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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"The continued hate needs to stop...Plus extra, the Florida shooter was an anti Semite..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #228)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

Blog #1981~Kimo's world's #228

The political hate must stop.
People need to be able to joke again.
What's wrong with finding the good
with both Obama and Trump?
I voted for both men. Both men
have their strengths and weakness.
G-d bless America.

The continued  hate needs to stop!

Donald Trump has changed America. He has changed my life. My core friends I had before he took office are no longer my friends.  This was not my choice. 

Some of the most awesome folks I know voted for “The Donald.”Some of the most awesome folks I know voted Hillary. The folks I know that voted Trump are not racist, misogynistic or hateful.  The folks who voted Hillary are not intolerable or  hateful  either. I will never think any less of any person who has
different views than me.

 I have Atheist, Christian, Jewish and many other denominations of religions as friends, as well as vegan, vegetarian and carnivore friends.I have many different colors of friends. Some of the most beautiful inspirational people will disagree with me, but at the end of the day they are still that, beautiful and inspirational. Don’t think less of people because some of their beliefs may not line up with yours and don’t lose quality people in your life because you choose hate over love. 

There is so much political hate in America.  The Democrats blame the Republicans, the Republicans blame the Democrats, in Hawai'i the locals blame the "haoles" and the National news media likes to blame Trump. 
How can the US ever expect peace with North Korea or other dictatorships or communist countries when most of us are in constant battles with "friends" on social media?

The worst thing that ever happened in my opinion were newspapers and other periodicals implementing comment sections. Comment sections have become the vitriol of most publications. There  is very little praise, if any, and a lot of hate criticisms and major contempt. Writers now need to have thick skin because every thing they write is under a microscope and is critiqued by anyone who has access to a smartphone, iPad or computer.

Social media  has made things worse, many people will misinterpret what you say, or you might say something you didn't mean and before you know it goes viral and your answering to Dr. Phil. How I long for the old days where a
writer could write without every Tom, Dick and Harry throwing their opinions at you like monkeys at the zoo throwing feces at each other.
It’s time to quit pointing fingers, stop the hate now!Hopefully too, we can joke again without everyone being so sensitive and politically correct about everything. It  can begin now with you and me.

To quote two  great statesman,  
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!" “Let’s make America great again!”

Publishers note,
A portion of this blog appeared as a letter to the editor in Honolulu's Civil beat on March 5, 2018, titled, "Comments Equal Vitriol."

"When this constant rant about Trump goes away maybe everyone will be able to see that we as a people have caused the divide and stirred the hate, not Trump . He a single person did not do this, he a single person won't fix it..."  (Anonymous)

Hana Hou, (Encore)
The best editorial and truth I have heard on the Florida shootings
Judge Jeanine Pirro's opening statement-02-17-18

inspiration for this blog
Read CNN's article about the Florida shooter...
"I hate jews, ni**ers, immigrants"
quote by Nikolas Cruz, Florida shooter

(CNN)In a private Instagram group chat, confessed school shooter Nikolas Cruz repeatedly espoused racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views and displayed an obsession with violence and guns.

Wednesday, 19-year-old Cruz opened fire at the school that expelled him, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Authorities say he killed 17 with his legally purchased AR-15.
CNN, investigating comments the shooter may have left on a now-deleted YouTube channel, was added to the private Instagram group by one of the active members in it. The responding group members, who appear to be younger than 18, have refused to confirm their identities to CNN on or off the record.
When asked for comment or whether they knew about the private chat group, the FBI directed CNN to the Broward County Sheriff's Office.
Most of the conversation in the group since Cruz joined around August 2017 is between six people -- including Cruz.
"I hate jews, ni**ers, immigrants"

Racism was a constant theme in the chat group, which was called "Murica, great" -- a name it was given by Cruz.
The hatred he and others in the group espoused met little resistance from its active members. In one part of the group chat, Cruz wrote that he hated, "jews, ni**ers, immigrants."
He talked about killing Mexicans, keeping black people in chains and cutting their necks. The statements were not made in jest.
There are hundreds of racist messages, racist memes and racist Instagram videos posted in the group.
One member even joked about Cruz's particular venomousness, saying that although he hated black people, too, he didn't "to a point I wanna kill the (sic) like nick."
Cruz said he hated black people simply because they were black; Cruz hated Jews because he believed they wanted to destroy the world.
After one member expressed hatred for gay people, Cruz agreed, saying, "Shoot them in the back of head."
White women drew Cruz's hatred as well, specifically those in interracial relationships, whom he referred to repeatedly as traitors.
There are no indications in the group chat that any member, including Cruz, is or was part of a white nationalist or white supremacist group.
Cruz used paycheck for body armor
Cruz purchased an AR-15 rifle in Florida approximately a year ago, legally. A law enforcement source told CNN's Evan Perez that Cruz purchased at least five guns in the past year.
In a public post on his Instagram page, Cruz showed what he called an "arsenal" on a bed -- seven guns and body armor. Another post on the page is a view down the barrel of a gun with a holographic sight out a window onto the street.
His AR-15 and other guns were a frequent topic of conversation in the group chat.
They even critiqued Cruz's rifle grip. He posted a short video of himself shooting a rifle outside a window at night. The video cuts out shortly after the round is fired.
A screenshot from a video showing Nikolas Cruz firing a gun out of a window.
A screenshot from a video showing Nikolas Cruz firing a gun out of a window.
They discussed which guns they liked better: M16s or AKs.
At one point, one member told Cruz, "Nick get this for your AR." He directed Nick to a website offering an after-market accessory that would turn his AR-15 into a fully automatic weapon.
A law enforcement source speaking to CNN's Evan Perez said that the gun used in the school shooting was not automatic, and there's no indication he bought the accessory, or a similar type of accessory.

