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Friday, December 14, 2012

Is It OK For Santa To Pack A Gun..?"‏ 'Obama Da Dog'

The question remains, is it OK for Santa to pack a gun? a shorter version
of this blog appeared as an opinion article in the 12-17-12 edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island news
titled, "Cops should carry Guns."

I would like to respond to the recent Letter to the Editor in the Kaua'i Garden Island news, by Judie Hoeppner."Why was Santa packing a gun? Enclosed is  the link to her letter; 

Enclosed is my response;

 Judie says in a public forum to Kauai Chief of Police Darryl Perry,
"Dear Chief Perry,I am writing to express my utter dismay and disgust that you would allow officers to wear a Santa costume and pack a gun!"

Judie, I think it's great the officers take time  to be with our keiki. There's a real world out there and police are there for our safety  and to protect.  Just a few days ago some nut case in Oregon opened fire  on a shopping center killing two people and injuring many others and today a deranged gunman opened fire on an elementary school in Connecticut masssacring  25  with 18 being children.

I'd rather have Santa packing a gun and being alert just in case things go out of control and from the looks of society things are out of control.


If you would like to mail sympathy cards or letters of support and solidarity to the school, the school address is;
Sandy Hook Elementary School
12 Dickenson Drive 
Sandy Hook, CT 06482

Rabbi Baum blogs on this subject;

Hana Hou,(Encore) Shared from Facebook...



Beth Tokioka said...

via eamil,"
I like your message Kimo…"

Francine Snyder said...

via email,"I agree and obama looks great..."

Ron Ostroff said...

VIA Facebook;"this will never end. this will never change."

Marta Lane said...

via facebook,"If one of those teachers had been packing a gun, many more lives may have been lost."

KimoRosen said...

I don't think so, they could had taken the gunman down.

Chuck Lasker said...

via facebook,"She didn't have the gun with her because her son used her gun to murder her. What's your point, James?"

KimoRosen said...

My point is if a teacher had a gun and knew how to use it they could had shot the gunman and possibly saved lives.

Chuck Lasker said...

"Or they might have missed and killed even more kids. Or all the teachers might have had guns and a shooting match killed dozens more. On the other hand, if the killer's mother DIDN'T own guns, the odds are much smaller this would have happened at all. I'll take those odds over arming teachers in elementary schools and hoping they are all sane."

KimoRosen said...

none of us have a crystal ball, could had gone either way, I'm just saying, as your just saying, there's a possibility that someone with a gun could had helped stop this massacre or it could had triggered more violence as you state. I just believe that if someone like police officer is properly trained it would had saved lives...

Chuck Lasker said...

Chuck wrote: "Or they might have missed and killed even more kids. Or all the teachers might have had guns and a shooting match killed dozens more. On the other hand, if the killer's mother DIDN'T own guns, the odds are much smaller this would have happened at all. I'll take those odds over arming teachers in elementary schools and hoping they are all sane.

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

"Yes,Santa should pack a gun,so is every one like in the Wild west days so you can protect yourself against the crazies !!! absolutely No automatic guns..they are for the military & law enforcement ONLY !!!"

DAN LANE said...

"Dan wrote: "And the stupidity of thinking this teacher would be walking around the classroom teaching kids how to read would also happen to have a gun in hand at the time is frankly insane. Ok arm a teacher. Cool. Now the teacher either has to teach the kids, or sit at a desk with a gun. They can't walk around with it as they teach because as you SHOULD understand, that would freak the kids the f*** out. So, the gun is kept safely in a desk drawer. Now something like today happens. A lone gunman walks into the classroom. They point a gun at this teacher who is writing at the chalkboard. BANG! Teacher is still dead. Arming the teacher solved nothing. "

Anonymous said...

Christine wrote: "Melissa, I think that people are praying already. Please don't feel that your invitation for a prayer chain was ignored. This experience is being felt very personally well beyond Connecticut and people are praying each in her own way. A mega prayer chain is already underway. Nothing could possibly stop it! We'll need to keep it up after the first shocking days have past because there will be an ongoing need for love, support and prayers."

Chuck Lasker said...

"It's a simplistic response, with as much sense as "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Reality does not submit to platitudes and idealistic thoughts."

K. Lefkowitz said...

via Facebook;" there are no words to express the sadness of this tragedy - it never never never should of happened."

Elizabeth Grayson said...

via Facebook;"This image captures exactly what I've been feeling. Just as every parent was shaken by this terrible tragedy, so was everyone who has ever taught in an elementary school."

Katy Lee said...

via facebook;"Cry. God counts our tears.

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

Chester wrote: "We must help our own citizens in time of tragedy ,I propose that along with condolence & cards,every American send a dollar or what ever they can afford in care of the Ct Governor to be used ONLY for ALL the victim's families for there will be many expense beside griefs :-("

KimoRosen said...

Unc, better yet send one dollar to the school!Sandy Hook Elementary School

12 Dickenson Drive

Sandy Hook, CT 06482

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

"Send the money to ONE OFFICIAL SOURCE so it can have control for the needs of every victimized family,All money to be used for victim's families ONLY with public accounting to the donors..."

Anonymous said...

I think teachers should be trained and carry firearms.

Rema Murphy said...

"Sad days. Hard times. Hold hands."