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Monday, July 16, 2012

"Kimo Therapy..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

Kimo-Therapy includes hugging my dog...
I took on the moniker name "Kimo" when I first moved to Kaua'i and was employed by Kaua'i Magazine. I was hired as the vice president of sales and marketing and found it peculiar that Kaua'i Magazine  was one of numerous Hawai'ian publications with no Hawaii'an names on the masthead. So it was during a staff meeting that my former boss and former state Senator Gary Hooser said.  "OK Kimo."  Hence Kimo was born.

Kimo was a type of therapy for the magazine, to actually have a Hawaii'an name associated with one of the main people of the publication would mean alot to establishing  new readership and clientele

I have not worked for the magazine since 2003, but have kept the nickname of Kimo. I like to call it the "good kine" of Kimo-Therapy, which includes publishing a daily blog, bike riding with my companion Obama Da Dog, swimming , taking long walks, gardening, live-streaming netflix on my wifi enabled TV  and sitting back with a Panda Express plate dinner...

Hana Hou, (Encore) Facebook Shares (Source)
Hawai'i people will appreciate dis da most!  ;D)


Rema Murphy said...

via facebook share; "Jim, I like your values and priorities. I raise my morning coffee cup to you and your health. Kompai!!"

KimoRosen said...

Kompai! Arigato gozaimasu...! ;D)

Anonymous said...

Facebook Likes,
James "Kimo" Rosen
Pamela Brown
Rema Murphy
Judith Whitehead
Jason Gross
Judith Roesch

Facebook interaction said...

facebook interaction between Unc and James "kimo" Rosen

Chester Lau "Vive Bettejo :-) No pass word request on this :-"

James Kimo Rosen "allright, your back on facebook!"

Chester Lau "Still checking it out,will see what develops in the future:-)"

Chester Lau Having fun checking on Face book,OK today.do you need a pass word to access FaceBook?...If things goes well on Facebook I am thinking about changing my pen name to Unc C- - - - - - for a reason :-"

James Kimo Rosen "Great name! Unc "C" "Unksee" " Unc-cee"

Chester Lau "So far Facebook back to normal without pass word as it should be...ha ha ha ,do give Bettejo a hug for me..."

James Kimo Rosen "Unc, I can give her your phone number if you want? Just let Rabbi Kimo Know..."

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

via facebook;""Mahalo Rabbi,No Phone calls please,I am hearing impaired on or off the phone,hearing aides don't work for me,Email best,you can give her my e-address. now Face Book back in normal like this page without pass word,expect thunder,lightning & beaucoup week old kimchee on the way :-)"

KimoRosen said...

‎10-4, Unc!