"Guys I got paid 330. I am buying body armor," he wrote.
When it was payday, Cruz let the group know where the money was going to be spent.
Nikolas Cruz modeling his body armor.
Nikolas Cruz modeling his body armor.
Cruz did purchase the body armor, according to receipts he posted in the chat -- with a $30 discount and free shipping.
Then he asked the group whether it was legal to wear body armor to school.
"School shooters," he replied, when someone asked why he wanted to know.
"I think I am going to kill people"
The bio on one of his Instagram accounts read, "annihilator."
At one point in the chat, he wrote, "I think I am going to kill people." After a member told him not to say things like that, he said he was just playing.
During one of the anti-Semitic rants in the chat, Cruz spoke of his birth mother, saying, "My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her."
Roger and Lynda Cruz adopted Cruz when he was a child. Roger died in 2004, and Lynda died last fall after an illness.
In his first message to the chat group, Cruz bragged about writing a letter to President Donald Trump -- and receiving a response. CNN reached out to the White House for comment about any correspondence to and from Cruz but has not heard back.
Jim Gard, his former math teacher, told CNN's Brian Todd that although he never had problems with Cruz, he did receive an email from a school administrator around November 2016 asking to be notified if Cruz came on campus with a backpack.
Nikolas Cruz's JROTC yearbook photo.
Nikolas Cruz's JROTC yearbook photo.
In two instances, Cruz also discussed killing small animals.
He posted a photo on his Instagram account of a disemboweled frog, saying he had killed it because one had killed his dog. In the Instagram chat, he describes killing a number of birds with his gun.
Some members of the chat were worried he might have killed endangered animals.
"He seemed nice but also had some mental issues," one member told CNN. "All (I know) is that he likes guns and really hates liberals."
CNN's David Shortell, Rosa Flores, Evan Perez and Kevin Liptak contributed to this report.

Natalie Lifson's blog about the Florida shooter, a must read!
The Florida Douglas High School Shooting Was an Anti-Semitic Hate Crime And Nobody’s Talking About It
Personal accounts of students who attended high school with Cruz have pegged him as an anti-Semite. According to an individual who knew him*, he was actively hostile towards Jews, black people, and Muslims in particular throughout high school. In fact, multiple of the violent incidents he was expelled for were attacks against Jews.  Read more;


Ron "Martini" Ostroff said...

Two great statesmen? You are not serious.

Linda Meyers said...

I think there are some great points in your blog, especially about social media and around the clock news making things worse. But I will also say that standing up and letting people know that you think the country has gone off track is a GOOD thing, even if it can be divicive.

Allena said...

We need to come up with solutions, one at a time. Humans by definition have all the same goals: good health, safety, social contacts, freedom. Let’s combine forces to come up with good ideas. There should be a blog or a web site which permits only positive, constructive statements. Everyone from teenagers to senior citizens has the potential to think of solutions to big or small problems. Let’s hear from them. Complaining, violent protest, and ranting don’t accomplish much. We need to bring out the good in everyone.

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

Shalom Rabbi :
GOOD ONE,You cannot please everyone on Politic & religion,I am happy to be your friend because we are like minded people. PEACE ON EARTH.FOR ALL GOOD PEOPLE.
lol,Unc C

Anonymous said...

Aloha Kimo

Keep up the good work! Keep writing.

From a Facebook meme posted about this subject said...

James Kimo Rosen
February 19 at 9:51am ·

14You, Min Soo Pata, Beatrice Kauilani Lemke-Newman and 11 others
James Kimo Rosen
James Kimo Rosen This is a re-post for those who missed it!

Image may contain: text

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· Reply · 1d
Charles Huss
Charles Huss In order to make a informed decision you need all the facts.
So many have only the information they want to hear.
Nobody is wrong if they review all the facts.
Problem is that a lot of people will not look at the facts from both sides of a issue.
Some will never admit they are wrong.
You are fair and honest about what you think.
I disagree with you about some issues. That does not mean I don't respect you. Or attack what you say.
That is all you can ask for from all of us.


