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Saturday, November 10, 2012

"Update on Michael Herr..." 'Michael Herr' (Aloha Friday)

Renowned author Michael Herr is back guest-blogging
 about  an update on his current circumstances and health...
 Make sure and check out Michael's website at;

 Aloha Folks, I realized that I haven't guest-blogged for a while.  Here's an update.

My wife and I went up the coast for a vacation about the middle of October.  When we got back we had one day to decompress, then flew to Vegas to join her sister and brother-in-law.  While in Vegas my right eye started to have sharp pains.  We came back on a Friday and I got worse that day and the next.  The right side of my head and neck were terribly painful.  On Sunday I went to the E.R. and had an MRI to check for a brain aneurysm.

Doctor sent me home with a bunch of Vicodin.  Monday my right eye was almost swollen shut.  Went to see an ophthalmologist who took one look at me and said, "You've got shingles."  Fortunately not in my eye or on my retina.  Gave me strong antibiotics.  Third dose had me dry-heaving.  Got a new prescription on Tuesday and have taken that for about ten days.  A lot of the pain is gone; a lot is still there.  Swelling around my eye is gone.

Anyhow, I doubt I'll be contributing any articles to your blog anytime soon.  I will try to get something to you about once a month, but first I need to get fully well.   I also need to get back to my own writing, which I have neglected greatly.

So, there you are.  Hope you never get this terrible disease.

Ciao, Mike Herr

Okay folks, I will see you when I see you, A Hui Hou...

Hana Hou,(Encore) Shared from Facebook...


Ron Ostroff said...

"going to go to the doctor to get the shot to prevent shingles. I suggest if you got medical coverage, you go as well"

Harmony Bentosino said...

Hope you feel better soon.