interesting metaphor. 

Me, as a devout non believer, I munch on the leaves of reason. I just heard from Jim Jung, spoke with Monroe Richman, and love Kimo. May the world be filled with more and more human beings like them. Like me, too? 

 Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared From Facebook...