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Monday, September 20, 2021

"The divided states of America..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #322

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser,
 Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

                        Sunrise/weather/photos September~2021
                     (These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
                                                       Photos courtesy,
                                                      James "Kimo" Rosen 

Blog #2076~Kimo's world #322

The divided states of America

 Joe Biden received

80million votes. No way, Joe Biden received 80 million votes. The same can be said for the vaccine and Donald Trump on America seeming ever divided.

 Even the Olympics was divided with some athletes taking a knee for the US flag.
Many said they

would never watch the Olympics again and these Olympians should go compete for another country.

While some Olympians competed as women even though they were born men. This upset many.

Pro-life, pro-choice,

some say life begins at conception, others say life begins at birth.

Then there's Afghanistan and the ever-going debate on recreational marijuana, and don't get me going on circumcision.

I say toe-mah-toe,(sic) You say toe-may-toe(sic)...

The TV cable and

streaming services feature movies and ads that seem more perverted and X rated than family-related tv. The dialogue and language in these movies sound more like what we used to call, 'the talk of drunken sailors' in my day.  You definitely wouldn’t want your mother to hear this kind of language.

There is a worldwide

pandemic that seems to be ever-lasting and getting worse instead of better. Some believe the pandemic is a communist plot, others believe it to be the end of times, others just a hoax.  

Every night on the news, a new natural disaster, major floods in the subway systems of New York City, hurricane damage in New Jersey, and all over the east coast.

  New Orleans was nearly destroyed.  The worst wildfires ever on America's West Coast. Mudslides, twisters, typhoons, major snowstorms, and hail storms are as common as Apple pie.

Many believe this

is happening because of man's disobedience to God. There are those who believe it's called climate change, previously known as a global warning until huge snowstorms still happened in the winter months.

All this was predicted in

the bible. There are the optimists who believe things will get better and back to normal, and there are those that believe this is the beginning of the end.

Just like every story has a beginning and end, so does every human. Enjoy what time

you have left on planet earth and do what you need to do to become right.
I believe you know what that is, many believe it's reading the bible and consulting with clergy while others believe it's a trip on magic mushrooms and a magical mystery tour.
The pledge of allegiance should now read, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the divided states of America..."

 For now, I’m sure glad football season is upon us!

Hana Hou (Encore)


Anonymous said...

We also stand divided on recreational marijuana.

John B. said...

WOW, you covered it all except anchovies! We do stand divided on anchovies and pineapple on pizza! ;-)