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Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Hot Flashes..." 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspirational Monday's)

Inspiration Mondays are back with guest blogger Judy Whitehead, this blog is about something I will never experience but know that many woman reading this will empathise with Judy.  Enjoy.

The M word… no, not marriage…we have all heard it spoken so loosely but never has it taken on such meaning as it does at this very time in my life. I have looked ahead to this day that someday I would join the ranks of “older women” and their problems, but this term has taken on new meaning since it has landed close to home. Of course 55 is the new 45, and I am trying to convince myself of that these days, when these strange feelings overtake me during the day. I have always been a “warm feeling” person, never over dressing for the winter and waiting until at least February to pull out the winter coat. As it looks now, I will never have to put on a winter coat again in Buffalo. I have enough heat coursing through my body to warm an entire room at times.

Being able to juggle 10 things in my mind at once has been my strong-point through my entire life. I now seem to be able to juggle only 5 things at a time and hope I don’t forget anything along the way. How could a simple word like “hormone” cause such havoc on a persons’ being.

I am convinced that no one can empathize with you unless they too have started this stage in their life. When asking a professional how long these “symptoms” can last…I was given a very vague answer. There seems to be no time frame to this part of a woman’s life. These symptoms can last months to years; not exactly what I wanted to hear.

The 50’s have brought many positive things into my life; among them are wisdom and experience and now “hot flashes” or the “vapors” as referred to in the past, will be added to the list. I suppose I will have to endure as there is no other choice; I hope other family members will “endure” along with me as they don’t have much choice either.

And so, I will start another chapter of my life that I am sure will pass quickly also; one can only hope. I will look forward to the chapters about to start in the future, and save money on winter clothing this coming season as I will certainly not need as many of them.

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