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Monday, June 26, 2017

"Solving Honolulu's rail crisis..!" 'James "Kimo" Rosen (Kimo's world #194)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!
Ivanka is her first name and Obama is her last name
she is a bipartisan dog!
Above photo, James "Kimo" Rosen
and Kaua'i Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr.
at the 2017 Mayorathon, June 24, 2017

Blog #1947-Kimo's world #194
This blog also appeared as an opinion letter
July 4, 2017 in the Garden Island news;

Ivanka Obama inspecting the construction
of the elevated switchback spur
of the Pedestrian trail between
Kuhio Hwy and Mahelona

Solving Honolulu's rail crisis

A sudden epiphany overwhelmed me while watching the men and woman of the National guard working on the Hundley heights elevated switchback portion of the pedestrian trail from Kuhio Hwy to Mahelona on Kauai.
The National guardsman working on
the elevated switchback portion of
the Hundley Heights portion of
the pedestrian trail  from Kuhio Hwy
up to Mahelona Hospital. Mahalo
to Kauai Mayor Carvalho for arranging
all this labor compliments of Uncle Sam!

Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. has been very creative when funding ran out for the  continuance of the pedestrian trail. I don't know the details, or who was involved, or how he did it, but somehow got the National guard to finish a most complex trail system  with switchbacks to cut the high angle of the hike, all elevated and handrails making it  totally ADA approved. 

There are 50 National Guards men and woman a day providing labor for this project compliments of Uncle Sam.
Hawaii Struggles to Keep Rail Project From Becoming a Boondoggle
https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/21/us/hawaii-struggles-to-keep-rail-project-from-becoming-a-boondoggle.html  With this said, why can't the same concept be applied towards the financial crisis the state is going through with rail?
Feds could withhold construction funds if rail has no financial solution by July
Kauai Master mind Mayor
Bernard Carvalho Jr. figured out how
to get a financially drained job done,
and done well!  Carvalho above
with Ivanka Obama

 Are you listening Governor Ige, Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell,  and Senate President Kouchi? 
James "Kimo" Rosen  riding his bike
with Ivanka Obama and  Nechamadina
on the Kealia-Kapaa portion of the pedestrian trail

In case you missed it!
Mayor Carvalho will be sorely missed

Hana Hou, Encore!

Monday, June 19, 2017

"Sticks and stones and Bill Maher..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #193)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!
Ivanka is her first name and Obama is her last name
she is a bipartisan dog!

Blog #1946-Kimo's world #193

Sticks and stones and Bill Maher

Comedian Bill Maher apologized to his audience for using the "N" word in a recent episode of HBO's Real Time
after he used a racial epithet during an interview with Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb.

 Sasse — who was promoting his new book, The  Vanishing AmericanAdult — invited Maher to visit Nebraska after the two talked about how adults in California still dress up for Halloween. "We’d love to have you work in the fields with us,” the senator told the comic.

"Work in the fields?" Maher replied. "Senator, I am a house (N-word).
 The following week Maher had a show dedicated to apologizing for using the "N word."I did a bad thing," the host confessed to guest Michael Eric Dyson.
"For black folks, that word, I don't care who you are, it's caused pain. It doesn't matter that it was not said in malice, it caused pain and that's why I apologized."

Rapper and actor Ice Cube didn't let the host off as easily, jokingly telling him, "I knew you were gonna  mess up sooner or later. I love your show,
Bill Maher getting
a new one drilled
by Ice Cube
you got a great show, but you've been bucking up against that line a little bit. You've got a lot of black jokes."

Ice cube's lyrics are rampant with misogyny and homophobia. Hip hop culture is one of the greatest purveyors of gay hate. Is that okay? Can we make Ice cube go on an apology tour?

Funny how offended Ice Cube and other rap artists can get about the N word, which is bad of course--however in the same essence still refer to women as bitches, hoes and sluts. Maybe he and others should rethink what they say as well?

Like Ice Cube has never said something offensive or inappropriate? Give me a break. The guy built his career on it and he's lecturing Bill? Hate to say it but this is why Trump won. Take a lesson from the Donald as all liberals should, he doesn't bow to PC- BS.

Let me try and explain this; Jews can tell Jewish jokes, as a Jew I tell Jewish jokes-- but get offended when a gentile tells a Jewish joke.  My neighbor says as a woman, its the equivalent of calling your girlfriends bitches in an endearing manner but as soon as a man calls one of you a bitch, its on!  The N word is the same for black people, black people can say it,  but white people can't.

Maher has been a big proponent of black rights over the years. He made a mistake.

Use your words wisely, there are many hateful trolls wanting nothing more and gather joy from bringing people down. 

What ever happened to that expression my homies and I used as kids, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. " 

Maher always pushes the envelope, it's in his DNA

Hana Hou, Encore!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"Time to Lower political rhetoric..." James "Kimo" Rosen' (Breaking News addition of Kimo's world)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!
Ivanka is her first name and Obama is her last name
she is a bipartisan dog!

