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Saturday, April 2, 2011

" Sacrificial lambs for the loopholes of the ultra wealthy..."‏

Every-time one reads the paper or turns on the news we hear of  new taxes and new user fee's for things that were once free. Business's are closing their doors at record numbers, foreclosures are as normal as apple pie and our neighbors are going hungry.

We tolerate being groped at airports as TSA employee's enjoy looking at images of our private parts. Airlines are increasing fee's regularly and now charging for perks that were once part of flying, like meals, blankets, pillows and checked baggage. There is even talk of a fee to use the restrooms while flying.

There is a new tax on airport parking, no more funding for keiki programs like 'Head Start,' soda pop tax, medicare cuts, user fees for parks that were once free, a new garbage collection tax, car rental tax increases, drivers license fee increases, Vehicle registration increases and asking many county and state employees to take a pay-cut. These are only off the top of my head, there are many more.

Middle America everyday is facing financial-cuts, tax increases and price hikes on everything. How much longer can we as a country, state, city,county, island and neighbor endure beofore we totally collapse?

The News show '60 minutes' ran a segment of many large US corporations that do the majority of their business in the United States, but on paper show their corporate offices in Zug Switzerland and other foreign countries with a much lower than the approximate 35% tax base imposed  upon US Corporations headquartered in America.

America is loosing trillions of tax dollars a year allowing business's to work in the US and hold a corporate office in another country. Not only does America not get any tax money from these companies but other countries are getting rich of our inadequacies and stupidity.

If the tax base was lowered for corporate America and made illegal for these large corporations and their attorneys to avoid paying there fare share, we would not have to sacrifice the poor and middle class as the sacrificial lambs for the loopholes of the ultra wealthy.

No Longer should a large corporation be able to hold a P.O. Box in a foreign country and call that their country of origin,. It's time that corporate billionaires stop stealing and our politicians do what's pono (righteous) and bring justice back to the "land of the free and the home of the brave!"

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