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Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Soon There Will Be No Place To Drive..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen

We are blessed to have a Bicycle trail on Kauai which helps avoid bumper to
bumper standstill traffic. Such freedom of  riding a bike at leisure and getting
to your destination in many instances faster than those in motor vehicles.

 Check out my opinion article in the (12-28-12) edition of the Kaua'i garden Island News, "Congested Kaua'i."

Imagine an endless line of cars with nowhere to go? Kaua'i may soon come to this reality. Every year there are thousands of  people coming of age to drive, not to mention the many new people who move here every year, translating to even more traffic congestion.

 The cosmic island of Kaua'i is only  33 miles long and 25 miles wide. The major  thoroughfare which nearly  runs around the whole  island is called a highway, although it  looks nothing like a highway, more like a country road with  speed limits posted in most areas at only 25 mph.

There are more than one million registered motor vehicles in the state of Hawaii, that's more than one vehicle for every man woman and child. Everyday car dealerships sell more and more vehicles, and car rental agencies frequently  sell out of inventory to our visitors. When will it end, where will all these vehicles go, after-all we are are only an island?

There is no state in the United States with fewer lane miles than Hawai'i,  with Kaua'i ranking last place in miles of road among the four major Hawaiian islands.

Electric cars will not solve this dilemma of too little space. Walking, biking, the bus and more roads is a step in the right direction to alleviate bumper to bumper traffic and road rage.

With  approximately 235 miles of paved roadways on Kaua'i, there will soon  be no place to drive, just motor vehicles at a standstill from one end of the island to the other. 

Please remember to wave at me as I pass you on my bicycle.

Check out my opinion article in the (12-28-12) edition of the Kaua'i garden 
Island News, "Congested Kaua'i."

The Kaua'i Multi-Use Trail The Best Use of Taxpayer Money Ever on Kaua'i generated with the Imgflip Meme Generator

 generated with the Imgflip Meme Generator

Hana Hou,(Encore) Shared from Facebook...


Chuck Lasker said...

via best use of taxpayer monies ever,"We could be using that money for even higher county department head salaries so the mayor's buddies can make MORE money! Stupid trail taking away income from poor unqualified government employees...."

Nehama Dina Wolfson said...

via besrt use of taxpayer monies,"
Nehama Dina Wolfson HAPPY HANOKA


KimoRosen said...

via best use of taxpayer monies ever,Happy Hanoka back to you, did you notice the girl on the bike?

Facebook Likes said...

best use of taxpayer monies ever, likes

James Kimo Rosen
Retired at Internet Blogger

Douglas Dunn
Owner-Operator at Word Wizards Communications

Judith Whitehead
Technician at Ophthalmology

Harmony Bentosino
Massage Therapist at Self employed

Nehama Dina Wolfson

Joseph M Giannotti
Customer Service at Polymer Technologies, Inc.

Francine M. Grace
University of Hawaii

KimoRosen said...

in reply to Chuck Lasker about best use of taxpayer monies..."funny! ;D) lol"

Douglas Dunn said...

via Facebook;" Even electric cars suffer in traffic.
Bike trails are a great way to see paradise!"

KimoRosen said...

Doug, for sure they suffer... that was my point even green cars can't avoid traffic gridlock.

KimoRosen said...

Chuck, off subject, when is the best time to post so the most people see your post? I know you mentioned this before and I did not pay attention? I seem to get more hits when I post my blog in the morning around 11;00 AM than I do when posting around 3:00 P.M, all Hawaii time of course. any insight?

Chuck Lasker said...

" My post was about how if your audience is world wide, no time is better than any other because of time zones. If your intended audience is local, this post will help you.


- the best thing, though, is to experiment and document for a few weeks, then look back and see what worked best. Days of the week are just as important as time, too.

KimoRosen said...

The article states best tine on FB is 1-4 P.M. That's usually when I post my blog, but lately I have been posting around 11;00 A.M. and I get twice as many hits within the first hour.. I have begun to post my blog a few different times to catch people that may have missed the first go around, is it improper social media manners to post the same thing multiple times? If not that's the answer!.

Pete Antonson said...

via best use of taxpayer monies ever," looks like Obama is hopping on one leg."

KimoRosen said...

via best use of taxpayer monies ever," It does look like that, guess she's running so fast... ;D) That's my little girl."

Francine Grace said...

via garden island news,"Francine wrote: "Good letter Kimo. Was just saying the same thing to some friends the other day. On Christmas Eve, it took me 30 minutes to get from Otsuka's to Foodland Waipouli. Had I not been sick, I think it would've been so much faster to walk. Saw one car overheated and several people road raging because I'm assuming they were irritated with the traffic situation. Kaua`i loves the tourist dollars, but can't handle the added traffic......Something's gotta give!!"

KimoRosen said...

Francine, imagine 20 years ago from now if we keep going in the same direction, no new roads and more and more and more people!?

Francine Grace said...

"Yep, the cars will pretty much be lining up with nowhere to go. I also know from my years of working at Rent-A-Car agencies......the quantities of cars they bring in aren't the same quantity that they ship out. Nice to have those tourist dollars for the island's economy; but how many tourists are gonna be willing to come here just to sit in traffic and the only sightseeing they do is from out their rental car windows, because that's about as far as they'll get on our bumper-to-bumper traffic-to-nowhere? I remember working at the Tour bus company back in the late 70's , tourists would come in and hop on tour buses. But now, they all want their own rental cars. On Christmas Eve, I noticed a couple of tour company shuttle vans stuck in the Kapaa Crawl with a handful or less of passengers......Not a good sight :("

KimoRosen said...

plus most people are driving giant monster trucks taking up even more space and gas...