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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Voting..!" 'James "kimo" Rosen'

President Obama's sister (Maya Soetoro Ng)
speaks about the importance of voting at a recent rally on Kaua'i.

Why is it  that voting in Political elections is so confusing stressful and mis-managed. There are always accusations of fraud by the losing side and many will say they were turned away.

American Idol, Dancing with the stars and many  popular reality shows have voters call in to vote  and the results are instantaneous.

America needs to adopt a simple to way to vote from home using your phone or computer.  Many have suggested using ATM's at your local bank! Afterall if ATM's are trusted with all that money, why not trust the same technology with voting?

I have a simple solution, one vote per Social security number. You would call or go to a web page and enter your social security number, follow directions from there and vote. No more waiting in lines and staying  up all night or sometimes waiting days for the  election results.

 Voting as we now know it  has to change. If the reality shows  can do it, so can America.

Check out Michael Moore's short clip on voter suppression!

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...

Hana Hou #2


KimoRosen said...

I just had a brain fart;" Romney will never concede no matter what margin of victory Obama wins by, that's why lawyers for both parties are standing by.

KimoRosen said...

My Prediction, what's yours? Republicans quit your hype, Obama wins electoral college by a Landslide not even close.

What will the GOP be crying about tomorrow? Sandy, Christ Christie, Colin Powell, Mike Bloomberg, guest it doesn't matter, they will be distraught and dangerous.

Keith Haugen said...

"When you control the machines that count the vote, it is pretty hard to even consider concession."

KimoRosen said...

Keith, unbelievable Romney's son was allowed to buy voting machines in swing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

" Give Lady Obama a 3 DAY REST WITH A KOSHER TREATS FROM Panda Express for dumping of an dangerous American mullah,the world rejoices :-)"