Trump, the election and the Jewish connection
This blog appeared 04-28-16 as an opinion article in The Kauai Garden Island News;
Bernie Sanders is probably less Jewish than the other two top contenders running for President. He is only Jewish because his parents happened to be Jewish, Bernie is a non practicing Jew.
Donald Trump's pride and joy, his daughter Ivanka converted to Orthodox Judaism when she married back in 2009, making all of Trumps Grandchildren through Ivanka, Jewish.
Hillary and Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea is also married to a Jewish man, however Chelsea did not convert to Judaism.Therefore she is not Jewish in the eyes of orthodox Judaism, however the reform movement has no problem with her being Jewish.
The three main candidates running for Potus all have their Jewish connection. While others say,"if Sanders wins he will be the first Jewish President, If Hillary wins she will be the first woman President, and if Trump wins, the joke goes, he will be the last President."
On a similar note, a Facebook friend of mine would rather see their child smoking pot than a Donald Trump supporter. Seriously? I am able to be independent and not controlled by one party or one way of thinking as are the masses. How about you?
People seem to have zero tolerance for Trump supporters. They consider themselves free thinkers, yet they post nothing but hate against Trump on social media--verses posting positive thought about their candidate?
I talk to people on the streets and at the Supermarket, on the bus, and wherever I may be. People approach me and tell me they like Trump but are afraid to even talk to their wives, husbands, boyfriends or girlfriends in fear of rejection and being in the doghouse. According to political polls people are obviously voting for Trump, however most people are not copping to it.
How does this happen? Many people vote for Trump but will not admit it publicly. It's somewhat like playing with yourself, that's right, the 'M' word. Everybody has done it at some point, however most never admit to it.
The Good news for me,(since I'm Jewish) whomever wins this coming election---means America will have a Jewish connection in the White-house. We will either have a 'Schmuck' or a 'Mensch,'the only problem remains, who is who?
Bagels, lox and dancing the Israeli Horah at the Inauguration! Can everybody say, OY!
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This meme was used on Facebook to promote this blog! |
Trump Haters and Trump Lovers should all get a laugh out of "The Donald" meeting the Honeymooners! ;-)
Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...
Most interesting
Are you aware that Muslim kids in Palestine are taught how to stab Jews?
and that 15-25% of all Muslims worldwide are radicalized?
check it out; is a crazy world.
Excellent! I am amazed that the protestors label Trump as Hitler or racist. This proves to me that these people are ignorant and lack the ability to think for themselves, no intelligence at all. They are controlled by the establishment and paid to protest, violently in many cases. BLM is nothing more than the KKK in reverse. Violence, hate and racism is their mantra. Obama can take credit for BLM...he built it. He has polarized this country like no one ever has. His disdain for whites, Christians, Jews and our military shine bright in these darkest days during the last seven years. Obama and his regime are more like Hitler and his nazis with his "brown shirt" protestors inciting riots and violence against anyone that does not obey their demands. Someone once said that the less educated are easier to control....I agree. In other words, Trump is the polar opposite of Obama.
I am not in the closet Kimo. I am a supporter of Trump for many reasons. My gay sister in law's partner is the director for Trump for Florida. That dispels some people's notion that Trump is my misogynist. His daughter would not be heading so many of her father's business if he thought women were inferior. Plus he employs many minorities in his business if people really knew the real Trump. BUT he wants to keep illegal out of the country and I agree. Politicians are afraid of Trump because the Rep's. and Dems will lose their meal tickets and perks from all special interests. He is no BS like all the other candidates that are left. People have because too politically correct and people are tired of it because that is not how people think. I would not vote for a socialist either. Just look at who he is speaking to. Not all the people, just a portion of the people. I would not vote for someone like that. And before all you people come jumping down my throat for my beliefs.. Don't. I can choose who I want to vote for and that will not change. Just like your opinion will not change. Good article Kimo!
Well, I'm your friend, Kimo, but I am opposed to Donald Trump. I hope, with all my heart he will not be elected.
As for the Jewish connection I could care less. Peace and love Bettejo Dux
Therefore in my opinion it's not as crazy as it sounds when Trump says we must put a temporary ban on Muslims coming into our country until we future this whole thing out. Remember immigrant Jews and other ethnicity's were not flying airplanes into buildings and killing people at random with suicide vests....
For Darwin's sake Bettejo, I thought if anyone could understand a little tongue n cheek, Oy, bagel and loxs, dancing the Hora, c'mon, that's funny, smile, laugh, life's short.
Good one Jim!
Kit Ellison by said via email; "You've made some fine points but I must
admit, Trump's rhetoric scares me. If
elected he wants to send people back to
their countries of origin, build walls
keeping others out, dismantling the
military, generally tearing down what we
have spent 240 years to build. I don't like
Clinton but I like Trump less. Which is the
least of the two evils?
