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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Bringing Dignity to Politics..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen

Hawai'i U.S. Senior Legendary  Senator Dan Inoyue and Hawai'i U.S. Congress woman
 Mazie Hirono are most likely delighted to see the recent  friendship between
 Republican N.J. Governor Chris Christie and President Obama...
Disasters bring people together. Neighbors that never talked are now each others friends helping each other in basic survival.

Politics is a dirty game, citizens suffer as partisans spin everything to fit their desired agenda of making the other guy fall. Politics has become a war of Republican vs. Democrat with the citizens of the U.S. losing on all fronts.

When Republicans in congress make a goal that's it's number one priority beyond all else is to deny anything president Obama proposes only stifles America.
Chris Christie the Governor of New Jersey and the keynote speaker at the 2012 Republican National convention and huge (and I mean huge) advocate for Mitt Romney is praising the president for all he has done to expedite storm relief with less red tape, bureaucracy and promising a fifteen minute rule on returning phone calls on anything to do with the east coast disaster.
Seeing video's and photo's of Republican Governor Chris Christie praising the president, shaking hands and working with each other is a step in the right direction. Politicians need to learn from this and quit partisan warfare for the benefit of all America and the world.
It's sad that it takes a disaster to do what's pono, may this disaster bring dignity back to politics from this point forward.

Aloha check out my opinion article an edited version of this blog in the November 4, 2012 edition of  the  Honolulu Star-Advertiser, it's a paid  subscriber internet version, so I am copying and pasting the whole article  along with the UTRL


"Let's restore dignity to political process"

Disasters bring people together. Neighbors who never talked are now each others’ friends, helping each other in basic survival.
Politics is a dirty game, citizens suffer as partisans spin everything to fit their desired agenda of making the other guy fall. Politics has become a war of Republican vs. Democrat with the citizens of the U.S. losing on all fronts.
Republican Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, the keynote speaker at the 2012 Republican National Convention and huge advocate for Mitt Romney, is praising President Barack Obama for all he has done to expedite storm relief with less red tape and bureaucracy.
Seeing Christie and Obama working with each other is a step in the right direction. Politicians need to learn from this and quit partisan warfare for the benefit of all America and the world.
It’s sad that it takes a disaster to do what’s pono. May this disaster bring dignity back to politics from this point forward.
James “Kimo” Rosen
Kapaa, Kauai

This blog also appeared in the 11-10-12 edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island news as an opinion article titled; "disasters bring people together."

There was also a Letter to the Editor in Response to this blog in the Kauai garden Island news on 11-11-12

America’s split won’t be repaired anytime soon
In response to Mr. Rosen’s letter “Disaster brings people together” published Nov. 10. His letter only proves that what he sees as a disaster will never bring people together as he claims. Mr. Rosen says “politics has become a war of Republicans vs. Democrats.”
Why is it Mr. Rosen only mentions a one-sided opinion that he wants to shove down our throats and thinks this will bring the people together?
He says, “when Republicans in Congress make a goal that their No. 1 priority beyond all else is to deny anything President Obama proposes only stifles America.”
It’s a two-way street Mr. Rosen, but I guess you forgot to mention what the Democrats have done to stifle America. The last four years prove the disastrous track record they have achieved and will continue to hand out over the next four years. We all may enjoy the thought of bringing the people together, but I’m afraid that the major split in this country evident by the election results will play the biggest role of why it won’t happen anytime soon.
Steve Martin

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...


Derek Kawakami said...

via facebook, Statehouse representative Derek Kawakami said; "Thank you for sharing Kimo!"

Keith Haugen said...

via Hana Hou;"Everyone is happy that Barack Obama is the President at this time, and not a George W. Bush of Mitt Romney."

"Mitchel J. Schapira said...

via hana hou,"Man, the president looks skinny."

KimoRosen said...

We all look skinny next to Chris (Crispy creme donut) Christie... ;D)

Anonymous said...

Magnificent! (As usual. :-P )

Francine Grace said...

Via Staradveriser article;" Good one Kimo. So tired of all the Candidate bashing; can't wait for it to be over. 2 more days and the ads will stop!! :)"

Niki Sifers said...

via Staradvertiser;"On TV before the last debate began between Lingle and Hirono, the camera caught Hirono make a nasty face at Lingle, who was taken aback but did not respond, also caught by that camera. No doubt Hirono was unaware the camera caught it all but it changed my vote. Hirono reminded me of a great actress who says and does everything right in front of the teacher in the classroom but out in the playground is a bully...we have all known that kid. She lost my vote."

KimoRosen said...

Niki, I actual know and like Linda lingle, I feel bad that I absenteed voted for Hirono based solely on the concept that if Obama is re-elected he will get more support in the senate. This election is the first time I ever voted straight democrat across the board, being an Independent I usually go with my heart, this time I didn't.

Francine Grace said...

via Staradvertiser;"After I voted it appears I'm a Democrat. But I think George W. killed any hopes the Republicans had for my vote. I'm not sure if they are all 'moronic' like Bush....but from what I saw & heard of Romney; it would be a cold day in H*ll before he got my vote!!

Niki Sifers said...

"I understand how the Senate blocked every inittiative by Obama due to party lines and blame hiim for its failure."

Niki Sifers said...

"There is a joke out there pertaining to Romney and all his double talk and its called Romnesia"

Francine Grace said...

"Yeah Niki.....I was beginning to wonder if it was party or color? Cause in reality, the Republicans are not hurting Obama; but the people they are supposed to be representing :("

Richard Spacer said...

"Well said thanks! RS"

Steve Martin said...

Response to my blog from a local guy named Steve Martin in the Kaua'i Garden Island Letters to editor section on 11-11-12
"America’s split won’t be repaired anytime soon

In response to Mr. Rosen’s letter “Disaster brings people together” published Nov. 10. His letter only proves that what he sees as a disaster will never bring people together as he claims. Mr. Rosen says “politics has become a war of Republicans vs. Democrats.”

Why is it Mr. Rosen only mentions a one-sided opinion that he wants to shove down our throats and thinks this will bring the people together?

He says, “when Republicans in Congress make a goal that their No. 1 priority beyond all else is to deny anything President Obama proposes only stifles America.”

It’s a two-way street Mr. Rosen, but I guess you forgot to mention what the Democrats have done to stifle America. The last four years prove the disastrous track record they have achieved and will continue to hand out over the next four years. We all may enjoy the thought of bringing the people together, but I’m afraid that the major split in this country evident by the election results will play the biggest role of why it won’t happen anytime soon."

Steve Martin


KimoRosen said...

In Response to Steve Martins Letter "America's split won't be repaired anytime soon which was in response to my letter, "Disasters bring people together.

Mr. Martin says I only mention one sided opinions, when in fact I mentioned facts and the biggest one being that The Republican Congress's primary goal was beyond all else to deny anything President Obama Proposes. Which only hurts American while playing childish partisan games.

That is a fact Mr. Martin, from your letter I can see you really are one wild and crazy guy.