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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"What is the "X" in Xmas all about..." 'Davis "3-D" Danizier'

About "3-D"Danizier, This quote says it all... "Be wise. Be wild. Care for others. Love your neighbor as yourself. The mysteries of the universe are not beyond your grasp." https://danizier.wordpress.com

Guest blogger Davis Danizier “3-D” began life as a political and religious conservative, even entering into formal Seminary studies. Gradually, he became troubled by inconsistencies in factual assertions and values in both political and religious conservatism and, after deeply traumatic soul searching, reversed course in both areas. After retiring from a career in commercial property and casualty insurance, Dave has had the free time and flexibility to share with others some of the thoughts that led to his life-altering epiphanies. His book “Betrayal of Jesus” presents unorthodox (believers might say heretical) perspectives on the Christian mythology. Dave currently resides in Oceanside, California.

The Christians who complain about the "X" in "Xmas" crossing out "Christ" in Christmas demonstrate only their own ignorance of their own history.

It has nothing to do with the secularization of Christmas or the incorporation of Pagan tradi...tions that long pre-date Christianity or the birth of Jesus.

The letter that we use as "X" was, in the Greek alphabet that was used to write most of the New Testament, the letter called "Chi" and, because it bore the closest resemblance to a cross, often used as a substitute for the word "Christ," especially in a time when paper and ink and other writing materials were scarce, as was literacy itself. The letter "chi" ("X") was widely used to mean "Christ."

Even today, it is a symbol often used by Catholics to mean "Christ," and most Popes have used it to represent "Christ" as part of their signatures, as did Mother Teresa.

Using the Greek letter "chi" ("X") in lieu of spelling out the entirety of the Greek word "Christ" (which was the equivalent of the Hebrew word "Messiah") was not to cross out the reference to Christ, but to express it in a form more accessible to more people. MERRY X-MAS!

for more insights into Dave's thoughts check out his blog at; http://danizier.wordpress.com 

 Editor's note, Dakinetalk guest bloggers do not necessarily represent the opinions of dakinetalk. Guest bloggers are given space to express their beliefs and or opinions. We feel there are many roads and like to give people space to express their thoughts,after-all that's what dakine is...Aloha, James "Kimo" Rosen, Publisher.


Davis "3-D" Danizier said...

via facebook;" Wow, I didn't expect it to run today!
I thought today would be something with a salute to Hannukah!

Where I live, the sun has set and Hannukah has officially begun!

To all my Jewish friends, a very happy and blessed Hannukah!"

Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;" Indeed, a happy and blessed Hannukah to all!"

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

On Kauai We say Happy Chanukauai! I lit candles at home with Obama, there were two community get togethers one 20 miles north and one 20 miles south and people on Kauai rarely travel far from home, especially yours truly...

Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;"Kimo, back in the early 1980's when my daughter was still young, I was doing some interpreting part time and I had not yet started my own business. I was working full time as a commercial insurance underwriter for a large L.A. area brokerag...e, and my two bosses (partners) were Jewish.

At the annual holiday party -- a wonderful, lavish afternoon affair -- my first year there, I sat with the senior partner, and we were chatting about our families. Like tonight, it was the first night of Hannukah. Regarding my small daughter, he joked that she celebrated the wrong holiday, that with Hannukah it gets stretched into EIGHT gift-filled days of wonderment.

Then suddenly, his eyes lighted up, and he said, "You know, tonight is the first night of Hannukah and we have not had a small child for Hannukah in years. Come on over tonight and bring your daughter."

Gladly I accepted my second holiday celebration of the day, picked up my daughter, and headed over to my boss' very elegant home. We were invited in, and he and his lovely wife presented my daughter with gifts, told the Hannukah story, and taught her a child's Hannukah's song. My daughter had a wonderful time!

On the way home, I suggested she could share her experience with her pre-school teacher (who was Jewish) who might be surprised that a little girl who wasn't Jewish had learned so much about Haunnukah. My daughter replied indignantly, "What do you mean I'm not Jewish? I learned the song, didn't I?""

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

great story Doug, your comments are usually better than many of the blogs I run. That last comment was a blog within a blog. It's so ironic, this whole religion thing, Jesus was an orthodox jew and celebrated Chanukah and kept kosher. Aren't we all one, most of my Christian friends are more interested in jewish stuff than my Jewish friends whom taske it for granted.

Davis "3-D" Danizier said...

via facebook;"Yes, Kimo, Jesus was an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and openly so, and many Christians who follow the distorted teachings of the renegade "apostle" Paul who completely undermined Jesus' core teachings, forget that Jesus not only followed the Law ...of Moses strictly, he also taught that the Law of Moses would remain 100% intact — that not "one dot nor one iota" would be changed — until ALL THINGS had been fulfilled and Heaven and Earth had passed away.

In contrast, it was Paul, the founder of the modern anti-Jesus heresy, that taught that Jesus' death had rendered the Law of Moses obsolete. Jesus would have turned over in his grave, if they could only find that darn corpse!"

Me said...

I coined the expression about 7 years ago that; Christians make the best Jews and Jews make the best Christians..." I even had t-shirts made...

Davis "3-D" Danizier said...

via facebook;" Nicely put!"

John Rogers said...

via facebook;"Jimmy, Happy Chanukah and Merry X-Mas. This is a good story. I only wish that more people knew that these holidays are more about the celebration then the gifts. Am I still a good Jew? Or just a good Christian?"

Me said...

Mr. Rogers, I consider you a polydenominational spirit like myself...Happy Solstice and merry X-mas to you and your boys...

Bettejo Dux said...

via facebook;"Have a Col yule. I'm headed for Sun Dance. Be sure you check out my website http://www,bettejodux/com/ Wait'll I get my pics up. For real blaster go to my column, then go to about then scroll down and go to Julty. then read the cosmic Psychpath Face to Face. tee hee"

James 'kimo" Rosen said...

Bettejo, Have a great trip to Sun Dance! everyone order Bettejo's new book at; http://www.bettejodux.com/

Me said...

Bettejo, how about a guest blog about your trip to Sundance when you return?