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Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Has anyone ever seen a legal alien?"

If you think prices are high now imagine going to the grocery stores and paying $5.00 for one tomato, or $7.00 for a head of lettuce. That's what would happen if we shut down employing illegals.

Look what's happened in society, cleaning ladies are now making $25-$50 an hour at a job that used to be quite affordable, often times making more than highly educated professionals.

Everyone from gardeners to cleaning services, to massage therapists are demanding outrageous wages for the service provided.

When we the consumer accept it, it has a trickle down effect that effects everyone.

If  Illegals were to totally disappear, most of us would not be able to afford groceries.

I still don't know why they call them illegal aliens, has anyone ever seen a legal alien?

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