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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

'101 things to not do on Kaua'i, ' Halleluyah!

There is a publication in the visitor industry called 101 things to do.

I have decided to make a list of '101 things to not do on Kaua'i' , but will limit this response to my top ten of things not to do.

#10- Do not use lights at night in violation of the shear-water birds possibly colliding with them...

#9-Do not support ferry boats on the Hawaiian islands unless you want rocks thrown at you...

#8- politicians, please do not block sidewalks while waiving signs...

#7- Do not call 'slippa's' flip flops...

#6- Do not say how are you, "say Howszit..."

#5- Do not have peaceful loving concerts, or else you may be arrested...

#4- Do not walk on well groomed taxpayer supported trails that are safer than the roads, since you will be issued trespass warnings...

#3- Do not support any new development, and if you do go back to the mainland or wherever else you may be from...

#2- Do not sue the county of Kaua'i, or you will probably settle out of court of a large sum of money and live happily ever after.

#1- Do not use the term 'Haole' when describing a Caucasian person because anyone can be without spirit or the breath of life, including you.

Finally for my 'Hana Hou.' Please do not take the Garden Island newspaper for granted. We must be thankful for many things during this Thanksgiving period and one of the many things to be thankful for is the great periodical of the Garden island news, Halleluyah!

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