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Monday, March 4, 2019

"That dirty 'stinkin' cockroach..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world's #278)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

"The greatest show on surf" Kapaa sunrise
Photo courtesy,
James "Kimo" Rosen
Publishers note;
Aloha Readers,

I had a huge surprise when my dog killed a cockroach and it emitted an odor so bad I nearly lost my kishkas.
I never knew how terrible cockroaches could smell until this past week. I always knew they could fly and are huge in Hawaii, however, the stink is new to me. Hope you enjoy my experience.
James "Kimo" Rosen
Publisher/Blogger-n-chief~dakinetalk blog

  That dirty 'stinkin' cockroach... 

Blog #2031~Kimo's world's #278

  You may believe I am speaking of Donald Trump, or you may believe I am speaking of Michael Cohen
when I utter the words, "dirty 'stinkin' cockroach." It all depends on which side of the political spectrum you side and support.

I am actually referring to neither, but rather the most disgusting smelliest and pathetic cockroach I ever had visit my hale. (home)

My dog, 'Ivanka Obama' is trained to kill cockroaches on demand. When she sees them, I give her the command, "get em boms," and she's on it.

This past week I was in my bedroom which doubles as my office working on my computer when I smelled something foul, like chicken that had been dead for weeks. My dog comes over to me and reeks like a sewage spill. She smelled so bad I almost lost my kishka's. She had smelled like this years ago when she rolled in dead chickens. She was inside all morning, there's no way she got out.

Low and behold there is a mutilated cockroach on the floor that 'Ivanka' had taken care of. I picked up a piece of the cockroach and smelled it and nearly passed out. The head actually looked like a microscopic rat. I never realized a cockroach could smell so incredibly bad.  Later that day I confirmed my findings with an expert witness.

I find it ironic, I've been terminating cockroaches for years. I have seen flying cockroaches as we have in Hawaii, giant cockroaches as we also have in Hawaii, the dirty 'stinkin' variety was a first for me.  I guess it depends what they eat, and what's in their stomach before you fly swat them, or step on them, or have your dog take care of them. This cockroach must have come up through the sewer drain hole of my toilet.

 I'll bet you'll never guess what I named that cockroach? I came up with a name for that variety of cockroach, the dirty 'stinkin kine' that looks like a micro rat. I call them the Michael Cohens, however to be fair and make my Democratic friends happy, at least the Dems that still read my blog, you may call this variety of cockroach the Donald Trump, or Trumpster, take your pick--- however, no lie, I still prefer the 'MC'- Michael Cohen-Cockroach.

Hana Hou, (Encore)

At least Gomer was honest!


Harmony Bentosino said...

I'm glad I can keep the large ones under control with baits & glue traps & glad I have never experienced the smell or even the flying ones you described.

KimoRosen said...

I don't wish the experience on anyone...

Glenn Mickens said...

I have seen and killed many cockroaches since coming to Kauai 29 years ago but NEVER one like that! I even saw ones in my attic who ate the covers off my autographed baseballs that I was saving! I thought I had rats that did it never knowing that these roaches could be that destructive!!

Keep that dog of yours working on them and I hope I never find one that smells like the one your dog got!!!
Keep up the good work---glad to see Bill printing your letters.
Your pal,