Blog #1945-Kimo's world #192
Publishers note;
This blog also appeared as an opinion piece on June 16, 2017 in the states largest newspaper, (The Honolulu-Star-Advertiser)
They have a paywall, I am therefore, copying and pasting for your viewing.;

Time to Lower political rhetoric 

It's time to lower the temperature
on the political rhetoric.  
What did you think would happen? With all the bickering, hate and civil discourse with many Americans not accepting Trump as President,  it was only a matter of time until a political assassination attempt would occur.
The shooting at the GOP baseball practice is a wake up call of what can happen and continue if Americans don't lower the political rhetoric. 
Congressman Scalise  was shot in
the hip during a baseball practice
for a charity ball game between
the republicans and democrats.
He is  said to be OK! Five others
were injured during the shootout before
 the gunman was taken down and killed.
The gunman is a former Bernie
 Sanders supporter.

Friends and family no longer speak to each other-- some are calling this America's second Civil war, although there is nothing civil about what's happening in America. America is on it's way to hell.  It's time to be one America. 

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Publishers note;
My blog about political rhetoric (this blog) is in the June 20, 2017 edition of the  Garden Island news after being in the Star-Advertiser, However the Garden Island news added "God" to the pledge of allegiance thanks to my friend Kuuleinani Napuanani Kaninau for pointing out that I left out "God" in my original pledge of allegiance.   Read the enclosed version, the best version yet appears in my favorite newspaper, The Garden Island news!  If you like this opinion piece please click recommend on the enclosed link!  Mahalo.  


...and then in the June 23,2017 edition of Honolulu Staradvertiser, (The states largest newspaper)  The writer is correct and when I submitted this same opinion article to the Garden Island news It did it indeed have 'God' in It.    My bad, they are right.  This was originally brought to my attention by friend,  Kuuleinani Napuanani Kaninau
(Copy and pasted for your viewing  since Staradvertiser has a paywall)
America prospers through faith in God

It is indeed time to tone down the vitriol in political rhetoric, as James Rosen points out (“Tone down vitriol in political rhetoric,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, June 16). This is a symptom of our greater problem in continually moving away from our foundations as a nation, as George Washington reminded us in his farewell address from the presidency: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” Rosen said it is time to be one America, but then leaves out God in quoting the Pledge of Allegiance. The correct wording is: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
May we as a people truly seek God’s blessing on America by living His way.
Frank Lutz- McCully-Moiliili

....And another Letter to the Editor in reply to this short opinion piece of mine just stating
that we need to tone things down, yet the left still insist it's all Trumps fault.?
Let’s discuss the issues, please---Garden Island News -June 27,2017

Hana Hou, Encore!

Monday, June 12, 2017

"A special call from a friend..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #191)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!
Ivanka is her first name and Obama is her last name
she is a bipartisan dog!

Blog #1944-Kimo's world #191

A special call from a friend

Last week I was contemplating putting this blog to rest. I have recently read articles about how  blogging has died and that most people  prefer linking  to and reading social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, Twitter and a new host of many I have never heard of.  People like the quick fix in their reading and gathering information as well as they like their quick fix in  fast food. 

I was sitting watching 'Judge Judy'
 when a friend I hadn't heard from in over a year called to tell me about a friend of his who can heal people and he had actually witnessed him shrink a woman's breast tumor.  This healer lives on Kauai's north shore and can charge $500.00 an hour for his services. My buddy told me he is getting into this healing himself. They offered this service to me for free should I decide to go for it.

He asked how my back and spine was, he called because he sensed something was up. (he's very intuitive, because something was up!) I told him I have been seeing a pain specialist and they are heavily recommending a spinal simulator, it's like a pacemaker for the spine. Basically the pain nerves
to my brain are blocked electronically with this implanted device connected by wires attached to my spinal cord. This is a break through technology. No future fusions or epidurals. I am researching all I can find and have not found any negative effects to this procedure?

My buddy tells me about forgiveness and a clean heart, forgive your haters and  those whom have wronged you, having negativity is a huge source of pain, disease and so much sickness.
 Many times when I write for the local paper, people comment and I am personally attacked.  Sure, I have grown a thick skin over the years but the cumulative effect of having people hate you, has made me into a hater. I was never a hater before in my life.  My blog is more controllable since I am the editor and delete any comments I don't like. 

I have made a conscious effort to truly forgive my haters even if they hate me, along with this attitude my friend prayed for a healing for my spine and general health which has not been so good for many years. 

That afternoon after our conversation my lower back and left leg pain had subsided!  I would prefer a healing over a device planted into my body.  Who knows, you know what they say,"The Lord works in mysterious ways."

My buddy may be on to something, haters can hate, but I refuse to play their  game. 

I wish to share with all of you an email I sent to the guest-bloggers of dakinetalk blog  last week. For the next two months there will be no guest-bloggers.

