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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Buffalo is a fund raising and giving city..." 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspiration Sunday) 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspiration Sunday)

Judith Whitehead lives in Amherst New York
( A suburb of Buffalo, N.Y.)
 and has worked in the ophthalmology
 field of medicine for over 30 years

Buffalo is a fund raising and giving city

 I have lived in Buffalo most of my life and am forever and always astounded how giving and fund raising a town it is. Especially in the warmer months, you can find a race or fundraiser to participate in
and donate to, every weekend. This past  weekend was no exception. 

I am not an athletic type and I make no excuses but I do enjoy participating in fundraisers for the needy as well as those in need of support for their families or health reasons. 

We are lucky to have Roswell Cancer Institute at our doorstep who
treat and take care of so many not only in our area but from all over the world.  https://www.roswellpark.org/
Judith's daughter-in-law
Audrey and son Jacob
at River walk fund  raiser
for cancer.

This year cancer came to roost in our family as my young healthy daughter-in-law discovered and was diagnosed with cancer. Her year has been a rocky one enduring surgery and treatment. She has
persevered with the help of many supporters, friends and family along the way that helped her cope.

Today we attended the Susan Komen fund raiser at River Walk along with her family, friends and coworkers. 
We all have had someone we know who has been through the fight against cancer weather it has been our friends, family or acquaintances. Cancer seems to touch every one's life in some way. It is an emotional roller coaster for all involved.

I am sorry to say I had never participated with the well known Susan Komen race for life and to day was a first for our family. I was amazed and delighted to see how many people were participating and donating their time, efforts and money to make this a great success. So many brave men and women participated, many forming their teams with personal names they gave their groups, each more original than the other. My daughter in laws' group name was “The Breast Team Ever” and she was able to raise several thousand dollars to fund the cause.
Audrey Whitehead's team;
“The Breast Team Ever”
We wish Audrey a complete and full recovery!
God bless Audrey Whitehead!

Many sponsors gave away bandannas, bags, water bottles etc. with live music playing in the background. Each team had their own assigned table and all seemed to put their worries and concerns aside for the day and just enjoyed the friendships they had made. The spirit in the room ran high; all attending thinking of the same common cause, trying to stamp out cancer, sharing their stories and forging ahead into their unknown futures. Never a more
brave, and determined group I had seen and I felt privileged to have been a part of their lives and their
fight for the cause.

Treatment, research and determination to find a cure are never ending and donations are needed more than ever. What a worthy cause that touches so many of us, what a battle we will continue to fight and endure until each type of cancer is cured.
Audrey with her parents;
Father Tito and Mother Monsue

I know we are making great strides in treatment and research at Roswell  and around the world. My admiration for those who are in a fight for their lives will continue; their bravery and determination
is to be commended as life is precious for so many as they realize the gift more than most.

Hana Hou, (Encore)


Judith said...

Thanks for posting Jimmy...

Kit Ellison said...

Kit Ellison said by email; "I pray cancer leaves Judith's daughter- in-law and she becomes well soon. Please tell her to follow her doctor's advice to the letter, my brother didn't and we lost him. Please G-d allow this young lady your healing. She has many years ahead to be your servant."

Audrey Whitehead said...

Oh dasssss nice

Kit Ellison said...

Kit replies again by email; "She is on a World Wide Prayer Wheel being prayed for 24 hours a day. I pray the answer will be, "Yes. I give her her health back." We have seen miracles."

KimoRosen said...

I agree!