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Friday, February 17, 2012

"The letter..." 'Obama Da dog'

"Try writing a letter to a friend or loved one the good fashioned way with a pen and paper, you may be surprised how good it actually feels..!" 

"My baby, she wrote me a letter," was a Popular song from the 60's that was made famous by many artists including the Box Tops and Joe Cocker.

Letters used to be one of the primary means of communications, couples in love would write letters, waiting 4-7 days to hear from their partner, the anticipation the waiting was all part of being in love. Parents would write letters to their children at summer camp, friends would send letters to friends who lived in other cities, and people would actually send birthday's cards to friends and family and  wrote personal messages with a pen.

The Pen and paper is special, I received a letter from a letter from a friend that was hand written, with beautiful penmanship, it took me back to a time before email, cell phones, texting, skyping, tweeting and facebook. It felt pure, it felt special, it felt like the person really cared.

Modern conveniences such as sending emails anywhere in the world in milli-seconds is wonderful, however receiving a handwritten letter or a birthday message from a friend or loved one that actually took time to write a letter, put  on a stamp and drop it in a mailbox sure felt good, it felt pure, it had meaning.

The post office, an American institution may not be around much longer, with most people paying bills online, sending electronic birthday wishes, and emails about everything and anything. Children even write to Santa by email these days...

 Before the post office leaves us,  try writing a letter, it's the difference between fast food and a nice home made meal. The  next time you want to re-connect with a friend  loved one, or even Santa Claus how about writing them a letter? Maybe, just maybe the Post office might be around for future generations to experience the passion made possible through a pen and paper,  a home cooked  meal  of sorts, so to speak.
Editor's note, Dakinetalk guest bloggers do not necessarily represent the opinions of dakinetalk. Guest bloggers are given space to express their beliefs and or opinions. We feel there are many roads and like to give people space to express their thoughts,after-all that's what dakine is...Aloha, James "Kimo" Rosen, Publisher.


KimoRosen said...

posted early today... enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Rema Murphy said via facebook;"I am in total agreement..."

Anonymous said...

"Unc" said via facebook;"Good idea but avoid Black prints on dark gray back ground..difficult to read ...hi Rema M :-)"

KimoRosen said...

‎"Unc" go back anbd check it out, I just edited it for you! shalom, Rabbi kimo

Anonymous said...

"Unc" said via facebook;"Ah ha good one rabbi,now I can see loud & clear,smart dog Obama,here is a kosher cookie for you...Obama :-)"