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Monday, November 18, 2019

"A new political dissertation-another name change for my dog..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #294)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

Sleeping Giant and Mt. Waialeale at sunset

Sunrise and Sunset photos October- November 2019
(These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
Photos courtesy,
James "Kimo" Rosen

Aloha Readers,
    I enjoy talking politics, however, like everything, it needs a break. Having a dog with a politician's name makes it a come-on for political debate and conversation every time somebody asks your dog's name. First, my dog was Obama, then
I changed her name to Ivanka, eventually to the bipartisan name of Ivanka Obama.  I needed to change the name again, I was going insane with people always wanting to debate and argue politics. Read my blog to find out what I finally changed her name to for the final time. The name she knows answers to and loves as much as me.
           God bless,
James "Kimo" Rosen   
Publisher/Blogger-n-chief~dakinetalk blog

Blog #2047~Kimo's world #294
A new political dissertation-another name change for my dog
 I take my dog everywhere and people will always ask her name. Her name used to be Obama,
then I changed it to Ivanka, eventually to the bipartisan name Ivanka Obama.   However, I am tired of having political debates every time a stranger asks my dog's name.

Because of my dog's name,
I have  debated many issues;
 Is it
OK for men to use women's restrooms?
Should men be allowed to marry men, should women be allowed to marry women?
Should our Keiki
be allowed to pick their own genders?
Should late-term abortions be legal, yet destroying a sea turtles egg could land you in jail?

George Orwell said,"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."
I am tired of being bombarded with political inquiries every time I answer the question of my
dog's name, therefore the final change.

My dog and I have gone to Costco every Monday for the last 10 years. She gets excited every time I say Costco.  Now when a stranger asks my dog's name,
I say ‘Costco,’they smile-- they don't ask me to repeat myself or challenge a civil debate or political argument. They give a euphoric smile and say, ‘Costco’ with a gleam in their eyes! Life sure feels good without discussing politics every time somebody asks my dog's name.
I then say, 'Costco, good girl,
let's go get a $1.50 hot dog at the out-door cafe which includes a refillable soft drink, and then walk inside to purchase a rotisserie chicken, and then wait patiently for our bus ride home.' This is my new political dissertation to all who ask, and it sure feels great!
For those getting their panties in a knot and believing my dog may have an identity crisis over all the name changes... I've alway's had the same personal nick-name for my dog since she was a wee pup that nobody knows but the two of us and a few close friends.

A must watch before it gets deleted---!MAGA-2020

Hana Hou,(Encore)


Mary said...

I like it!

Nicki P. said...

Plus you’ve never mentioned that your dog has an identity crisis with the names being called? What does Rover answer to?

KimoRosen said...

No identity crisis. I have a nickname name for her that’s between us that I’ve called her since day 1...

Harmony Bentosino said...

Poor Obama/Ivanka/Costco must be really perplexed why you keep changing her name, but as my dad always said, "Call me anything. Just don't call me late to dinner." Probably applies even more to dogs.

KimoRosen said...

Harmony Bentosino, What I failed to mention is I have a nickname for her, that I have always called her through all the name changes and since she was a wee pup. The names are for everyone but me. I have a pet name that is special between the two of us. So, she is anything but confused, just a very smart dog! ;-) OK, I will tell you the name if you're truly interested...

Harmony Bentosino said...

I am truly interested!

KimoRosen said...

OK, I call her "Boms" (Bommers) I have always called her Boms. Now you know my pet name between me and my dog. a few friends know and now everyone on this thread knows! ;-) The secret is out! ;-)