Remember this? Give me your tired
your poor, your huddled masses yearning
to be free, the wretched wreckage of
your teeming shores. Send these, the
homeless tempest tossed to me. I lift my
lamp beside the golden shores."
Give me your tired and your masses was long before drugs and people flying planes into building and beheadings. That statement is obsolete. And why shouldn't we deport people that are here illegally and overstayed their visa's? They should come here legally. We have a legal system for a reason. And if you notice, other people are trying to keep people out of their countries too. They have barbed wire blockades and soldiers.
After the war and Europe turned their backs on the Jews. They then went over board and allowed everyone to come into their countries Now they are paying the price for that. They are having real problems over there. The people in those countries are having the same issues and worst because they let everyone come in. My friend in the U.K says it is horrible.
It's a different world now for sure...Hillary is in bed with the Republicans, nothing is different with Hillary that's why many republicans are pushing for her. If Trump gets in all these lobbyists that give Hillary and The Republicans money will be out of jobs, then what will happen? Washington is afraid to lose their cushy jobs... That's why half the Republicans are turning on Trump. He's his own man.
Carrie Kneubuhl-Eckert absolutely. My family came here one at a time in the beginning of the 20th steerage from Italy. They each had a sponsor, a home and a job when they got here..they asked for and received NOTHING and became American citizens and adopted the American way of life. They worked their whole life and raised their children as Americans! They didn't push their values on anyone and the assimilated into our culture!
Are you aware that Muslim kids in Palestine are taught how to stab Jews?
check it out;
Whaling wall in Israel
Another irony I did not mention in the blog is that Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton are very close friends!,,20946490,00.html
I'm all for satire but if you are a Trump supporter, I have to say - I don't get it. That his daughter married a Jewish man and felt connected to the religion enough to convert is great. Does that change his rhetoric and the behavior of his supporters? It has no bearing on his foot-dragging to disavow David Duke, his abhorrent statements regarding Mexicans, Muslims, condoning Japanese American internment in WWII, support for conducting war crimes as a means of combating Da'Esh, and so many others that I don't see how anyone who has any sense could consider voting for him! And - WOW - you've got some "interesting" readers/responders here. Comparing OBAMA to Hitler??!!! WTF?!!!
Sam, Trump cannot control who supports him. I did a brief run for county council one year. I had people supporting me I did not like, no control over that. I voted for Obama twice. I am an independent but sick and tired of Washington being owned by the lobbyists. Many Republicans would rather have Hillary than Trump because she does not threaten their cushy lifestyle. Politicians are threatened by Trump because nobody owns him, there has never been a politician like this, other politicians are running scared and trying to scare you with their spin.
P.S. Trump is is totally self supporting at this point!
Trump's speech at AIPAC was phenomenal!!!!!!!! God bless Israel and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Six Reasons Trump Would Be Disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East
read more:
Pete, Did you read what happened today? Trump got numerous standing ovations addressing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington. Check it out, they say your only as good as your last job, and Trump just Trump himself! " Donald J. Trump expressed his solidarity with Israel in passionate terms on Monday, promising a gathering of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that as president he would always stand up for it against its enemies in the Middle East.
The Republican presidential candidate, who has been criticized for saying that he would like to remain neutral in negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, made clear in no uncertain terms that Israel had his unbridled support. He assailed the United Nations and the Obama administration for failing to side with Israel and promised to take a hard line against Iran.
“I speak to you today as a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel,” Mr. Trump said.
Drawing several rounds of standing ovations, Mr. Trump thundered against the Iran nuclear deal and made clear that he was not, in fact, on the fence when it came to brokering a deal with Israel and the Palestinians. "
Glenn Mickens said by email; "Like Bettejo, I could care less about a person's race or ethnic group. Religions scare me as do any mythical organizations. Just believe in your fellow man (woman) and what he or she stands for and try and make sure they look after the people who need looking after. If I like or dislike someone it is not because of their race or color but for what they do with their time on earth. In my 4 mile walk each day I flash the shaka to each car that passes me and then see these same cars honk or flash the shaka back when they see me again. More smiles, more friendly greetings and more hugs can go a long ways to making a better world."
Ah yes, the leopard trying to change those pesky spots!
Thank you, Glen. I am just horrified by Trump. I agree with almost everyone about our government today, but Trump is not going to put it right. He's crude, He is, in my opinion the most dangerous man in the world. Build a wall the Mexicans will pay for? What if the Mexicans say 'stuff it'? In Spanish, of course. Trump would probably reply, "Then we'll blow you out of the saddle. We got nukes, we got drones, we got a bunch of lunatic KKKers who'd love to come down there in white robes with slits for eyes and burn crosses in your front yard."
