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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"RIGHT IS RIGHT..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Classic Wednesday)

Bettejo Dux has lived on the cosmic Garden Island of Kaua'i for over 40 years.
Bettejo is a regular opinion writer in the Garden Island news and is the author of the
famed novella, "The Scam."  Her latest fiction
 "Children of Extinction" is now  released and available on Amazon!


I’m constantly being reminded that everything I say is wrong. That’s terrible. I mean, even a clock that’s stopped is right twice a day. And that’s it. Right is right. So, I’m going to repent. Do penance and stuff. When you’re right, the problems of the world are easy to solve.

I’ll do it, as AA does, in ten easy steps.

Every human must convert to Christianity. Attend the church of his/her choice- for now- at least once a week. New Born's must be baptized within the first 24 hours. All women must be disenfranchised. (Some exceptions. Read on.) No higher education. Chattel is their status. Home is their workplace. Child bearing their duty.
Seniors and those disabled, physical or mental-that is they who are no longer capable of working for a living-will be housed and fed and gifted with Bingo parlors.
No public schools. All male children-except the get of the rich, famous, religious, political and military hierarchy (RFRPMH)- must do 24 months of boot camp after which they, who qualify for professional status, may continue their education. All others will line up for assignments in the work force or remain in uniform. Army. Navy, Marine Corp or Air Force.
No sex education. No birth control. (Exception RFRPMH)
Private ownership of land forbidden (Exception RFRPMH)
No private ownership of pets. (Exception RFRPMH)
All subversive books or written works-films and art as well- burned. Soon to be followed by authors or creators of same.
Sedition punishable by death.
Nags and chronic complainers sent to rehab or incarcerated..
Be happy in your work. Or else.

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared from Facebook...

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