Aloha Guest-bloggers and readers of dakinetalk blog,
   Dakinetalk blog is slowing down.
   I am going to take a break from Guest bloggers for the month of June and July since I am sitting at the computer too long. Each blog is very time consuming to layout , post and follow up on. Each guest blog can take 2-3 hours from layout to post production of following up on comments.
   I will concentrate on Kimo's world every Monday and maybe not even every Monday, just as I feel for now.
   Time to enjoy the great outdoors,and stretch my back. Doctors orders to not sit so long, wish I could lay out blog on the iPhone.
   No submissions for now unless an alien ship lands at your back door or "The Donald personally visits you.  ;-)
   Mahalo for all the work you have done for the blog.
   Write on, and hope to get this going full time again in the near future.
James "Kimo" Rosen
Publisher, Blogger-n-chief-dakinetalk blog

Funniest SNL skit in a long time, to all my senior friends-- this is a must see! Guaranteed to have you Laughing out loud! ;-)The Amazon Echo Silver 
Check it out!

Hana Hou, Encore!

Mahalo to Unc for sending this Meme! 

Friday, June 9, 2017

"The 29th Annual Taste of Hawaii..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world # 190)

Kimo's world #190-Blog #1943

The 29th Annual Taste of Hawaii
Taste of Hawai'i-2017

Each picture is worth a thousand words!
The 'Taste of Hawai'i' is Kaua'i's signature event-
always happening the first Sunday in June.
Many visitors plan their vacations around this event.
Locals count the days until next years 'Taste' because of its popularity.
I do not believe there is a better event that happens anywhere anytime ever in the state of Hawai'i. If you have never been to the 'Taste of Hawai'i' mark your calendars for the  30th annual 'Taste of Hawai'i'-the first Sunday in June of 2018!
I am told there will be special events to mark the 30th Anniversary, how much more special can this event get?
Special thanks to the Rotary club of Kappa for organizing this great event and donating all proceeds to charity.
Folks, this is it! Life doesn't get much better!
Bon Appétit Broke Da mout and Wap da jaw!
James "Kimo" Rosen
Publisher/ Blogger-n-chief,dakinetalk blog

Check out the photo album of the 29th Taste of Hawai'i!

Chef Christopher Kim of the St Regis in Princeville along with his Sou chef prepares one of their signature dishes of Korean  Braised beef cheeks-Crispy rice, Kimchi slaw with a pineapple glaze.  The chef told me the beef cheeks are from Japanese cattle and are marinated and slow cooked for 13 hours.  This was definitely a favorite for many at the annual event including me!

Executive chef Sean Small
created his famous dish of Pork
adobo with cure egg yoke
and edible flowers
TheVoyager Lanai at
the Marriot courtyard
created another crowd pleaser
by head chef  Lucas Sautter
with the secret recipe for
Red Thai Coconut Curry Prawns.
The Lanai restaurant presents their gourmet
version of Loco Moco(Braised wagyu short rib, truffled risotto,
with a mini fried egg)  Comfort food heaven!   ;-)
Palate wine bar
makes homemade sausage
with mustard along with pickled carrots

All you can eat and drink!
Is everyone happy?

Mahalo Bartender!
Nattie Rhythm and sound
had the Taste rocking!
All ages love da Taste!
Dancing, eating, drinking, perfect weather,
great fellowship and Aloha, not only the ultimate
Sunday brunch, the ultimate best day all year
in the state of Hawai'i!  ;-)

Steve Dubey of Rumba De Fuego had the  people at the 29th annual Taste of Hawai'i
at Smiths Tropical Paradise on their feet working of all those calories 

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

For the 25th Taste back in 2013 I had a flip cam that I bought on closeout at Costco for only $25.00 and wound up getting it on KHON T.V.  with Joe Moore's nightly news out of Honolulu. Check it out. I was amazed what the guys in editing did with my video from a flip cam. Here it is. 

 Read dakinetalk blogs about  past Taste's of Hawai'i;
Taste of Hawai'i-2016, Each picture is worth a thousand words
For the complete photo gallery of the Taste of Hawai'i 2015 click on the link below;


2014-" A Taste of Google;
2013- "Eat Drink And Be Merry-All For Charity;
2012-A Taste of dakine;

Hana Hou-Encore-My favorite memory of any Taste!

The smartest couple I ever met at the Taste of Hawaii was
 back in 2015 at the 27th annual Taste.
They decided to get married at the Taste!
They brought to preacher and 4 close friends
and 100 bucks a pop and had all they could eat and drinlk
along with 6 musical bands from jazz to big band
, rock and roll.  These folks got married in style on
 a limited bufget and they will always remain in
my memory as the coolest couple. If I ever get married, not a bad idea!

Above photo back at 2015 Taste of Hawaii, Garden photographer extraordinaire Dennis Fujimoto interviews for his cover story newly married couple Mr. and Mrs. Turner