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Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Occupy Wall Street..." 'Obama Da Dog'

 Laughter is sometimes the best therapy say's Obama Dog....  This blog also appeared as an opinion article in the Kauai Garden Island News on 10-16-11; "Dazzling hypocrisy;
Wall street seems to be America's current scapegoat for all our problems. There is a new movement called 'Occupy Wall street' that is just starting to come into it''s own with protests all over the country even including Kauai island in the middle of the south Pacific.

America is all about free speech and like the sixties many things were changed through protests. Whether you agree or dis-agree on the current movement, the one thing we can all agree on is that America is the greatest country on earth where we can all speak our mind.

 I am here-fore  enclosing my favorite words of a recent poster entitled, 'Occupy Wall street,' I feel it says's quite a bit. Enjoy...
"Here is one of the many fun ways to enjoy the dazzling hypocrisy of the Occupy Wall Streeters. “Join us as we organize against corporations, using social networking (by corporations), smart-phones (by corporations) serviced by wireless carriers (that are corporations), wearing clothes (made by corporations), capturing it all with cameras (made by corporations), and getting there via cars, buses, bicycles, and shoes (made by corporations). We deserve more from these greedy corporations. Join us afterwards at Starbucks!”

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants on this blog site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Publisher of Dakinetalk the blog, but they could? ;D)

If you would like to express yourself about any subject you feel passionate about, please  feel free to submit a guest blog to dakinetalk. Please limit guest blogs between 200-500 words, along with a short bio and photo of yourself. Send all blog submissions to; jrsensei@hotmail.com  who knows your blog could go viral!


Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;"Douglas wrote: "Kimo: notwithstanding the humorous juxtaposition, there seems to be a common misunderstanding. The protest is neither anti-corporation nor anti-capitalism. Both in their places have brought us many wonderful gifts.

What is being protested is corporations and CEO’s overstepping their roles -- corporations impersonating human beings (when corporations can serve on a jury, go to jail or get a heart transplant, we can talk), and CEO’s violating laws on a massive scale with impunity (when a human being robs one victim in a dark alley and gets a hundred dollars, he goes to jail; when a CEO perpetrates massive securities and investment fraud, collapses an entire economy, and gets hundreds of millions of dollars, he gets an additional bonus).

We love the iPhones, cars, gadgets and computers. We want them to be made in America by Americans for good wages instead of by child slaves in Indonesia, and we don’t want the workers who make them to pay higher tax rates than the shareholders who collect dividends."

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Doug, you know the expression many of earnest word was spoken in guest? That's the gist of this blog... If the American corporations that still do most of their work in America but keep their headquarters in places like Switzerland to avoid paying a 35% corporate tax. America needs to lower the tax base for corporations , that would bring billions back. Many US corporations have their main offices running out of makeshift office buildings in foreign ports. Many of these CEOs have said lower the tax base to 20% and they would move back.

Douglas Dunn said...

ia facebook;"Yes, Kimo, that's why I acknowledged the humorous intent of how the points were juxtaposed, but did want to insert the serious side of it too.

The point about corporations who “keep their headquarters in places like Switzerland to avoid pa...ying a 35% corporate tax” are better addressed by changing the laws that allow them to claim domiciles abroad while doing “most of their work in America.”

And when you consider that many multinational corporations, including GE and ExxonMobil not only paid NO TAXES AT ALL but actually took huge tax credits (corporated welfare), the idea that you can lower the corporate tax rate as an incentive for corporations that already pay NO TAXES AT ALL simply does not comport with reality.

There are other ways to close tax loopholes and other incentives for outsourcing that have been supported by Democrats (and even passed in the House before the Democrats lost the majority), but which were obstructed by the Republicans. Some of these even included targeted tax cuts including tax credits for DOMESTIC job creation and payroll tax cuts, which you would think Republicans should have supported if they were really about job creation instead of dictating control of women’s uteruses (or is that “uteri”?)."

James "kimo" Rosen said...

Doug, I agree, have you ever considered running for political office? instead of signing for Hillary and Barack, someone could sign for you... and concerning your question about the plural of the female anatomy here's my answer;In Latin, "uteri". In English, "uteruses" or maybe "uteri" -- one sounds awkward, the other pedantic. You could cheat and use "wombs". ;D)

Douglas Dunn said...

via Facebook;"OK, Kimo, "wombs" it is!

It is a challenge to run for a partisan office as I live in a very conservative part of the County where "D" after one's name is suicide by ballot.

Shortly after I first moved from the L.A. area more than 20 years... ago, I was one of the "ringleaders" of a recall movement to oust several religious conservatives from our local school board (Vista school district; made it to all national network news reports) and, despite all odds, we had a complete victory in the Nov 1994 elections which were otherwise quite unkind to Democrats. I was strongly encouraged, and I did consider running for a non-partisan school board position briefly during the 1990's and had offers for good funding, but I decided against it.

We need good people who can negotiate and compromise, and navigate the political balance, but I found myself softening my tone and taking more cautious positions in my letters and public statements, and decided that I would rather feel free and unfettered to say what I really feel (yes, as tactfully and constructively as possible, but without restraint).

As far as having someone sign for me, I have represented the Democratic party at public forums, including those attended by Deaf with interpreters that were signed. At one event, a Deaf audience member asked (in sign) a question and, while otherwise deferring to the hired interpreters (who invariably have less experience than myself), I did sign for myself and simultaneously speak in delivering my response, giving the hired "hands" a brief break."

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Senator Dunn, Good answer! btw, I was a little kid there was a man with an accent that worked for my father and always said Mr. Rosen, there's no more womb....when he meant room, so I need to go watch some footaball since i am running out of wimb. :D)

Rema Murphy said...

via email;"Yes, the irony of it. Nice article, Jim."

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

via email;"Ha ha ha Shalom Rabbi . :-D ..Funny Sunday...I don't understand the Wall street protests nor how any government or banks can "CREATE JOBS" !!! Government DON'T Create jobs, NO GOVERNMENT or Corporation owe any one any jobs !!! How about the Protesters CREATE JOBS ? I don't see them creating jobs,you don't see Steve Jobs or Bill Gates out there protesting Wall street bankers,They keep their mouth shut & work quietly to innovate & invent USEFUL entities that they do not force people to buy,why don't the protesters emulate them & create their own jobs.

I respect all peaceful protests & welcome all opinions ....but go create your own job !!!"

James "kimo" Rosen said...

One thing further Unc, If corporations were given a lower tax rate they wouldn't be hiding behind P.O. Boxes in foreign ports, We need to lower the corporate tax rate to get American companies to move back to America!Aloha Rabbi Kimobama-san

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

via email;"Shalom # Uno Rabbi K:

Agreed,also ban the US Minimum wage laws to compete with foreign wedges,better to have a lower wage Now than NO wage at all ,with better talent at home,nuts to out source work to overseas.bottom line counts in business. things will improve when one can produce a product or service people needed at fair prices. Encourage better education for people to innovate & invent new products & beat other with brain power. Profit sharing will keep talents at home."