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Thursday, December 2, 2021

"Kollar, Like, Iseri, politics and the dollar..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen (Kimo's world #323)


Rosen and Ivanka sitting in front 
of the Channukkah Bush at  the
Kapa'a Panda Express
James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser,
 Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

                        Sunrise/weather/photos November~2021
                     (These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
                                                       Photos courtesy,
                                                      James "Kimo" Rosen 
Blog #2077~Kimo's world #323

Kollar, Like, Iseri, politics and the dollar
 The good book says, “ For the love of money is the root of all evil.” 1 Timothy 6:10
I have come to realize public politics is the root of all evil.  

County Prosecutor Justin Kollar

left his elected position three years early and is costing taxpayers and the county of Kauai nearly $500,000 for a special election to fill the void.  

In the interim  Rebecca Like (pronounced Lee-kay) who has served as third in command the last nine years in Kollar’s (pronounced Koler) office has taken over the prosecutor's position until the special election results are in. 

 The election will be between Shaylene Iseri, a family law attorney in Lihue who previously served as  Kaua'i county prosecutor for 12 years. Kollar challenged Iseri, and won, in 2012. 

The next primary election is August 13, 2022, with the next general election for the county and state being on  Nov. 8, 2022. 

The question remains;

why couldn’t Rebecca Like retain her interim position an additional 6 months and wait for the next primary election and add the prosecutor's job to that ballot? This could save the county almost a half-million bucks?

 A law should be made

whereas any politician that leaves their elected position early that causes a special election should be liable for all costs of a special election? Better yet, the county or state should just wait for the next election to fill any void?

 Commencing the next election as I currently feel, I will not publicly endorse any politician which includes the upcoming special election for a new county prosecutor.  

Public politics and

supporting any candidate of any party or no party has become a cancer of the soul. Cancel culture, general hate, and folks not being able to handle comedy any longer hasn't helped matters.  

 I have been unfriended by a local politician that was once a friend because of

one of many things I publicly endorsed his rival,  yet they remained friends. I have also been unfriended by many over an ex-president I supported of whose name I won't mention. No politician is worth losing friends or family over.

My parents and most elders of my generation drilled into us to not discuss politics or religion in public. They were right.  

Politicians and politics have caused me nothing but misfortune. 
Therefore, starting

the next election I will endorse no politician publicly.  The only one who will know whom I endorse is between me, my creator, and the privacy curtain of the voting booth.

It’s time to make the privacy curtain in the voting booth great again, and if you happen

to use a mail-in absentee ballot it’s time to fill that buggah(sic) out in private and NOT post it on social media for the world to see.  

As far

as the upcoming County Prosecutor special election goes, it's just a matter of whom you like, or should I say leekay,(sic) no pun intended.

This blog appeared as an Op-ed/Opinion column
in the Thursday-12-02-21 edition of
The Garden Island News!

A reader of The Garden Island Newspaper called me a liar in the Sunday edition.  I had to respond.  I never respond to my haters but this guy over the years has continually busted my chops.  I finally decided to write back.  The paper published my response in today’s paper. There’s also a short letter encouraging me to keep writing!😎👍
The Garden Island news has a paywall therefore I copied the print edition. 
The original column:


The reader apologizes... 06-22-22 

Perry apologizes to Kimo
Hi Kimo. My memory isn’t as sharp as it once was, and I made some mistakes in reference to your piece in the 12/02/21 TGI. The timing. In my mind, it was something between six months and a year.

I ended up writing around a year, and that was wrong. Now reading your piece again, you are exactly right and I was exactly wrong regarding you not writing any more political stories.

It seems that I took that in from a perspective of wishful thinking. With that, I apologize, and you didn’t lie. Down the road, I’m sure that our paths will cross again.

I liked the Paul Harvey sign-off, “good day.” His voice was wonderful for radio with his pauses and just the right amount of dead air for his audience to ponder what he said. I didn’t like his right-wing politics, though.

Mark Perry, Lihu‘e

Hana Hou (Encore)


Steve said...

You wrote a good article. I’ve met Shaylene twice and I met Becky at her Duke’s Canoe Club meet and greet. Both Shaylan and Becky are as liberal as can be, caring more for the criminal rather than the victim. Becky was saying that she always likes to find out why what were the circumstances that led to the crime. In the case of a home break and she follows the idea of checking with the criminal mindset as to why he would do such a thing. I wasn’t impressed.

Ada Keone said...

I fully agree with you Kimo. And to think I supported him. I think he should be made to serve out his term.

Hank Soboleski said...

I read your article earlier today.
Very good!

KimoRosen said...

Aloha Ada,
Plus he was responsible for the early release of many criminals on the island...
Mele Kalikimaka,

Ada Keone said...

That is what I thought.

Mele Kalikimaka to you too.


Garden Island news comments said...

Flipper Purify December 2, 2021 6:22 am Reply
Shaylene Iseri did not hold the office for 12 years, she was a one and done elected official, serving four chaotic years.

james December 2, 2021 7:46 am Reply
So does this mean we will be hearing less from you? (Insert happy face here)

ali December 2, 2021 8:34 am Reply
Do agree with why this election could of just waited to our next upcoming election in 2022. What a waste of 500,000 dollars during a time we really need that money. Need to take steps to change any current laws that require this same situation to re-occur in the future.

kauaiboy December 2, 2021 8:42 am Reply
Our elective, democratic form of government has become your “cancer of the soul”?

I noticed when you conditioned your promise not to partake in future election public endorsements “as I currently feel”. Come on JR go all in. Promise not to publicly endorse for Rump and his cronies again….

But wait. What am i saying? That NOT having you publicly endorse Rump would be best? Never mind. The more people “pundits” like you endorse, the LESS likely they will prevail.

On the other hand, is there ANYONE out there who gives a flying hoot as to who you publicly endorse? Don’t bother counting. I think 2 of your minions have their hands up.

BTW, you fail to mention that Shaylene Iseri, as County Prosecutor, cost the County millions in settlements made because of her failure to run her office smartly, efficiently, and without racial prejudice. This woman is looking to get back into her old office? Maybe she should pay back the money she cost taxpayers before she is allowed to throw her hat back in the ring.

riverride December 2, 2021 8:59 am Reply
Thank you for the good advice.

Larry A. said...

Not discussing politics is quite difficult since, thanks to the news media... EVERYTHING involves politics. Can’t even discuss the weather without getting into politics. (Climate change)( the shy is falling! the Sky is falling).
And Kimo.... DOnt worry. TRUMP WILL BE BACK!!!

KimoRosen said...

Aloha Larry,
I hope you're right about Trump! And yes, not discussing politics is quite difficult. I'm just not supporting any local candidates publicly in the future...

Mele Kalikimaka, Be safe,

Garden Island News comments to my letter of response to Mark Perry said...

manawai June 15, 2022 8:09 am Reply
Go for it, Mr. Rosen! Ignore the haters!

Rev Dr Malama June 15, 2022 12:13 pm Reply
Touche Kimo, or whoever you are….
I have only respect and Aloha for you after you wrote about the bus stop angel….
God bless America!