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Monday, October 8, 2012

"Master of Debates,Obama Lacks Testosterone ...‏" 'Obama Da Dog'

Testosterone was definitely lacking in the
recent Presidential debate. Next debate we recommend
The President sleep alone the night before the debate.
Football players, baseball players and Prize fighters stay
away from their wives and girlfriend's the night before
any big game or fight to save the Testosterone for
when it's needed most...
President Obama was clearly lacking in his masterful debate skills of years past in  the October 3, 2012 presidential debate with Mitt Romney.

President Obama is known as a great debater and he just crashed seeming not interested and lacking emotion. They say if you turned the sound off during the debate, the facial expressions and body language alone won it for Mitt Romney. Body language and expressions is 90% of winning an audience.

It was also the presidents 20th wedding anniversary that night  and folks are saying that  it's quite possible the Obama's celebrated  with some marital relations before the debate thus mellowing him and dropping his testosterone level.

Professional football  and baseball players along with prize fighters and other male athletes are many times told the night before the big game, or big fight to stay away from your wives and girlfriend, do not have sex because it can relax  you too much.

For the next debates, I recommend the President  stay in  a separate room from Michelle  the night before the debate and to come full of testosterone  and some good zingers. 

 If all else fails Viagra and Androgel could  bring a win for the Democrats to the next debate.

 Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...

Love those Spanish language Romney adds...Republicans can lie in several languages.


Chuck Lasker said...

So it would have been better if Obama simply lied at a rate of one lie per two minutes, like Romney, who "won?"

Douglas Dunn said...

C'mon. It was his anniversary!

KimoRosen said...

Chuck, he definitely lacked his mojo, and yes he left his testosterone behind closed doors with the first lady... He should had saved it for the American People. Next debate i hope the Prez sleeps alone the night and hours before... Still it may have been strategy to lose, look at all thre bad press Romney is getting with all his flip flopping and lying

ChUCK Lasker said...

Chuck Lasker commented on your link.
Chuck wrote: "I think it was a strategy to not respond to any of the lies and distortions Romney said, knowing they'd be picked apart later. It was presidential to do so, and it stopped the "Obama was whining/sour grapes" attacks the right would have made. In the end, Obama benefited from the debate and Romney has been hurt by it, so I'd say Obama won. Do I wish he'd have come out swinging? Of course, but every time I've questioned his methods I've been wrong and he's been right, so I just trust him now. But let's see what Obama had to say about it: http://thehill.com/video/campaign/260685-obama-jokes-about-debate-showing-during-calif-campaign-swing"

KimoRosen said...

Chuck, i think your the only onew in America who thinks Obama won, Obam even admits he didn't win. like my analogy last week, just because my football loses does not mean I don't support it. face it, in general Obama lost.

Chuck Lasker said...

Chuck Lasker commented on your link.
Chuck wrote: "Nope, I'm not gonna be an idealist liberal who criticizes our leader at every turn. He did fine, he's up in the polls, not down, so I believe discussing it like this, posting like you're doing, is hurting his campaign and a mistake. Sorry."

KimoRosen said...

He lost, even MSNBC and Chris Mathews have accepted it. What's so hard about facing the facts?

I am for Obama but know he lost. If my football team loses am I suppose to say, yea we would had won if we didn't fumble or throw the interception and if the ref had called the play right. Bottom line is straight ahead but he lost the first one. I believe he will win the next two rounds. BTW so polls have Romney up 1... ;D(

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

Chester wrote: "Mitt for president? or George W.Bush's 3rd term !!! not only more Iraq or Afghanistan wars plus Iran in waiting...better we invade Saudi Arabia,they have More OIL !!!"

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

Chester wrote: "Obama lost,he should know his own problem & correct it,every one make mistakes, No one is perfect,maybe this is a wake up call for him to prepare & be careful,we should not depend on a few debates to influence our vote,research & vote for self reliance & responsibility inn a free country,no one owe you a job or living,create your own job or do you want a GW Bush 3rd term to create more senseless wars !!!"

Keith Haugen said...

"Keith wrote: "Uncle, the reason Israel's Netanyahoo injected himself into our Presidential campaign is that he believes a Republian President (as others have done) will follow his dictate and attack and invade Iran, starting another Mid-East war,for obvious reasons. Obama will bring peace to the region and Yahoo says "We can't have that. It's bad for business.""