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Monday, November 23, 2015

"Never talk religion or politics... 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #99)

James "Kimo" Rosen was one of the last people
in America without a cell phone.
Rosen currently talks to 'Siri' (not Syria) on a regular basis.
Rosen  lives with his best friend
 and spiritual advisor Obama  Da Dog
on the cosmic Garden Island of Kauai...

Never talk  religion or politics

Whenever you have a political opinion and post on Facebook be prepared for   a backlash and  barrage from the people on your friend list who may happen to  disagree.

Last week I posted about the Syrian refugee situation. I need to clarify my opinion for those who thought I was heartless.
Read last weeks blog ;'Welcoming Syrian refugees to Hawaii...'

America is no longer in it's infancy.  I realize most of our ancestors are all from somewhere else. However our grandparent's countries of origins were not threatening to send terrorist amongst the innocent and we were not overpopulated then.

If there are too many people in a bar and a fire  erupts it  could cause  panic and people could kill each other. Too many people on a multiple floor dwelling could collapse the floor and the people below would also suffer.

Right now it's like the restaurant has reached it's capacity, Do we let more people in while jeopardizing the safety of those here? 

There are Arab countries close to Syria that also have many of the same belief systems, why are they not welcome there?

 Getting back to Facebook--Many times friends will unfriend friends because they don't agree with them. The current  Syrian refugee situation is  an example--if you don't think like me, your wrong . Thousands of memes have appeared on Facebook for both sides of the argument. A common thought process goes like this, I don't like you because your opinion
is wrong so now, we are no longer friends. 

When I was a kid, I can still hear my dad  telling me  you should never talk with friends or strangers about religion or politics. 

Looks like my dad, may
he rest in peace--was a very wise man!

How about we all talk about pizza, then we can all be friends!  

Please watch this amazing video of Brigitte Gabrielle, "Not all Muslims are bad." a powerful answer all need to hear!

The reason I post this story is for the comments. Please read the comments on this story if nothing else. We have a real problem on our hands... The great majority of the comments are not in favor.... 

Hana Hou, (Encore)
Showing both sides of the refugee situation through memes...


Rick Comstock said...

Healthy debate is always good. It's just when it get personal. We are not on a debate team and points don't matter. But real friends not only talk but they listen. We all should be taking warning of the problems. But never should we fear or turn our backs on the needy. We all have good intentions and just need to be responsible.

KimoRosen said...

spoken like a scholar!

Rick Comstock said...

Friends don't need to prove themselves..... I've learned more by listening....but then I got old and crotchety. We can all eat out of the mixed plate bowl and enjoy different flavors.

KimoRosen said...

sounds awesome, and that refers to Chinese food too! wink emoticon

Glenn Mickens said...

I agree with you 100% about the refugees that are leaving their war torn countries. I have all the sympathy
in the world for those people and disagree that they will be a threat to the places that accept them. As reported, the ones with the visas and passports to come here are certainly the ones who need the checking for terrorism.
But, as you point out, if a place like Hawaii or any other municipality has homeless problems or unsolved problems that more people would only exacerbate, then it would be foolish to admit them. And, as been pointed out, Hawaii is one of the most expensive places to live in the US and admitting more people who our tax dollars will have to support is not the answer, in my opinion.
PS I will never talk religion except to criticize it for being the root of wars and terrorism in the world (except for the racial elimination of the Jews by the Germans) and only politics like with the County Manager or the old boy system we now have on Kauai. I am a not believer like Bettjo.
Keep up the great writing and work, Kimo.

Harmony Bentosino said...

That's what they say in Toastmasters: Don't talk about politics or religion. Still some of the most interesting though controversial speeches do.

Glenn Mickens said...

Great to hear that Walter is going to have a column with you. We have been friends for years and it is a crime that his A Better Kauai was discontinued from the GI. But I believe it was pressure from the Mayor that eliminated it---obviously he does not want any controversy in the paper about anything that criticizes him or his administration. Walter is a straight shooter and at times gets on those who don't represent the people or the best interests of Kauai.

Unknown said...

Anyone who mistakenly believes that Kauai or the mainland USA has a traffic, overpopulation, or homeless problem at some crisis level should spend a week in
Manila. You would then see what that actually looks like. Anyone who says we can't do something until we eliminate our social problems is really saying that we can't ever do it! The USA admitted, since 911, 750,000 refugees (not immigrants - refugees) and not a single act of terror has been connected with a single one. That's because the government does an outstanding job in this domain despite the general public's previous complete lack of
attention or input. That will continue as
10,000 former Syrians, who, on average are 12 years old and female. will slowly process in and have the right to relocate like every other American! Those who are really afraid of destitute 12 year old girls will just have to "lump it!"

Unknown said...

Anyone who mistakenly believes that Kauai or the mainland USA has a traffic, overpopulation, or homeless problem at some crisis level should spend a week in
Manila. You would then see what that actually looks like. Anyone who says we can't do something until we eliminate our social problems is really saying that we can't ever do it! The USA admitted, since 911, 750,000 refugees (not immigrants - refugees) and not a single act of terror has been connected with a single one. That's because the government does an outstanding job in this domain despite the general public's previous complete lack of
attention or input. That will continue as
10,000 former Syrians, who, on average are 12 years old and female. will slowly process in and have the right to relocate like every other American! Those who are really afraid of destitute 12 year old girls will just have to "lump it!"

Glenn Mickens said...

Over the years Pete and I have been on opposite sides of the fence with most issues. On this one I pretty much agree with him as just because the IS group is radical it doesn't mean that the whole muslim nation is the same. Yes, we have to stay at high alert with these radicals floating around the world but we still have to be the example for the world of human rights for all.