Palin and her loony religious woks would be right behind them with all The Christian fundamentalist bibles to sell.
Know this, there are nazis on Kauai. I mean this. Hired a couple of gardeners to do some work, they took off their shirts and had swastikas tattooed on their arms. They will vote for Trump. I see them around. They run in a pack.
I prefer the bloody bankers to the brown shirted goose steppers.
We are a welfare/warfare state. Wars make the rich richer. The poor dead.
I cannot imagine someone--the most powerful man in the world, the Donald--leading KKKers, nazis, and religious loons to a better America or tomorrow.
Please think about it.
The Klan, Palin's loons, and the brown goose steppers disgust me.
I flash the peace signal, Glenn. One sticker on my car reads WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER.
Neither is Trump.
Sorry, Kimo, I miss the humor in this awful situation.
Peace and love Bettejo
"We need steady hands, not a president who says he’s neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday and who-knows-what on Wednesday because everything’s negotiable," HRC said. I would add "Yes, steady hands are better than tiny hands!
I can hear the response...
I want to say so much more, but already lost enough Facebook friends for one day! wink emoticon
Not us, my friend!!
Look, Kimo, Pamela Geller is the Rush Limbaugh of Islamaphobia! What are you doing referring to her? Is that your idea of a source of information? She once said President Obama is the "love child" of Malcolm X.. She is aligned with white supremists in South Africa, Germany along with European racists and fascists. Drop the Pam!
No...Frank Marshall Davis..not Malcolm X.
Hey Peeping Pete, I know you love searching the web so much. You must be in hog heaven living in the land of plenty now. Citing references on the net about Trump doesn't carry much weight with me. You can do the same thing for Hillary. Type in flip-flopping Hillary or Hillary's lies, Hilary on gays...etc. You'll find many instances of Hillary flip-flopping on major issues. Stop with your holy than thou statements. Your opinions have no merit. Need I say more....
Again, Kimo, there is no all good and all bad who we vote for but Trumps sound bites are great but get him to go into the details of how he will accomplish them and he goes silent. As I said before, I could support Bernie but the odds that he will make it are slim so I have to go for the 2 for 1 in Hillary---she and Bill. I do wish that total health care and going after the top 1% as Bernie says were possible but I do not think it will happen as money talks and that 1% controls the wealth.
Though Trump may be in the lead now I think that the Rs will finally see the light and go with Kasich but only time will tell that.
Like the people here who have this dream of bikes, buses and walking being the answer to our traffic---IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY WANT IT TO.
Whatever we want, the test has to be (1) will it benefit the majority; (2) is it practical; (3) is it affordable and do we have the funds and budget to make it happen.
The clock cannot be turned back 100 years to the horse and buggy days--if we could we could end the fuel and pollution war but we cannot and have to live with electric and hydrogen vehicles. Technology is there (in medicine and science) to make this a better world for all of us to live in but money and radicals are, sadly, part of the equation and there seems to be no answer how to change that.
Keep up your great work---your blog is democracy in action.
Have you had time to depress? I can't help but remember a wondered Jewess named Grandma Strudbeck. She was from Germany and spent time in a concentration camp and had a number tattooed on her arm. I heard of atrocities heaped on her and others by the Germans who were brainwashed by Hitler's hate and was told then by her, the only emotion we are born with it fear. We must be taught to hate.
When growing up you were misinformed about Christians and have since learned differently. I have tried to see people as individuals not as Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druids, etc. because I know, and deeply believe, G-d will prevail and those who have faith will be called upon to teach.
Grandma S could have viciously hated anyone German but chose to hate uneducated ideas instead. Not all Muslims are Jihad and not all Jihad are Muslims, they give lip service to the faith so they can carry on with impunity; at least in their minds. Hate the action not the people as a whole who think differently than we do.
Still love you and Obama my brother. And I will fight to the death of the argument your right to think and feel any way you do. Just hoping to get you to see and understand there are more side to anything in this world except one. See you soon. 😇😊
Editors note!
Bettejo's comment was made after this blog appeared as a Letter to the editor one month laterin the 04-28-16 edition of The Garden Island news;
I think your letter was the greatest letter I ever read---discounting a few of mine. LOL When this election's over and the Democrats have won I'll treat you to a champagne brunch at the Hyatt. We'll wear shoes. I'm healing fast and superbly well. Happy day after your birthday, Unc. Love you ME
Comment from Garden Island News opinion article;
You keep pushing this Trump issue (I'm sorry you don't understand why most of us find it troubling), and now you're also judging who is or isn't Jewish enough.
