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Monday, November 5, 2012

"Sandy not a divider, a uniter..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

Hawaii U.S. Congresswoman Mazie Hirono hopes to defeat
former Governor Linda Lingle in the race for Hawaii U.S. Senate.
Pictured with Mazie is Obama Da Dog and James "Kimo" Rosen

America seems to have turned into the Divided states of America, we are no longer united as our founding-fathers once  intended.

No matter what happens in the election, half the country will stand divided, whether it's on abortion, gay rights, women's right to chose,  war or how to rebuild the economy...

Democrats and Republicans all need to take a lesson  in doing what's right(pono) for the people. The recent  bipartisan actions of President Obama and N.J. Governor Chris Christie speak volumes in  crossing party lines and working together like adults for the benefit of the people.

Disasters seem to bring people together, in times of disaster we are not Republican or Democrat but rather American.

Sad to say,  'Sandy 'is exactly what America needed, not a divider but rather a uniter.

There is still hope!

Tomorrow, before you vote, look in a mirror. If you see a corporation, my friend, vote for Romney. If you see a person, vote for President Obama!

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...

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