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Monday, January 2, 2012

"Something called common courtesy..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

Many people with breathing difficulties are hospitalized every New Years in Hawaii because of the out of control fireworks.
This blog also ran as an opinion article in today's Kaua'i Garden island News with the title; Too many fireworks  http://thegardenisland.com/promo/homepage/letters-for-monday-january/article_f4bf908e-351e-11e1-8fcb-0019bb2963f4.html 

And it also ran on January 5, 2012 in the Honolulu Advertiser on page A-10, titled; "Kauai should follow Oahu on fireworks." http://staradvertiser.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx
Fireworks can be beautiful and works of art when professionals are a t the controls. When everyone has carte blanche even on residential streets it is a disastrous situation
I am blessed to live where not many fireworks go off, but just a few blocks from me in a major residential neighborhood I know 3 families that leave their homes every new years because of the smoke and continuous noise form 7-12. Many people will pop a Valium to relieve the stress and many welcome in the New Years with their homes smelling like smoke.

Many will tell you it's culture, it's not cultural to be discourteous to your neighbors.

Kaua'i needs to follow in Oahu's path in limiting fireworks and requiring a permit to partake in the insanity, better yet just make it illegal.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants on this blog site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Publisher of Dakinetalk the blog, but they could? ;D)


Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;"I saw your letter in this morning’s Garden Island, along with a few really, really nasty comments that demonstrate incredibly vicious personal vitriol and the open bigotry of ignorant anti-Semitic hatred.

As for the envrionmental aspects,... sometimes those closest to beauty come to take it for granted and fail to appreciate what they have. Perhaps those of us who visit paradise only occasionally treasure the most spectacular treasure of Nature on earth and understand that it is not here just for cheap human exploitation. Those who turn their backs on the blessings of stewardship of great beauty prove themselves to be the swine incapable of appreciating the pearls cast before them.

As for the vicious personal attacks, we see cheap ridicule from the most small minded, openly anti-Semitic, ignorant bigots who make false assumptions about those they envy and who are incapable of recognizing human spirits more complex and expansive than what can be understood by their small minds and even smaller souls.

I have posted a comment in response and encourage any and all others to do the same."

KimoRosen said...

Doug, again you have proved to be a true friend, I really apprteciate your note. If you haee time and can take it more step and sent it to the letters section and to the new editor Renee Haines, It would be great if it ran as an Lte. I put out a call to my Jewish friends, and friends of the Jewish people to send comments, again a big mahalo nui loa.

Steven M. Eayrs said...

via facebook;"wow...didn't read your paper Jim, so had no idea of this kind of attack. sorry to hear it."

KimoRosen said...

Steve and everyone, it was not the local paper but a commenter in the letters section, below is what she said,"KimoSabe, you could move to New York, where your kind are walking around whining at eachother and drinking Manishewitz wine; you ...can still collect your free benefits from the taxpayors but there it will be your family who's paying for them"

Today's letters section, I can handle all the negative remarks but when someone makes fun of my religion and tells lies about my finances which by the way are no-body's business, they have crossed the line.


Harmony said...

via facebook;"I was surprised to read that bigoted comment, Kimo. i totally disagree with you about fireworks, but hey, it has nothing to do with religion, & it was a very mean spirited comment."

KimoRosen said...

Mahalos Harmony, I like Fireworks too, done by the pro's just don't like every Tom Dick and Harry detonating them in residential neighborhoods...

Judith Whitehead said...

via facebook;"Some people can get very carried away with fireworks...I also have many friends that have to spend all night calming their animals that go crazy with the loud sounds as well..."

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

VIA email;"Thanks Douglas Dunn:

You said it ALL for me,do we need the Ku Klux Klan in Hawaii? guys like Easatime shows ignorance that should be deported to Guantanamo,Cuba for life,check out the Star of David on the US military cemeteries around the world,our Jewish citizen soldiers even protect bigots like him. SHALOM,RABBI KIMO.YOU HAVE MORE PEOPLE LOVE YOU THAN YOU THINK.

lol,Unc C,
Veteran US Army in the Korean War.
PS=pleaese forward this to Douglas Dunn & Kauai Garden News

Bettejo Dux said...

via email;"Really vile people out there, KIMO. I didn't see it." Love you Bettejo

KimoRosen said...

Mahalo Nui Loa to everyone who wrote to the Garden Island News about the racist anti Semitic commenter. The Newspaper deleted every comment ever made by that commenter. I Thank my local Newspaper the Kaua'i Garden Island News for being a class act!

Bettejo Dux said...

via email;"I don't like anybody's god but I love the human beings that have them. Some of them. I have no use for racists, bigots etc. etc etc. I just love the idea I may be related to those darling chimps. Also the Great apes. Remember I told you about the 'Bettejo Page'? It's on my Web now. Check it out. More to come. Pictures from Sundance. I'll try for two columns a week. Busy trying to sell books. Ordering. Sigh. Really hae my work cut out for me." Love'ya Bettejo

Keith Haugen said...

via facebook and Honolulu Staradvertiser;"E Kimo: Push for a total ban. Allowing gunpower, in any form, into the hands of wannabe terrorists (that's what they are, as they try to strike fear in the hearts of those they terrorize) allows them to make and detonate huge roadside bom...bs. We experienced about 200 such explosions in our Nu`uanu neighborhood during about a five-hour period (8pm.-1 a.m.) many right next to Kuakini Hospital and Rehab Hospital of the Pacific. Admittedly, that was better than three months of nightly explosions in previous years, but still pretty stupid and unlawful."

KimoRosen said...

Totally agree with you Keith, and with the great possibility of property damage and injuries I say outlaw then and leave the awesome displays to professional!

Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook & Staradvertiser;" I agree with the excellent posted comment by Bettejo Dux who appropriately recognized your witty insightfulness.

Two excellent letters in two fine papers on the same day!"

Bettejo Dux said...

via facebook % Honolulu Staradvertiser;"there are sure some nasty mean-spirited people on that site. Loe'ya" bettejo

Marty said...

via email;"Sorry you had to experience the racist bite of anti-Semitism. People with small minds will always criticize others until they grow and become more tolerant themselves. There should always be room for disagreement and dialogue in the Garden Island Forum, not for malicious and vitriolic comments. I am glad they pulled her out. I would expect that policy be enforced with anyone who spews hatred and intolerance."