Why is it so important to you if someone is Jewish, practicing Jewish, non-practicing Jewish, related to a Jew, married to a Jew, making Jewish babies, etc.? A person's religion (or lack of religion) does not in any way determine whether someone is a good or bad person or politician.
Comment from Garden Island News opinion article;
When I vote I dont look at what religion the person belongs to........I look at the person their accomplishments and their ability to work for ALL of us and not for a few...........SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE...which is why i will NEVER vote for anyone REPUBLICAN they keep trying to force religion down our throats.."Christians" what a joke....
It's tongue-n-cheek you guys... People are taking this election just a little to serious, OY! Oy, (Funny? Bagels and Lox? Funny? Really? Did you guys ever see a show called Saturday Night Live?
Comment from Garden Island News opinion article;
im there is nothing tongue in cheek about this election. trump has shown that he is unable to function as an adult and is definately not presidential material. HEHe is a spoiled rich man that is totally uneducated in world affairs.
This IS very serious! There is absolutely nothing to take lightly about this election!
Great article, James! Obviously being Christian, I had never thought about a Jewish "connection". It doesn't matter what your race or religion, to me. We are all people and everyone should be treated with respect. Yes, even if you support Trump, you deserve respect. It is, after all, your right to vote for whomever you choose. I thought that was the whole point! I haven't been happy with all of the democratic Presidents in recent years. But I can tell you that I don't "hate" anyone that voted for them. If people are going to take it to the extreme because they dislike Trump and get crazy about it, I feel sorry for them. I have some pretty strong opinions about Clinton. I just keep my mouth shut and keep taking antacids as my stomach turns with the thought of having to deal with her as president.
Which is what I will do now Christine Muscarella Frost
Oh please, spare me. One thing I have observed, if you think or say something a democrat doesn't like or agree with, it gets petty and nasty. I don't understand. I just keep trying to respect, even though it is more and more difficult as time goes on.
No matter who gets nominated and elected in the next election, I will have no choice for the next 4 years. But I will deal with it, whether I like it or not.
respect other people's religions & politics if they respect my non-religious & politics by not proselytizing or beheading others who are non-believers !!! Unc C
I like Bernie, I don't care for Hillary, but I don't post hate on the opposition. Even the politicians themselves make fun of themselves with guest appearances on SNL. The other irony the politicians hating on each now will be friends come November. Come November all the hate that Bernie spewed towards Hillary will be forget and they will be friends. The same hate that you see from Ted Cruz and The Donald will be healed. Hillary and Obama once fought like cats & dogs in a primary and she became his Secretary of state. The election is still 6 months away...
I totally disagree, Trump is totally serious. I have not seen any indication this man is never not serious about what he does. He is an adult, expressing himself his way, not other people's way. And I guess it resonates with a lot people. So I guess there are a lot of non- adults who support him like myself.
Kimo's posting is a light hearted look at what is happening this election year. Let's not bash him for his views which he is allowed to post.
And it is not a Jewish issue, but Kimo chose to write his view on it which is o.k. to do. Why do you who not believe as he does bash him? Is that the liberal way to do things? Again, you are doing and saying things that you accuse Trump of doing.. Hmm..
Great article, James! Obviously being Christian, I had never thought about a Jewish "connection". It doesn't matter what your race or religion, to me. We are all people and everyone should be treated with respect. Yes, even if you support Trump, you deserve respect. It is, after all, your right to vote for whomever you choose. I thought that was the whole point! I haven't been happy with all of the democratic Presidents in recent years. But I can tell you that I don't "hate" anyone that voted for them. If people are going to take it to the extreme because they dislike Trump and get crazy about it, I feel sorry for them. I have some pretty strong opinions about Clinton. I just keep my mouth shut and keep taking antacids as my stomach turns with the thought of having to deal with her as president.
Oh please, spare me. One thing I have observed, if you think or say something a democrat doesn't like or agree with, it gets petty and nasty. I don't understand. I just keep trying to respect, even though it is more and more difficult as time goes on.
No matter who gets nominated and elected in the next election, I will have no choice for the next 4 years. But I will deal with it, whether I like it or not.
I respect other people's religions & politics if they respect my non-religious & politics by not proselytizing or beheading others who are non-believers !!! Unc C
Seems like every time I post on Kimo's post MY opinions I get bashed by his Trump followers....Hey isnt this a free country??? Are we not all able to speak our minds ??? or is it always one sided??And oh , I am a christian..Aloha you all.....
Yvoone, I too am a person of faith in God. Yes, Please continue to post, and may God bless you and America. Mahalo for being part of our discussions. wink emoticon
Stress, and the wheels on the bus go round and round. We are a corporate state. A welfare/warfare state. A capitalistic state. that will not change. Bernie,Hilary or Frump--talk about stress.
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