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Monday, March 14, 2022

"With all the inflation, a few things remain unscathed..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen (Kimo's word #327)


James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a
 tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
                                         with his best friend and spiritual adviser,                                  
                                   Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!
                       Sunrise/Weather Photos-March, 2022
                          These photos appeared on Hawaii News Now!
                            Blog #2081~Kimo's world #327
With all the inflation, 
a few things remain unscathed

 Inflation is so bad a local food truck got rid of their mayonnaise tip jar and replaced it with a 5-gallon water jug! This is a joke I made up to ease the stress of what's happening in the world.

You may blame

it on the supply chain, you may blame it on the shutdown of the XL pipeline,  you may blame it on the pandemic, the Russians, or you could blame it on Joe Biden?  No matter who you blame it on inflation is at an all-time high.

Gas is at an

all-time high. Go to the supermarket and your favorite foods are near double what
 they were a year ago. The Kapaa farmer's market that used to be a deal in the  past selling papayas at $1.00-.1.50 each

is now selling them at three for $10.00. I like to joke with the local vendor and say those are the 'Joe Biden variety' of papayas. I always manage to get a laugh out of him. I imagine it's more a courtesy laugh since I am a customer and he's being polite. I don't believe he understands my humor and sarcasm just as many of you reading this.
What I do find refreshing amongst all the changes and record-high inflation is the few things

that have remained unscathed.
You can still after over

25 years purchase a 1/4 lb all-beef hot dog with a refillable soft drink at Costco for $1.50. You can also purchase in-store their famous rotisserie chicken for $4.99, to boot those chickens are the size of a small turkey.

The other store I'd like to recognize is Safeway. They still feature '$5.00 Fridays' where

you can purchase depending on what's on the circular for that week anything from meatloaf, 8 pieces of fried chicken, 4 pieces of pollack, one lb of chicken tenders, one lb of chicken wings, roasted whole chickens, and my all-time favorite which they have every week, $5.00 sushi.

When you intentionally sell a product below its market cost as part of your pricing strategy, it’s called a loss leader. Loss leader pricing is used to stimulate sales

of more profitable products or services. Therefore by getting customers in the door the store hopes to sell more profitable items. Why do you think Costco has the rotisserie chickens at the very rear end of the store? You must pass through hundreds of tempting items before you get there! I love the loss leader concept, just be careful to not get sucked in.

I am thankful for those things that have not changed, Mahalo Nui to Safeway and Costco for keeping prices down and even selling some of their products below cost to get valued customers in the doors. 

Last but not least many

like to criticize the corporate world, however, the corporate world has managed to make life affordable and they also manage to hire local people. In these days of double-digit inflation and climbing daily It's important to shop for the best deal whether in the  Big box store, Amazon or in the Ma and Pa corner store. 

Covid has taught us many things which can help during this upcoming recession

of inflated prices of everything. Try using telemedicine with your doctor appointments whenever possible to save time on the road and the high cost of transportation and gas. Become an amazon prime member and get free shipping on all your orders on any item you buy delivered right to your door. You don't need to drive to the store for every little item you need.

Finally, let's not forget

our friends at the fast-food franchises, for me, they are the only places I still can afford to eat out at. Did someone say, "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame-seed bun?"
This blog appeared as a Letter to the editor/Op-ed article 
in the March 16, 2022 edition of the Garden Island news!
Hana Hou (Encore)


Bill Gaus said...

Another great blog Kimo - very well said for sure Braddah! Bill 🤙🏼

Larry Joseph Arruda said...

“Let’s go Brandon”!!!

George Gallo said...

$5 for a lb of Chicken Wings? That ain't cheap. Call me when they're 59 cents a lb.

George Gallo said...

Plus, Fuxk the "Corporate World." Throwing you a bone as they reap record "Corporate Profits." #Fallforit

Steve Monas said...

State of Hawaii - Thank you for believing and voting for me with 51% still think I am doing an amazing job - Joe.