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· Reply · 1d · Edited
Harmony Bentosino
Harmony Bentosino What do you mean by 45?

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· Reply · 1d
James Kimo Rosen
James Kimo Rosen Trump is referred to by many as’45’ since he is the 45th president of the United States ����. Obama is 44, then there is Bush 43 and 41...


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· Reply · 1d
Harmony Bentosino
Harmony Bentosino OH! I bash him in my mind but don't post much. I do click like for others who bash him & ignore most posts that disagree with me. I posted to one of my friends it's not right to bash Trump because of his hair, but she replied he's fair game because he bashes physical traits of others.

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James Kimo Rosen
James Kimo Rosen I'm talking about obsessed people whom daily have multiple anti Trump post's. Not fun jokes about his hair(fun jokes are fine) but very damaging political hatred. I have "friends whom have nothing but hate towards the president on their Timelines. The irony is many times they post memes and facts that are untrue and only post because they wish they were true. We are living in hateful times. In a country divided more each day. Social media doesn't help matters. My blog tomorrow is all about this subject.


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· Reply · 1d
Harmony Bentosino
Harmony Bentosino James Kimo Rosen I will be looking forward to your blog, but I thought you had already blogged on that subject.

From a Facebook meme posted about this subject said...

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Harmony Bentosino
Harmony Bentosino On a more serious note, I know people who bash Democrats the way you describe dashing Trump.

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James Kimo Rosen
James Kimo Rosen That sucks too... my blog tomorrow is titled, "This hatred needs to stop, I've had a similar blog before, this is more current....


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· Reply · 1d · Edited
Annie Sims
Annie Sims I know what you mean James Kimo Rosen the hate most stopped Why some people don’t watch each side before judging. I’ve never seen a President being attack this much in my lifetime. I myself being attack that’s because of my political views. “Who started Black Lives Matters” this is why America is so divided. ��

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James Kimo Rosen

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J Linden Rose
J Linden Rose If they contain their rabid foam at the mouth and raise a valid issue of policy or governance, fine. But from now on, if I see anyone regurgitating leftist propaganda about Trump is a racist or Trump hired hookers to piss on a bed... instant deletion from my friend list. I refuse to maintain the pretense of friendship with people who are clearly low life degenerates.

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· Reply · 1d
Harmony Bentosino
Harmony Bentosino At the risk of losing your friendship, J Linden Rose, I must remind you there were times when Trump seemed racist like when he called Haiti a shit-hole country. This was right after I had returned from visiting Haiti & had found it to be a beautiful place.

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· Reply · 22h
J Linden Rose
J Linden Rose Haiti is one of the most corrupt, unsanitary, unpleasant shit holes on earth. It has had that reputation for at least 50 years. A few small tourist traps aside, to equate stating that its a shithole... which is purely the claim of a group of degenerate Democrats, with racism... is simply to cry racism at any statement at all and makes it meaningless. To state that Haiti is a shithole because it is corrupt and culturally incapable of being anything other than a shithole because of their acceptance of corruption is not racist. Its actually describing Democrats, who are incapable of making moral judgements and accept without question corruption. Racism is saying that something in the Haitian gene pool prevents them from rising above being a shithole... that distinction... or rather the inability of some people to not be able to grasp that distinction may in fact have a genetic basis.... but it would be the gene pool of the American white liberal... who feels the need to virtue signal and self-lobotomize at every juncture out of some genetic predisposition to need the acceptance of every vile swamp creature that ever breathed the sulphur of hell.

Glenn Mickens said...

Well said, Kimo. Remember the old saying about not talking religion or politics---both extremely divisive issues. I have heard this most of my life and the older I got the more I understood what it meant.
Your pal,

KimoRosen said...


My father always said the same. Don't talk religion or politics in public. If only I had listened! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Although I didn't agree with you on Donald Trump for president, I did not unfriend you. Since my husband died my life has been in much turmoil. First there was no Social Security for 5 months due to the fact I was supposed to get a portion of his money and they had to "decide" what that portion would be. The next thing I knew my job was in jeopardy and that was more stress. Turn around twice and I'm hit with doctor and hospital bills from hell due to the fact the rest home let him fall twice, break his hip twice, and surgery twice (including hip replacement) had me overwhelmed. Little did I know there was more to come. We went to the mailbox and found out our landlord has been pocketing the money we were paying him for rent and not paying the bank so we are having to find a new home in about 2 weeks. So you see I have been de-friended by life.

KimoRosen said...

I like Grumpy cat.
Sorry to hear about all your cans of worms. My heart is with you, prayers too!

Gerraine Maehara Santos said...

ObamaIvanka is the peacemaker!

KimoRosen said...

If only everyone realized that!